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Тема Полезни адреси на клиники в Германия за терапии на
Автор Юлия Тодорова (непознат )
Публикувано12.11.12 16:06  

Единственият достъпен за частни пациенти комбиниран скенер за MRI/PET e в Бремен и струва малко под 3,500 евро като прави едновременно двата скена и може да е от полза когато се търси къде има скрит тумор итн.И веднъж те облъчват.
При мен не се наложи нито това нито биоскопия както искаха от Токуда.
И въобще тази биоскопия толкова популярна тук у нас се смята за много инвазивна и се прави само в краен случай

From: "Prof. Dr. med. Christiane Franzius" <christiane-franzius@t-online.de>
Subject: Fw: WG: Your MR/PET-Examination
Date: November 1, 2012 4:53:23 PM GMT+02:00
To: yt@mail.orbitel.bg
Cc: "Dr. Markus Lentschig" <markus.lentschig@t-online.de>
Reply-To: christiane.franzius@t-online.de

Dear Mrs. Todorova,
yesterday we talked about dates for the MRI/PET scan next week. We can offer you:
5.11.12 monday 9:30 a.m.
7.11.12 wednesday 8 a.m.
8.11.12 thursday 8:30 a.m.
9.11.12 friday 8 a.m.

Please let us know some days in advance, which date you would prefer, as we have to order the radioactive material FDG in advance individually for each patient. Then we can tell you where to come in the morning.

Attached and below you can find the cost calculation again. Yesterday my collegue used a wrong email adress. You need to pay this amount in cash when we do the examination, because we have no possibility to charge it on credit card.
Please do not hesitate to ask, if you have some questions.

Best regards
Christiane Franzius

Prof. Dr. med. Christiane Franzius
Zentrum f&#252;r morphologische und molekulare Diagnostik

MR- und PET/CT
St. J&#252;rgen Stra&#223;e 1, 28177 Bremen
MR- und MR/PET
Schwachhauser Heerstra&#223;e 63 A, 28211 Bremen

christiane-franzius@t-online.de www.zemodi.de

Von: Dr. med. Markus Lentschig - Zemodi Schwachhauser Heerstra&#223;e <markus.lentschig@zemodi.de>
An: <christiane.franzius@t-online.de>
Betreff: WG: Your MR/PET-Examination
Datum: Thu, 01 Nov 2012 14:55:03 +0100

Von: Dr. med. Markus Lentschig - Zemodi Schwachhauser Heerstra&#223;e [mailto:markus.lentschig@zemodi.de]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 31. Oktober 2012 11:00
An: 'yt@mail.orbital.bg'
Betreff: Your MR/PET-Examination

Dear Mr. Todorova,

you have spoken to my colleague Christiane Franzius about a MR/PET-Examination. Please notice the attachment of our estimate of costs. You need to pay this amount in cash when we do the examination, because we have no possibility to charge it on credit card.

Christiane Franzius will call you by phone in addition today!

Best regards

Markus Lentschig

Dr. med. Markus Lentschig


Zentrum f&#252;r Moderne Diagnostik


Schwachhauser Heersstra&#223;e 63 a

D-28211 Bremen

Fon +49 421 69641-600

Fax +49 421 69641-649

Аз започнах хемоемболизация при проф. Фогл контакти тук ако някой има нужда
отговаря на всичките ми запитвания веднага действа на момента разбира се аз се забавих цял месец с отиването там слушайки глупости тук
Суветвам ви винаги да вземете второ мнение, консултацията е безплатна.
Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Thomas J. Vogl
Direktor des Instituts f&#252;r Diagnostische und Interventionelle Radiologie
Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universit&#228;t Frankfurt/Main
Theodor-Stern-Kai 7
D-60596 Frankfurt am Main
Tel.: +49 (0)69 6301-7277
Fax: +49 (0)69 6301-7258
Mobil: (0172) 810 6687
E-Mail: Sekretariat: heidi.scheffer-lenk@kgu.de
E-Mail: T.Vogl@em.uni-frankfurt.de
Internet: www.radiologie-uni-frankfurt.de

Thomas J. Vogl, MD
Professor and Chairman, Department of Diagostic and Interventional Radiology
Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt/Main
Theodor-Stern-Kai 7
D-60596 Frankfurt/Main
университетска клиника тубинген също ми отговори бързо за разлика от всички тукашни онколози които искат да отидеш на място дори сега открих че исул онкология са публикували консултация с доц която вече е починала.
Dear Youlia,

thank you very much for keeping us posted! I informed Dr. Schwenzer about your current plans in the meantime.
We hope, the chemoembolisation works well for you - and destructive on your liver metastases.

All the best to you

Dr. rer. nat. Petra H&#252;sken-Hindi

>>> Youlia Todorova <youlia.l.t@gmail.com> 10.11.2012 14:16 >>>
Dear Petra
Thank you very much for your assistance.
I started a chemoembolization with Frankfurt University hospital few days ago as my tumors turned to be very agressive and that is the only available option I have.
Thank yo very much
Kind Regards Youlia Todorova

On Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 4:05 PM, Krebswegweiser <Krebswegweiser@med.uni-tuebingen.de> wrote:
Dear Mrs. Todorova,
thank you for your e-mail and phone calls. I just found out that it is indeed possible for private patients to schedule an appointment for the PET-MR at our hospital. It will cost several thousand euros. Therefore I forwarded your e-mail to Dr. Schwenzer who is in charge of the device. She will probably contact you as soon as she studied your case and decided on the next steps.
There is a public holiday in Germany tomorrow, so please don't expect the reply too soon.
There are numerous oncologists at The University Hospital of T&#252;bingen who will be able to give you a recommendation for the best possible treatment.
SIRT treatments are being performed here on a regular basis.
Please contact us again in case you have no answer from Dr. Schwenzer a week from today.
Best regards
Petra H&#252;sken-Hindi

S&#252;dwestdeutsches Tumorzentrum
Comprehensive Cancer Center T&#252;bingen
„Krebswegweiser T&#252;bingen“
Otfried-M&#252;ller-Stra&#223;e 10
72076 T&#252;bingen
Telefon: 07071/29-87000
Telefax: 07071/29-5225


Suchen Sie stets das pers&#246;nliche Gespr&#228;ch mit Ihrem Arzt! Der Kontakt mit „Krebswegweiser T&#252;bingen“ ersetzt in keinem Fall das Gespr&#228;ch mit den behandelnden &#196;rzten, Experten oder Psychologen. Wir stellen keine Ferndiagnosen und bewerten keine Diagnostik oder Therapievorschl&#228;ge.

Die Nennung von einzelnen Adressen und Links schlie&#223;t nicht aus, dass es weitere geeignete Ansprechpartner und Informationsquellen gibt. Wir bem&#252;hen uns zwar stets, Adressen und Links aktuell, richtig und vollst&#228;ndig zu halten, k&#246;nnen jedoch keine Gew&#228;hr f&#252;r deren Aktualit&#228;t, Richtigkeit und Vollst&#228;ndigkeit geben. Die Verantwortung f&#252;r die Inhalte externer Links liegt ausschlie&#223;lich beim Betreiber.

Erhebung, Speicherung und Nutzung: Uns zur Verf&#252;gung gestellte Daten zur Person werden nur zum Zweck der Beantwortung Ihrer Anfrage gespeichert. Eine Nutzung dar&#252;ber hinaus erfolgt nicht oder nur anonymisiert. Nachdem sie ihren jeweiligen Zweck erf&#252;llt haben, werden die Daten unverz&#252;glich gel&#246;scht.
Weitergabe: Unsere Krebswegweiser-Mitarbeiter unterliegen der Schweigepflicht. Eine Datenweitergabe erfolgt nur mit Ihrem Einverst&#228;ndnis, nur im erforderlichen Ma&#223; und nur an beteiligte Spezialisten im Klinikum.
>>> Youlia Todorova <yt@mail.orbitel.bg> 30.10.2012 20:41 >>>
To Comprehensive Cancer Center T&#252;bingen
from Youlia Todorova, Sofia, Bulgaria

Dear Sir,
I am 40 years old and I have a CT from 25 SEP 2012 showing multiple metastases on the liver and lesions on the lung.
Tumor marker CA 15-3 = 84.7; CA 19-9 = 62,54;CEA - 6,8.
I like to request you whether I can make MRI/PET scan hybrid diagnosis with you and then have consultation with oncologist to get recommendation based on results about most suitable therapy for me.
So far I followed herbal treatment for the last 4 weeks and do not have definite diagnosis.
I have just received opinion from Rinecker Proton Therapy Center Munich that I am not suitable for their Proton therapy because of the multiple metastases of the liver based on my CT scan and blood test only.They recommend to have a Chemoembolisa or SIRT.
My liver is augmented and hard.
You can upload my CT from following links if you need to http://airsofia.com/yt/YouliaTodorova1.rar
Please be so kind to advise me on your availability for my diagnosis options - is it better to have MRI/PET hybrid or MRI and PET separetly?
I will be covering medical expenses privetly
Awaiting your kind reply
Kind Regards
Youlia Todorova
email: youlia.l.t@gmail.com

Цялата тема
* Полезни адреси на клиники в Германия за терапии на Юлия Тодорова   12.11.12 16:06
. * Re: Полезни адреси на клиники в Германия за терапии на *jull**   12.11.12 18:07
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