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Тема Re: ПРАВИЛА НА КЛУБА! [re: vesela.bg]
АвторThea (Нерегистриран) 
Публикувано03.08.06 14:27  

Беше ми зададен въпрос какво може да означава комбинацията от букви и цифри в епикризата за установения тумор.
Намерих информация, която мисля че би била от интерес.
Ако считаш, че ще бъде полезна, можеш да откриеш нова тема или да я поставиш където прецениш.
Прилагам извадка за това, което намерих за значенията.

In the TNM system, each cancer is assigned a T, N, and M category.

The T category describes the original (primary) tumor.

TX means the tumor can't be measured or found.
T0 means there is no evidence of primary tumor.
Tis means the cancer is in situ (the tumor has not started growing into the surrounding structures).
The numbers T1–T4 describe the size and/or level of invasion into nearby structures. The higher the T number, the larger the size of the tumor and/or the further it may have grown into nearby structures.
The N category describes whether or not the cancer has reached nearby lymph nodes.

NX means the nearby lymph nodes can't be measured or found.
N0 means nearby lymph nodes do not contain cancer.
The numbers N1–N3 describe the size, location, and/or the number of lymph nodes involved. The higher the N number, the more involved the lymph nodes are.
The M category tells whether there are distant metastases (spread of cancer to other parts of body).

MX means metastasis can't be measured or found.
M0 means there are no known distant metastases.
M1 means that distant metastases are present.
Each cancer type has its own classification system, so letters and numbers don't always mean the same thing for every kind of cancer. For example, for some cancers, classifications may have subcategories, such as T3a and T3b, while others may not have an N3 category.

Stage Grouping
Once the T, N, and M are determined, they are combined, and an overall "stage" of I, II, III, or IV is assigned. (Sometimes these stages are subdivided as well, using letters such as IIIA and IIIB.)

For example, a T1, N0, M0 breast cancer would mean that the primary breast tumor is less than 2 cm across (T1), does not have lymph node involvement (N0), and has not spread to distant parts of the body (M0). This cancer would be grouped as a stage I cancer.

A T2, N1, M0 breast cancer would mean that the cancer is more than 2 cm but less than 5 cm across (T2), has reached only the lymph nodes in the underarm area (N1), and has not spread to distant parts of the body. This cancer would be grouped as stage IIB.

Stage I cancers are the least advanced and often have a better prognosis (outlook for survival). Higher stage cancers are often more advanced but in many cases can still be treated successfully.

Other Staging Systems
Staging systems other than the TNM system are often used for lymphomas, some childhood cancers, and cancers in some female reproductive organs.

For example, if a woman was first diagnosed with "stage II breast cance," but the cancer now has spread to the bones, the cancer is called "stage II breast cancer with recurrent disease in the bones" (if the cancer went away with treatment) or "stage II breast cancer with metastasis in the bones" (if the cancer never went away completely). This is not "stage IV breast cancer". A stage IV breast cancer refers to a cancer that has already spread to a distant part of the body when it is first diagnosed. A person keeps the same diagnosis stage, but more information is added to the diagnosis to explain the current disease status. (The treatment of a stage II cancer with metastasis and a stage IV cancer may be the same, however.)

This is important to understand because survival statistics and treatment by stage information on specific cancer types refer to the stage when the cancer was first diagnosed. The survival statistics related to stage II breast cancer that has recurred in the bones may not be the same as the survival statistics for stage IV breast cancer.

Sometimes, after a period of remission (cancer being undetectable) for certain cancers, if more treatment is planned, a doctor might restage the cancer. This will mean going through the same process that was done when the cancer was first diagnosed: exams, imaging tests, biopsies, and possibly surgery to restage the cancer. If the cancer is restaged, the new stage will be recorded with a lower case "r" before the restaged designation. This is not often done.

Цялата тема
* ПРАВИЛА НА КЛУБА! КИРИЛИЦАТА Е ЗАДЪЛЖИТЕЛНА! vesela.bgМодератор   01.07.06 13:44
. * Re: Правила на клуба! vesela.bg   01.07.06 14:15
. * Re: Правила на клуба! виoлeтa   02.07.06 15:44
. * Re: Правила на клуба! otchaqnia   21.12.07 20:43
. * Re: Правила на клуба! vesela.bg   21.12.07 22:02
. * Re: Правила на клуба! andi wokiran sym   03.02.08 00:17
. * Re: Правила на клуба! TheSun/cлънчицe/   02.07.06 20:24
. * Re: Правила на клуба! mia   03.07.06 19:21
. * Re: Правила на клуба! vesela.bg   04.07.06 01:26
. * Re: Правила на клуба! mia   04.07.06 15:15
. * Re: Правила на клуба! vesela.bg   04.07.06 15:31
. * нещо не се получава wild   04.07.06 13:54
. * Re: нещо не се получава vesela.bg   04.07.06 14:00
. * Re: нещо не се получава wild   04.07.06 14:17
. * Разсърден модератор! vesela.bg   06.07.06 02:03
. * не може да се открие нова тема инep   12.07.06 12:53
. * Re: не може да се открие нова тема TH   19.07.06 12:42
. * Re: не може да се открие нова тема vesela.bg   19.07.06 12:53
. * Re: не може да се открие нова тема mera_63   31.01.09 21:37
. * Re: не може да се открие нова тема Юлия 48   31.01.09 21:52
. * Re: ПРАВИЛА НА КЛУБА! sontek   19.07.06 23:35
. * Re: ПРАВИЛА НА КЛУБА! nani_na   01.08.06 18:01
. * Re: ПРАВИЛА НА КЛУБА! vesela.bg   02.08.06 13:57
. * Re: ПРАВИЛА НА КЛУБА! nani_na   02.08.06 14:41
. * Re: ПРАВИЛА НА КЛУБА! feniks_m   02.08.06 16:57
. * Re: ПРАВИЛА НА КЛУБА! vesela.bg   03.08.06 18:00
. * Re: ПРАВИЛА НА КЛУБА! Thea   06.10.06 15:12
. * Re: ПРАВИЛА НА КЛУБА! Thea   03.08.06 14:27
. * Re: ПРАВИЛА НА КЛУБА! vesela.bg   03.08.06 15:24
. * Re: ПРАВИЛА НА КЛУБА! Thea   03.08.06 16:28
. * Re: ПРАВИЛА НА КЛУБА! vesela.bg   03.08.06 16:31
. * Re: ПРАВИЛА НА КЛУБА! andi wokiran sym   03.02.08 00:49
. * Нали не ви е проблем.... vesela.bg   14.11.06 00:39
. * Re: ПРАВИЛА НА КЛУБА! stekino   14.03.07 00:04
. * Re: ПРАВИЛА НА КЛУБА! Mese4inka   25.04.07 11:57
. * Re: ПРАВИЛА НА КЛУБА! vesela.bg   25.04.07 12:01
. * Re: ПРАВИЛА НА КЛУБА! Mese4inka   25.04.07 12:03
. * Re: ПРАВИЛА НА КЛУБА! vesela.bg   25.04.07 12:08
. * Re: ПРАВИЛА НА КЛУБА! dokтop Mиxaйлoв   20.04.07 22:14
. * Re: ПРАВИЛА НА КЛУБА! andi wokiran sym   03.02.08 00:37
. * Re: ПРАВИЛА НА КЛУБА! vesela.bg   03.02.08 14:38
. * Re: ПРАВИЛА НА КЛУБА! eliza777   25.04.07 22:32
. * Re: ПРАВИЛА НА КЛУБА! vesela.bg   26.04.07 02:52
. * Re: ВИЗИТНИК nat   09.11.07 10:07
. * Re: ВИЗИТНИК vesela.bg   09.11.07 20:17
. * рак на панкреаса kalimann_ika   04.07.07 23:37
. * Re: рак на панкреаса vesela.bg   04.07.07 23:40
. * Re: ПРАВИЛА НА КЛУБА! siami   14.09.07 10:01
. * Re: ПРАВИЛА НА КЛУБА! vesela.bg   14.09.07 10:26
. * Re: ПРАВИЛА НА КЛУБА! Фaни   29.12.07 16:12
. * Re: ПРАВИЛА НА КЛУБА! vesela.bg   31.12.07 15:59
. * Re: ПРАВИЛА НА КЛУБА! nam   06.01.08 22:59
. * Re: ПРАВИЛА НА КЛУБА! vesela.bg   06.01.08 23:09
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