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Тема Re: ELDI олио - диета Будвиг? [re: vesela.bg]
АвторSneja (Нерегистриран) 
Публикувано10.03.07 23:10  

Dr. J. Budwig Eldi Oel R (Eldi Oil R): Application
Two times a day, i.e. morning and evening, rub Eldi Oil R into the skin over the whole body, a bit more intensively on the shoulders (armpits), breast and groin (where the lymphatic vessels are) and also on the problem areas, like for instance the breast, stomach, liver, etc. Leave the oil on the skin for about 15-20 minutes. Then take a warm shower without soap. Then follow up with another shower, this time using a mild soap. Then rest for 15-20 minutes.
The purpose of the shower, after the body has been oiled and the Eldi Oil has penetrated the skin, is that the warm water opens the pores so that the oil can penetrate a bit deeper into the skin. The second shower, this time with soap, is for skin surface cleaning so that clothes and linen will not become soiled too much.
Always use the Eldi Oil R in connection with the Oil-Protein Diet (Budwig Diet) and do this consistently, even if it seems difficult at times. The Oil-Protein Diet together with Eldi Oil is a helpful method to improve problems and illnesses long term.
The Eldi Oils in small bottles with 95 ml content are all perfumed and contain, like Eldi Oil R, only highly unsaturated fatty acids, but they are too expensive to be used for the whole body. They are meant to be used this way for example:
Eldi Oel photo activ (photo active) only for the face.
Eldi Oel Rose for a woman’s body (rose oil).
Eldi Oel herb neu (tart new) for a man’s body (tart scent).
Eldi Oel H-activ (H-active) only for the breast region (heart) etc.

Eldi Oel balsamicum Salbei (balsamic sage) is only for oil packs.
Take pure cotton 100% or a cotton cloth. Cut these to size for the body part, for example the knee. Soak the cotton, place on the knee, cover the cotton with a plastic sheet and wrap it all with an elastic bandage. Leave it on for the night. Remove it in the morning and wash the knee. Repeat it in the evening and do this for weeks. You can also use Eldi Oil R for these local applications. The oil pack is only suited for local problems (no metastases).

Цялата тема
* ELDI олио - диета Будвиг? Netia   24.02.07 14:59
. * Re: ELDI олио - диета Будвиг? Sneja   06.03.07 16:22
. * Re: ELDI олио - диета Будвиг? Neti   06.03.07 17:22
. * Re: ELDI олио - диета Будвиг? Sneja   07.03.07 20:50
. * Re: ELDI олио - диета Будвиг? Sneja   10.03.07 11:08
. * Re: ELDI олио - диета Будвиг? feniks_m   10.03.07 14:17
. * Re: ELDI олио - диета Будвиг? hadjiatabg   10.03.07 15:29
. * Re: ELDI олио - диета Будвиг? Netia   10.03.07 16:23
. * Re: ELDI олио - диета Будвиг? vesela.bg   10.03.07 17:47
. * Re: ELDI олио - диета Будвиг? Sneja   10.03.07 23:10
. * Re: ELDI олио - диета Будвиг? goodlifewoman   17.11.07 21:03
. * Re: ELDI олио - диета Будвиг? Sneja   10.03.07 23:12
. * Re: ELDI олио - диета Будвиг? Sneja   10.03.07 23:17
. * Re: ELDI олио - диета Будвиг? Sneja   19.03.07 20:07
. * адрес и др.Re: ELDI олио - диета Будвиг? Димaнa   19.05.07 09:44
. * адрес и др.Re: ELDI олио - диета Будвиг? Snejana   19.05.07 15:11
. * адрес за полуване на ELDI олио - диета Будвиг? goodlifewoman   17.11.07 21:06
. * Re: адрес за полуване на ELDI олио - диета Будвиг? Snejana   22.11.07 15:48
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