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Тема ей хънтъре колко му даваш на тоя?
Автор ~@!$^%*amp;()_+ (целия горен ред)
Публикувано06.03.15 04:53  

като му чета резюмето направо си викам, да земат сички да ни изволнат и да го назначат на наше място

Looking for a challenging embedded software engineering position where I can use my expertise in programming real time multi-threaded time critical systems.

Senior Software Engineer/Trouble Shooter:
• who’s demonstrated meeting difficult deadlines and thrives on working under pressure;
• who's an exceptionally fast learner – demonstrated by completing a 14 day self-paced course on self-paced instruction in four hours (at IIET) and completing seven Department of Homeland Security computer security certification courses (58 hours average) in a single weekend.
• who’s found logically artistic solutions where others saw only problems;
• who sees no problems, only challenges and opportunities;
• who’s written firmware/and system software from bit-slice through micros to minis;
• who’s employed languages from micro-code and assembly to visual basic and C++;
• who loves all stages of life cycle from coming up with ideas for new products through manufacturing and after sales support;
• who helps hardware engineers bring up boards: reads data sheets, schematic diagrams and uses tools (multimeter, scope, logic analyzer, ice, JTAG) to debug;
• who is confident in problematic situations and debugging code written by others using any available tools;
• equally adept at working in the lab as well as working in an office environment;
• excels in interfacing with customers and application and service engineers;

I’ve programmed in the following languages and environments:
Languages High Level:
C/C++, Objective C, Visual C++, php, Java, PASCAL, FORTRAN, LISP, PROLOG, BASIC, Visual BASIC, C#

Languages Assembly:
ARM, ARM thumb, 80X86, 680X0, AMD 29000, AMD2900, 8051, Z-80, 6800, 6802, 6809, 6811, 6502, PIC, PDP-11 (MACRO-11), CP1600, WD16, 360BAL, NEAT399

Operating Systems (RTOS + Linux) Used in Embedded Systems:
Embedded Linux, Embedded Android, Keil RL-RTX, Safari, AMOS, Nucleus, MQX, AMX, RSX, Windows CE, RMX386ex, RMX286, RMX51, PeerlessPage, PowerTV, VxWorks, MSTV

Other Operating Systems Used in Servers or Development:
Android, UNIX, Linux, SunOS, Solaris, SCO, MAC OS X, Windows NT, Windows 2K, Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 3.1, DOS, RT11, TSX, VMS

Development tools:
Keil ARM tool set, Keil 8051 compiler, Arium ARM ETM toolset, ARM RVDS 4.1, TI Code Composer Studio 5, Freescale CodeWarrior, Visual Studio (6 through 2012), Cypress PsoC creator, IAR ARM compiler (IAR embedded workbench), DS5 ARM tool set, yocto, bitbake, Android repo, ADB, wish tcl, Visual Sourcesafe, SVN, GIT, GCC (ARM, PPC, x86), DBG, eclipse, XAMP, cygwin, Xcode, IOS, Mplab, PCLint, QT Creator, VM VirtualBox, QEMU, Code Composer Studio, Arduino IDE

Low Level:
SAS, SATA, BSD sockets, Winsoc, Windows CE serial driver, Ser./par. Communication, RS-232, RS-485, I2C, SPI, PWM, CAN, SLIP, ROS, GPRS, A/D, VME, S100, PC-104, DSP, TCP/IP, UDP/IP, DNS, ARP, HTTP, I.E.E.E. 1394 (Firewire) DV, USB, Wi-Fi 802.11b., GPRS, SMS

ICE, logic analyzer, Wireshark, Ethernet sniffer, USB analyzer, Firewire (I.E.E.E. 1394) analyzer, RS232 analyzer, oscilloscope, parallel port analyzer, Arium Arm ETM analyzer, XGIG SAS packet analyzer

MPEG2, Wavelet Video Compression, Set Top Box development.

Other CPUS used but not in assembly:
ARM Cortex A-15, ARM Cortex-R4, ARM Cortex-M3, ARM Cortex-M4, MSP430, Embedded Power PC, MIPS, i960

Scripting & Other Tools:
html/xhtml, HTML5, CSS3, javascript, Wordpress, Camtasia, Dreamweaver, Roxio Creator, Phpmyadmin, Cpanel, jquery, Qt, QML, Python, tcl, bash, Tkinter, UML

Saved Projects:
• After many hours of single stepping through ARM C++ and assembly code (with the help of an ARM expert) managed to get final clue to allow postmortem debug in manufacturing environment.
• Reverse engineered a legacy DOS/Nucleus RTOS based PC-104 system allowing the delivery of $4,500,000 products to China as well as much more in the USA and rest of the world.
• Used listening skills, experimentation in the lab, as well as very strong physics and mathematics background to discover why embedded product acted differently in the field and came up with appropriate algorithms to compensate for temperature changes.
• Used strong test skills to notice reason for bad data from GLC (gas liquid chromatography) machine and then used excellent chemistry and mathematics knowledge to develop correct algorithm to give right data.
• Pulled an all-nighter and capped it off with a little diplomacy to save an 18-month $750,000 international project.
• Jump-started a $2 million project that was on hold due to bugs by working through Christmas vacation rewriting 6000 lines of code to less than 500.
• Saved $200,000 and won a $600,000 project by designing and programming a fault tolerant system which integrated fifty- year-old railroad equipment with modern digital systems.
• Designed and programmed operating system for consumer electronics product in one month when previous team had failed in six months, stopping the cancellation of the product.

Beating Difficult Deadlines:
• After 6 months of failed attempts (by another software engineer), I wrote a TCP/IP Winsock Windows CE module in a month.
• Project managed the production of world’s largest Train Control System.
• Dodged project cancellation by debugging a gas analyzer (CO2) using only four printf variables (to console) each time burning new EPROMs in less than a week.
• After 2 months of failed attempts (by another software engineer), I designed and programmed a demo tape drive emulation system in two days, meeting a major Navy deadline.
• Completed emulation of Navy terminal in four days, beating the deadline and obtaining the next milestone payment.
• Designed and programmed five demo video games over a long week-end in time for a consumer electronics show.
• Moved thirty seven Wordpress blogs from one host to another in less than forty eight hours
• In one week, altered the php code of Wordpress core to, reduced by 400,00 (a 90% reduction) the number of Inodes to below the 50,000 maximum allowed by the hosting company.
• Designed and developed an Intellivision add-on executive program in one month after previous senior engineer had failed in six months.

Computer Graphics/Machine Vision:
• Met the design spec by implementing a five-fold reduction in rendering time via 9 lines of code
• Increased inspection through-put by 100% via micro-code and an image translation system
• Designed/programmed first video-game system changer & world’s first instant replay feature
• Designed a graphic engine allowing interactive manipulation of photorealistic animation on PCs
• Designed and programmed more than 50 real time transitions including simulated 3-D page turns using 2-D transformations for the award winning Screenplay non-linear editing machine
• Discovered and used novel VGA graphics routines to produce a 4:1 compression and no disc access. Designed and programmed a new VGA palette reduction system allowing use of single ideal palette for multiple images

Alpine USA, Torrance, CA Sr. Embedded Linux Software Engineer 2014-Jun Present
• Building Embedded Linux for the TI Jacinto6 EVM board (GLSDK, yocto, bitbake, ARM crosstools).
• Built Android 4.4 (KitKat) for TI Jacinto6 (ARM Cortex A-15) board.
• Built Lxc (linux containters) for above embedded Linux and tested with busybox.
• Running embedded Android in Linux Lxc – Android internals.
• Demonstrated how sounds could be played invisibly in embedded WebKit QT in embedded Linux using lighthttpd and HTML5.
• Applying TI patches from Android touchscreen driver to build Linux driver. Had to analyze kernel panic to debug TI provided driver and dts/dtb file.
• Altering embedded kernel and rebuilding kernel as needed by the application software engineers.
• Support to application engineers to go from Qt4.8 on Spectrum Digital Jacinto 6 EVM board to Qt5.2.1 on Mentor Graphics Xse Jacinto 6 EVM board on TI GLSDK yocto embedded Linux.
• Change C video capture program to produce mirror image video.
• Liaise with Alpine Japan and Alpine Europe in development of Mentor Graphics Xse Jacinto 6 based Automotive Infotainment system (making sure software developed in three sites worked together and suggesting changes as the system was being designed).
• Provide turnkey Ubuntu Virtual Machine to application engineers for embedded Linux Qt development.

Springer Design, Lead Software Engineer, Dublin, CA 2014-Feb 2014-Mar
• Developed Freescale MQX Flextimer PWM driver (ARM Coretx-M4).
• Developed IEC 60601-1-8 audible alarm for MRI patient monitoring system.

Vubiq – Firmware Engineer, Irvine, CA 2013-May 2013-Dec.
• Modified NHL “GoalCam” PsoC3 (programmable system on chip - 8051) firmware for new 60 GHz microwave millimeter wave guide.
• Modified user interface to 60 GHz millimeter microwave Waveguide Development System.
• Developing TI ARM embedded Linux BSP (board support package) using open embedded, Yocto project, Arago project, Bitbake, and poky reference platform.
• Built Gentoo Linux and open source ARM cross-tools (portage, emerge).
• Built QEMU and Arago based ARM emulator.
• Developed and tested algorithms to convert short distance (less than 10km) GPS longitude, latitude, altitude values to stepper motor control values to point two 60 GHz antennae to each other (Python) as start of developing 60 GHz mm wave microwave back-haul (Carrier Ethernet) project.
• Designed and wrote software to test stepper motor 3D directional pointing of 60 GHz horn antenna using PsoC Creator PsoC5 (ARM cortex-m3 – HID USB, VS 2012 C++/CLI GUI).
• Developed bounded Gaussian random walk algorithm to simulate needed movement of antenna under windy conditions and wrote software for above (ARM cortex-m3 GCC c).

HGST – Firmware Manufacturing Integration Software Engineer, San Jose, CA 2012-Nov 2013-April
• Failure Analysis of IPMR (indirect-mapped parallel magnetic recording – next generation of enterprise discs) Hard Disks during manufacturing process.
• Debug of firmware issues through examination of postmortem ETM traces, log dumps, single step debug using Arium (ARM JTAG ICE) and Sourcepoint symbolic debugger.
• Coding and production of test software for various manufacturing teams.
• Checking different releases of code before release to manufacturing QA.
• Liaising between firmware development and manufacturing and quality assurance teams. Acting as filter and passing relevant information to different teams. Working with multidisciplinary teams across the globe (MN, CA, CO, Japan, Singapore).
• Helped train engineers from Singapore.
HGST – Firmware Failure Analysis Software Engineer, Rochester, MN 2012-Jun- Nov
• Failure Analysis of high capacity Enterprise Hard Disks with SAS (Serial Attached SCSI) and SATA (Serial ATA) attachments.
• Internal tests are written in tcl and C++. Vendor tests are black box. Firmware in C++ (about 350,000 lines of code). Potential failing tests are reported to our team. We check the test code, use analysis tools, produce especial firmware to determine cause of failure (test code, firmware, hardware component) and pass to correct team or correct appropriately.
• The failure analysis is multidisciplinary detective work – needing huge teamwork with test engineers and development engineers (firmware, test development, analogue, mechano-magnetic, servo, motor-control) in multiple locations on two continents.
• Much analysis is done using ETM (embedded trace module of ARM Cortex-R4) traces and ARM assembly even though the code itself in written in C++.

AeroVironment – Embedded Software Engineer, Monrovia, CA 2011-Jan 2012
• Design and development of chargers for electric and plugin hybrid cars (Keil ARM tool set, C).
• Ported charger code from 110v to 220v for foreign markets (Keil ARM tool set, C).
• Helped junior software engineer in porting DOS/Nucleus PC-104 to new PC-104 board with different IO configuration (DOS, Nucleus RTOS, HC386, tasm, reverse engineering with scope, logic analyzer).
• Found very subtle single line bug in top of line battery charger/tester allowing continuation of shipment of $17,000,000 product line (Nucleus RTOS, 68HC11 assembly) .
• Discovered cause of zero current drift in battery monitoring system. Designed and developed supervised machine learning algorithms to compensate for temperature changes and auto-calibrate current sensor ADC (Keil ARM RXT-RL RTOS, C++, ARM assembly).
• Designed and developed an SMS (text messaging) system for inquiry, monitoring and calibration of embedded system.

Life Focus Center – App Development - Hacienda Heights CA June 2010-2011
• Design and development of Iphone/Ipad apps (Xcode, IOS, Objective C, Mac OS X, C/C++)
• Working on website revision (HTML5).

Life Focus Center – Consultant - Hacienda Heights CA 2004- May 2010
• Set up website, Wi-Fi network, purchase computer systems
• Record and edit audio and video.
• Minor php programming changes to Wordpress Core (phpmyadmin, php, MySQL)
• Setup XAMP for website development/test/debug on windows machine and then transfer to ISP host. (Windows XP, Vista, 7, Linux)

Canon Development Americas – Sr. Software Engineer - Irvine CA 2000-2004
• Designed and implemented network printing and scanning protocols for Canon MP375R networked SOHO MFP (small office/home office multifunction printer). (C/C++)
• Implemented an LPD print server. (C/C++ UDP/IP)
• Converted local MFP to wireless controlled (802.11b) network MFP. (C/C++)
• Ported a Canon print driver to Scientific Atlanta set top box. Helped in design and implementation of PowerTV print sub-system. Maintained print driver on various set top boxes using VxWorks. MSTV operating systems. (C/C++, PowerTV)
• Improved throughput via a multi-threaded “load balancer” running on an SunOS which distributed printing among remote servers (on cable head) according to load. (C/C++, UNIX, POSIX threads)
• Implemented and designed a client/server print error recovery system on Scientific Atlanta set top box and UNIX host. (C, UNIX, PowerTV)

Diebold Campus Systems – Sr. Firmware Engineer - Long Beach CA 1999-2000
• Programmed a Windows CE based value card dispenser/loader. Included TCP/IP Winsock, RS-485, Multi-Drop Bus, Card Reader, Bill Acceptor, Card Dispenser, rewrote the serial driver (Windows CE, TCP/IP, MFC, CE Platform Builder, BSP – board support package)

Applied Magic - Sr, Software Engineer - Carlsbad 1998-1999
• Programmed 50 transitions for a none linear editing machine including simulation of 3-D page turns by use of 2-D transformations and appropriate utilization of shadows and highlights. (Video processing)
• Helped hardware designers bring up Firewire DV card.
• Programmed firmware for a Firewire DV card for digital video communication with DV digital video equipment. (IEEE Firewire, firmware, low level driver)
• Wrote/ported the ANSII C library (fully re-entrant and thread-safe) for Applied Magic Real Time OS.(C, AMOS RTOS).

Rosemount Analytical – Sr. Software Engineer - Anaheim CA 1996-1998
• Programmed (including design): WIN16 and WIN32 DDE server to communicate with LONWORKS based gas analyzers (using Borland C++ 5.02 with Visual Sourcesafe and Visual Basic Clients, VB, Visual Studio, MFC);
• Implemented low level multi-threaded shared memory management functions for DLLs on Windows NT; Included thread safe mutual exclusion error notification and garbage collection. (POSIX threads C/C++)
• Designed user interfaces for gas analyzers. (68332 C, AMX RTOS)
• Managed design and implementation of Gas Liquid Chromatography based analyzer by consultant.
• Algorithm development and test for gas liquid chromatography based gas analyzer; test and development of gas analyzer to reduce noise. (68332 C, AMX RTOS)
• Debugged/maintained multiple legacy gas analyzers.

Peerless Systems – Sr. Software Engineer - El Segundo CA 1995-1996
• Programmed UI for 40 page per minute multifunction RICOH printer. (I960 C, Peerless Page RTOS)

Software Consulting at 12 corporations throughout Los Angeles, California 1988-1995
• Programmed ONLINE system for Glendale city library running on a Solaris-based Sparkstation with modem banks (C, Solaris and SCO UNIX).
• Programmed an embedded PC EKG machine with real time VGA graphics display, graphics printing, and digital filtering DSP (Borland C and 386 Assembly).
• Programmed aircraft flaps subsystem maintenance monitor user interface. (C and 8051 assembly and RMX-51 )
• Debugged a BASIC PIC assembly alarm system. (Qbasic, PIC assembly)
• Programmed a CD-ROM-based information system (VGA graphics 386 C and Assembly).
• Ported bar-code printer code from Z-80 assembly to C (C, AMD 29000 and Z-80 Assembly).
• Programmed user interface for fault tolerant satellite simulation system (C).
• Programmed flash memory driver for Super Conducting Quantum Interference Device (SQUID) based brain scanner (C, RMX-386ex).
• Programmed aircraft maintenance system for Japan Airlines and delivery of systems to JAL in Tokyo (C, Microsoft Windows SDK and graphics).
• Designed and programmed a fault tolerant oil well head control system for use in offshore facilities (8051 assembly).
• Designed and programmed user interface to industrial Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS - for hospitals, airports) (8051 C and assembly). Helped bring up debug board.
• Programmed emulation of A/N UYK-44 Naval computer channel (various communication protocols including proprietary serial and parallel communications using USARTs and PIO), using VME-based multiple processors (68020 C and Assembly). This entailed writing channel language interpreter as well as writing the low level communication code.
• Emulated terminals, and other peripherals using proprietary embedded PC (C and 386 Assembly).
• Emulated tape drive and cylinder drives on SCSI disks (C and 386 Assembly).
• Helped hardware engineers debug and bring up proprietary-embedded PC (C and 386 Assembly – DMA, UART, PIO, PIC).
• Configured BIOS for proprietary PC.
• Sales support for compiler/debugger company (PL/M, C, PASCAL, VAX VMS). Wrote example code for customers, tested customers' problems and produced solutions or passed issues to compiler development team if real bugs.

Senior Software Engineer: Los Angeles, California 1985-1988
• Wrote algorithms in bit slice microcode to allow inline processing of thick film inspection increasing throughput by 360% while reducing potential of board damage from robot handling (AMD 2900 bit slice microcode, C, Assembly).
• Ported code from FORTRAN to C ( C, FORTRAN, Assembly)..
• Programmed graphic user interface and machine vision systems to inspect thick film boards. Improved speed throughput 480 percent to bring project to specification. (C, Assembly, RMX-286)

Technical Manager: Safetran, Rancho Cucomongo, California 1984-1985
• Managed a team of 10 that traveled between Los Angeles and Fort Wayne, Indiana for one year, designing and delivering the world’s largest train control system. (PASCAL and Macro-11, 6802, 6809 Assembly)
• Wrote Macro-11 code for data redundancy fault tolerance on twin PDP-11s allowing old analog devices to work with modern digital system - saving $200,000. (Macro-11 DMA)

Senior Systems Programmer of Video Game: Los Angeles, California 1981-1984
• Designed and programmed arcade video games for Paramount Communication’s Sega Enterprises’ video disk based and sprite based systems (C, 68000, Z80, 6502 assembly).
• Designed and implemented the first instant replay facility in the video game industry. (CP1600, assembly)
• Designed and programmed video games and game systems for the Mattel Electronic’s Intellivision system. (CP1600, assembly)
• Devised new graphics display techniques and data compression procedures.
• Developed a new rapid prototyping system allowing development of graphics on a modified Intellivision instead of $35,000 PDP-11 based system.
• Help bring up new hardware boards from breadboard stage through manufacturing.
• Design and implementation of executive program (Operating system) for Intellivision addon.
• In charge of a team of 5 to design and program a novel game system allowing users alter games and write simple games using a “game BASIC.”
• Helped marketing and manufacturing justify new product.

Previous Programming Experience
• Programmed multiuser real time inventory control order management system using ISAM, Alphabasic, WD-16 macro Assembly
• Taught NCR NEAT-399 assembly language

M.S. Biochemistry Imperial College, London University, London, U.K.
B.S. Chemistry Imperial College, London University, London, U.K.
UCLA extension: Computer Science:
Formal Languages, Compiler Construction, UNIX internals, Simulation, LISP, Advanced LISP, Natural Language Processing, Prolog, Multimedia Production, Video theory (NTSC analog), Animation, Script Writing for Animation
MIT open courseware and Stanford SEE , UC Berkley and others through iTunes U and Lynda.com:
Developing Apps for IOS (iPhone/iPad), iPhone Application Programming, iPhone Development Fundamentals, iPhone Development Essentials, Introduction to Algorithms, Programming Paradigms, Programming Abstractions, Introduction to Robotics, Robotics, Machine Learning, Linear Algebra, Convex Optimization, Multivariate Calculus, Single Variable Calculus, PHP, CSS, SEO, Javascript, Bash, Linux, Virtualization, Java, Python, Ruby, Dreamweaver, HTML5, XHTML, XML,

W3schools Javascript certificate at the excellent level – above 95% (pass mark 70%) - 2011
Department of Homeland Security Cyber 138-W – Network Assurance - 2012
Department of Homeland Security Cyber 139-W – Digital Forensics Basics - 2012
Department of Homeland Security Cyber 168-W – Cyber Law and White Collar Crime - 2012
Department of Homeland Security Cyber 169-W – Cyber Incident Analysis and Response 2012
Department of Homeland Security Cyber 173-W – Information Security Basics - 2012
Department of Homeland Security Cyber 174-W – Cyber Ethics - 2012
Department of Homeland Security Cyber 178-W – Secure Software - 2012
FDA: Overview of Regulatory Requirements: Medical Devices - 2013
FDA: Quality System Regulation 21 CFR 820 Basic Introduction - 2013
FDA: Part1a – Good Clinical practice 101: An Introduction - 2013
FDA: Part1b: Introduction to the Bioresearch Monitoring Program - 2013

IEEE Computer Society

Цялата тема
* ей хънтъре колко му даваш на тоя? ~@!$^%*amp;()_+   06.03.15 04:53
. * Re: ей хънтъре колко му даваш на тоя? pesho.konia   06.03.15 07:43
. * Re: ей хънтъре колко му даваш на тоя? ~@!$^%*amp;()_+   06.03.15 07:52
. * Re: ей хънтъре колко му даваш на тоя? federer   06.03.15 09:07
. * Re: ей хънтъре колко му даваш на тоя? tuff slim   06.03.15 15:55
. * Re: ей хънтъре колко му даваш на тоя? pesho.konia   06.03.15 18:29
. * Re: ей хънтъре колко му даваш на тоя? synergie_bg   06.03.15 18:44
. * Re: ей хънтъре колко му даваш на тоя? pesho.konia   06.03.15 18:57
. * Re: ей хънтъре колко му даваш на тоя? synergie_bg   06.03.15 19:13
. * Re: ей хънтъре колко му даваш на тоя? ~@!$^%*amp;()_+   06.03.15 19:17
. * Re: ей хънтъре колко му даваш на тоя? synergie_bg   06.03.15 19:20
. * Re: ей хънтъре колко му даваш на тоя? ~@!$^%*amp;()_+   06.03.15 19:14
. * Re: ей хънтъре колко му даваш на тоя? synergie_bg   06.03.15 19:16
. * Re: ей хънтъре колко му даваш на тоя? ~@!$^%*amp;()_+   06.03.15 19:18
. * Re: ей хънтъре колко му даваш на тоя? synergie_bg   06.03.15 19:20
. * Re: ей хънтъре колко му даваш на тоя? ~@!$^%*amp;()_+   06.03.15 19:23
. * Re: ей хънтъре колко му даваш на тоя? synergie_bg   06.03.15 19:25
. * Re: ей хънтъре колко му даваш на тоя? pesho.konia   06.03.15 19:39
. * Re: ей хънтъре колко му даваш на тоя? ~@!$^%*amp;()_+   06.03.15 19:42
. * Re: ей хънтъре колко му даваш на тоя? pesho.konia   06.03.15 19:46
. * Re: ей хънтъре колко му даваш на тоя? rabin   06.03.15 19:56
. * Re: ей хънтъре колко му даваш на тоя? Чепатия   06.03.15 09:00
. * Re: ей хънтъре колко му даваш на тоя? rabin   06.03.15 10:48
. * Re: ей хънтъре колко му даваш на тоя? PekoHcTpykTop   06.03.15 11:01
. * Re: ей хънтъре колко му даваш на тоя? jeffty   06.03.15 11:57
. * Re: ей хънтъре колко му даваш на тоя? federer   06.03.15 14:51
. * Re: ей хънтъре колко му даваш на тоя? jeffty   06.03.15 15:04
. * Re: ей хънтъре колко му даваш на тоя? chupac   06.03.15 15:25
. * Re: ей хънтъре колко му даваш на тоя? ThunderFuck   06.03.15 15:44
. * Re: ей хънтъре колко му даваш на тоя? synergie_bg   06.03.15 18:46
. * Re: ей хънтъре колко му даваш на тоя? chupac   06.03.15 18:48
. * Re: ей хънтъре колко му даваш на тоя? synergie_bg   06.03.15 19:11
. * Re: ей хънтъре колко му даваш на тоя? pesho.konia   06.03.15 22:00
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