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Тема Re: Не ставай смешен [re: †Ю⵴µ†]
Автор Marquis de Sade (непознат)
Публикувано17.02.06 14:27  

Чукча не читатель.

Защо не прочете линковете? Поне да ги беше разгледал. Интересни неща има в сайта на WHO.

Сега ще ти цитирам по точки:

В отговор на:

Няма такава болест.

How serious is the current pandemic risk?

The risk of pandemic influenza is serious. With the H5N1 virus now firmly entrenched in large parts of Asia, the risk that more human cases will occur will persist. Each additional human case gives the virus an opportunity to improve its transmissibility in humans, and thus develop into a pandemic strain. The recent spread of the virus to poultry and wild birds in new areas further broadens opportunities for human cases to occur. While neither the timing nor the severity of the next pandemic can be predicted, the probability that a pandemic will occur has increased.

Why are pandemics such dreaded events?

Influenza pandemics are remarkable events that can rapidly infect virtually all countries. Once international spread begins, pandemics are considered unstoppable, caused as they are by a virus that spreads very rapidly by coughing or sneezing. The fact that infected people can shed virus before symptoms appear adds to the risk of international spread via asymptomatic air travellers.

The severity of disease and the number of deaths caused by a pandemic virus vary greatly, and cannot be known prior to the emergence of the virus. During past pandemics, attack rates reached 25-35% of the total population. Under the best circumstances, assuming that the new virus causes mild disease, the world could still experience an estimated 2 million to 7.4 million deaths (projected from data obtained during the 1957 pandemic). Projections for a more virulent virus are much higher. The 1918 pandemic, which was exceptional, killed at least 40 million people. In the USA, the mortality rate during that pandemic was around 2.5%.

Pandemics can cause large surges in the numbers of people requiring or seeking medical or hospital treatment, temporarily overwhelming health services. High rates of worker absenteeism can also interrupt other essential services, such as law enforcement, transportation, and communications. Because populations will be fully susceptible to an H5N1-like virus, rates of illness could peak fairly rapidly within a given community. This means that local social and economic disruptions may be temporary. They may, however, be amplified in today’s closely interrelated and interdependent systems of trade and commerce. Based on past experience, a second wave of global spread should be anticipated within a year.

As all countries are likely to experience emergency conditions during a pandemic, opportunities for inter-country assistance, as seen during natural disasters or localized disease outbreaks, may be curtailed once international spread has begun and governments focus on protecting domestic populations.
В отговор на:

спри да ядеш пилешко

Is it safe to eat poultry and poultry products?

Yes, though certain precautions should be followed in countries currently experiencing outbreaks. In areas free of the disease, poultry and poultry products can be prepared and consumed as usual (following good hygienic practices and proper cooking), with no fear of acquiring infection with the H5N1 virus.

In areas experiencing outbreaks, poultry and poultry products can also be safely consumed provided these items are properly cooked and properly handled during food preparation. The H5N1 virus is sensitive to heat. Normal temperatures used for cooking (70oC in all parts of the food) will kill the virus. Consumers need to be sure that all parts of the poultry are fully cooked (no “pink” parts) and that eggs, too, are properly cooked (no “runny” yolks).

Consumers should also be aware of the risk of cross-contamination. Juices from raw poultry and poultry products should never be allowed, during food preparation, to touch or mix with items eaten raw. When handling raw poultry or raw poultry products, persons involved in food preparation should wash their hands thoroughly and clean and disinfect surfaces in contact with the poultry products Soap and hot water are sufficient for this purpose.

In areas experiencing outbreaks in poultry, raw eggs should not be used in foods that will not be further heat-treated as, for example by cooking or baking.

Avian influenza is not transmitted through cooked food. To date, no evidence indicates that anyone has become infected following the consumption of properly cooked poultry or poultry products, even when these foods were contaminated with the H5N1 virus.
В отговор на:

и се нагълтай с Тамифлу

What drugs are available for treatment?

Two drugs (in the neuraminidase inhibitors class), oseltamivir (commercially known as Tamiflu) and zanamivir (commercially known as Relenza) can reduce the severity and duration of illness caused by seasonal influenza. The efficacy of the neuraminidase inhibitors depends, among others, on their early administration ( within 48 hours after symptom onset). For cases of human infection with H5N1, the drugs may improve prospects of survival, if administered early, but clinical data are limited. The H5N1 virus is expected to be susceptible to the neuraminidase inhibitors. Antiviral resistance to neuraminidase inhibitors has been clinically negligible so far but is likely to be detected during widespread use during a pandemic.

Та кой бил малоумен?

Цялата тема
* Как се изобличават евреи-ционисти. Урок. †Ю⵴µ†   16.02.06 13:20
. * Абе, Дeдo Bи ToдЪp   16.02.06 16:18
. * Да празнуват бе... †Ю⵴µ†   16.02.06 16:21
. * В Италия над 30 хиляди души Дeдo Bи ToдЪp   16.02.06 16:51
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. * Няма да се учудя... †Ю⵴µ†   17.02.06 10:30
. * Re: Няма да се учудя... drug   17.02.06 10:38
. * Добре де, как става така? †Ю⵴µ†   17.02.06 10:43
. * Re: Добре де, как става така? drug   17.02.06 10:46
. * Re: Добре де, как става така? †Ю⵴µ†   17.02.06 10:52
. * Re: Няма да се учудя... jaime14   22.02.06 11:41
. * Ти май не разбираш английски Analyser   17.02.06 02:39
. * Какво общо има това? †Ю⵴µ†   17.02.06 10:39
. * Я и аз като Чарли да запитам. Analyser   19.02.06 01:53
. * Според коя дефиниция? †Ю⵴µ†   20.02.06 15:12
. * Не съм съгласен с определението. William Bingham   20.02.06 16:07
. * Ма има един такъв момент... †Ю⵴µ†   20.02.06 16:17
. * Re: Според коя дефиниция? Marquis de Sade   20.02.06 19:30
. * Ясно. Ционизъм = Расизъм Analyser   20.02.06 19:43
. * Никой не защитава терористите †Ю⵴µ†   22.02.06 11:21
. * Re: Никой не защитава терористите Marquis de Sade   22.02.06 11:37
. * Поинтересувай се сам и потърси †Ю⵴µ†   22.02.06 12:00
. * Re: Поинтересувай се сам и потърси Pisgado   22.02.06 12:27
. * Прав си †Ю⵴µ†   22.02.06 13:15
. * Re: Прав си Pisgado   22.02.06 13:37
. * Ама нали тва правим тука? †Ю⵴µ†   22.02.06 13:49
. * Re: А бе хане, drug   22.02.06 12:08
. * Просто съм запознат †Ю⵴µ†   22.02.06 12:10
. * Re: Какво общо има това? jaime14   22.02.06 11:45
. * Re: Как се изобличават евреи-ционисти. Урок. Marquis de Sade   17.02.06 09:16
. * Не ставай смешен †Ю⵴µ†   17.02.06 09:19
. * Re: Не ставай смешен Marquis de Sade   17.02.06 14:27
. * Re: Не ставай смешен †Ю⵴µ†   17.02.06 14:39
. * Re: Не ставай смешен Marquis de Sade   17.02.06 15:00
. * Ей това му е хубавото †Ю⵴µ†   17.02.06 15:04
. * Re: Не ставай смешен Щиpлиц (щaндapтeнфюpepSS)   20.02.06 18:11
. * Re: Как се изобличават евреи-ционисти. Урок. Acлaн   18.02.06 22:14
. * Re: Как се изобличават евреи-ционисти. Урок. Pимл@нин   19.02.06 18:39
. * Глупако Ханс †Ю⵴µ†   20.02.06 15:55
. * Чест-това не е празна дума. Pимл@нин   20.02.06 22:15
. * Хо-хо †Ю⵴µ†   21.02.06 12:00
. * Re: Чест-това не е празна дума. jaime14   22.02.06 12:22
. * Наистина интересно †Ю⵴µ†   22.02.06 12:27
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