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Тема из "Сага за Боси" [re: Loretta]
Автор Loretta (curse)
Публикувано19.08.04 13:19  

...или любимата на всички ни "Bosa saga" ("боса", защото Боси в Генитив взима окончание -а).

Няма да превеждам, щото пък, айде ся
Който не знае английски - изпуска секса!!!

Значи малко встъпление - Боси и Хероуд са двама побратими, които са тръгнали на разни куестове за разни изгубени принцеси, отвлечени булки, скрити замъци и прочие.
По пътя си те биват подслонени при разни фермери, от чиито дъщери Боси хитро и ловко успява да измъкне информация за местонахождението на въпросните принцеси, замъци, магични предмети и т.н.
Enjoy :)


One morning Bosi told his men he was going ashore with Herraud to
explore the forest and see what they could find....
The foster-brothers made their way into the wood. They had nothing to
eat except what they could catch by shooting wild animals and birds;
sometimes their only food was berries and the sap of the trees, and their
clothes were badly torn by the branches.
One day they came upon a cottage. An old man was standing outside it
splitting firewood, and he greeted them and asked who they were. They told
him and asked him his name, and he said he was called Hotekil. Then he said
they were welcome to stay the night if they wanted to, so they accepted his
offer. The old man showed them to the living-room, where not many people
were to be seen. The woman of the house was getting on in years, but there
was an attractive young daughter. The girl pulled off their wet clothes and
gave them dry things instead, then brought a basin so they could wash their
hands. The table was laid, and the young woman served them with excellent
ale. Bosi kept eyeing her suggestively and touching her foot with his toe,
and she did the same to him.
In the evening they were shown to a comfortable bed. The farmer slept
in a bed-closet, his daughter in the middle of the room and the
foster-brothers in a bed under the gable beside the door. When the people
were asleep, Bosi got up, went over to the young woman's bed and lifted the
bedclothes off her. She asked who was there and Bosi told her.

"What have you come for"?" she asked.
"I wasn't comfortable enough in my bed as things were," he said, and
added that he'd like to get under the bedclothes with her.
"What do you want to do here?" she said.
"I want to temper my warrior," said Bosi.
"What sort of warrior's that?" she asked.
"He's still very young and he's never been steeled," he said, "but a
warrior ought to be hardened early on in life."

He gave her a gold ring and got into bed beside her. She asked him
where the warrior was, and he told her to feel between his legs, but she
pulled her hand back and said he could keep his warrior and asked why he was
carrying a monster like that on him, as hard as a tree. He told her the
warrior would soften in the dark hole, and then she said he could do anything
he wanted. So now he set the warrior between her legs. The path before him
was rather narrow, and yet he managed to complete his mission.
After that they lay quiet for a while, as long as they pleased, and then
the girl asked him if the tempering of the warrior had been a complete
success. Bosi asked her in turn whether she felt like tempering him again,
and she said she'd only be too pleased as long as he felt like it.
There's no record of how often they played the game that night, but it's
believed that Bosi asked her, "Have you any idea where I can find a vulture's
egg inscribed with gold letters? "

She said the very least she could do in payment for the gold ring and a
good night's entertainment was to tell him all he wanted to know.

Bosi thanked her for telling him all this and repaid her handsomely with
yet another round of good entertainment. They were both very pleased with
themselves, and slept till dawn.

* * *

Herraud and Bosi went ashore and came to a small well-kept cottage. An
old man was living there with his wife, and they had an attractive and
well-informed daughter. The peasant gave them an invitation to stay the
night, which they accepted. The cottage was quite comfortable, and the
hospitality good. The table was laid, and the guests were served with
excellent beer. The master of the house was silent and reserved, but his
daughter, the most sociable member of the household, was the one who served
the guests. Bosi was in a good humor and flirted with her a little, and she
did the same with him.
In the evening they were shown to their beds, but as soon as the light
had been put out, Bosi went over to the girl and and lifted the bedclothes
off her. She asked who was there, and Bosi told her.

"What do you want?" she asked.
"I'd like to water my colt at your wine-spring," he said.
"Do you think you can manage it, lad?" she asked. "He's hardly used to
a well like mine."
"I'll lead him right to the edge, then push him in if there's no other
way to make him drink," said Bosi.
"Where is your colt, sweetheart?" she asked.
"Between my legs, love," he said. "You can touch him, but do it gently,
he's terribly shy."
She took hold of his prick and stroked it and said, "It's a lively colt,
though his neck is far too straight."
"His head isn't all that well set," agreed Bosi, "but his neck curves
much better once he's had a drink."
"Well, it's all up to you now," she said.
"Lie as open as you can," said Bosi, "and keep calm."
Then he watered his colt generously, completely immersing him. This
pleased the girl so much she was hardly able to speak. "Are you sure you're
not drowning the colt?" she asked.
"He has to be given all he can possibly take," said Bosi, "he often
gives me a lot of trouble when he isn't allowed to drink his fill."
Bosi kept at it for as long as he wanted, then took a rest. The girl
was wondering where all the fluid between her legs had come from, for the
whole bed was lathering under her.
"Could it be that your colt's drunk more than was good for him," she
asked, "and then vomited up more than he's drunk?"
"Something's the matter with him," said Bosi, "he's as soft as a lung."
"He's probably ale-sick," she said, "like any drunkard."
"Could be," he said.
So they entertained themselves to their satisfaction, the girl now under
him and now on top. She said she'd never ridden a more even-paced colt than
After many an entertaining turn, she asked him who he was. He told her
and in turn asked her what was the latest news in the land....

After that they dropped the subject and slept for the rest of the night.

* * *

They walked for a while until they came to a house belonging to an old
man and his wife, who had a good-looking daughter. The foster-brothers were
given a friendly welcome and served with excellent wine in the evening.
Bosi gave the girl a cheerful smile, and she eyed him in return. A
little time later they all went to sleep. Bosi went over to her bed and she
asked what he wanted. He said he wanted to put a ring on his stump. She
said he wondered what ring he could be talking about, and he asked her didn't
she have one? She answered that she hadn't any ring that would fit him.

"I can widen it if it's too narrow," he said.
"Where's that stump of yours? I've got a fair idea of what I can expect
from my narrow little ring."
He told her to feel between his legs, but she pulled her hand back and
said he could keep his stump.
"What does it remind you of?" he asked.
"My father's steel-yard with the ring broken off."
"You're very critical," said Bosi. He took a ring off his finger and
gave it to her. She asked what he wanted in return.
"I want to put a stopper in your bung-hole," he said.
"I can't think what you mean," she said.
"Lie as open as you can," he said.
She did as he asked, and he went between her legs and made a thrust deep
into her body, almost up under her ribs.
She gave a jump, and said, "You've pushed the stopper right through the
hole, man."
"I'll get it out again," he said. "How did you like that?"
"Nice as a drink of fresh mead," she said. "Keep the mop stirring in
the flue."
He kept nothing back, and she got so warmed up she began to feel a bit
sick, so she asked him to leave off, and they took a rest. Then she asked
him who he was, and he told her....


Та това е то, средновековното исландско чувство за хумор...

a wee little girl with a can of gasoline

Цялата тема
* Езическата любов roxy   17.08.04 18:16
. * Re: Езическата любов Loretta   18.08.04 12:32
. * нали не искаш покана - давай! (no txt) firefox   18.08.04 14:23
. * из "Сага за Боси" Loretta   19.08.04 13:19
. * Re: firefox   18.08.04 14:23
. * Re: ами... roxy   23.08.04 18:06
. * Re: Езическата любов Caбaзий   20.08.04 22:11
. * нещо си в грешка Loretta   23.08.04 15:15
. * Re: нещо си в грешка roxy   23.08.04 18:00
. * Re: нещо си в грешка Caбaзий   26.08.04 11:24
. * ап. Павел Loretta   26.08.04 12:48
. * Re: ап. Павел Caбaзий   26.08.04 13:42
. * Re: нещо си в грешка Caбaзий   26.08.04 11:19
. * дай пример тогава Loretta   26.08.04 13:00
. * Re: дай пример тогава Caбaзий   26.08.04 13:28
. * жените в обществото на Маите Loretta   26.08.04 15:17
. * Re: жените в обществото на българите Caбaзий   26.08.04 15:56
. * Re: жените в обществото на българите Чepнopизeц   27.08.04 00:54
. * Re: дай пример тогава Бoян lYl   27.08.04 16:26
. * Re: дай пример тогава ANARCHlST   27.08.04 17:32
. * Re: дай пример тогава Caбaзий   28.08.04 00:33
. * Re: дай пример тогава Бoян lYl   28.08.04 15:33
. * Re: Езическата любов roxy   23.08.04 18:25
. * Re: Езическата любов - II roxy   30.08.04 20:10
. * Re: Езическата любов - II turambar   31.08.04 14:30
. * Re: Езическата любов - II roxy   02.09.04 16:44
. * Re: от "Кама сутра" roxy   06.09.04 12:24
. * Re: Езическата любов ANARCHlST   27.08.04 15:07
. * Re: Езическата любов roxy   30.08.04 19:50
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