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Тема Happy Birthday, Beloved Master!
Автор vidiya (ентусиаст)
Публикувано11.12.11 00:47  

"Take life easily,
lovingly, playfully, non-seriously.
Seriousness is a disease,
the greatest disease of the soul,
and playfulness the greatest health." – Osho

"I love beauty,
I love the world,
flowers, trees, stars...
I love, simply love.
But I am not just a Zorba, I am also aware of my love, even in these moments when my body feels like something far away... just somebody else’s body.
I have sat by the side of many corpses, it is not the same. I am aware. I am not dead. I cannot be dead, that is impossible.
I am eternal.
The very essence of the eternal...
You are,
everything is.
Nothing dies.
Everything continues in a different form, but higher."

Love remains If you have loved me, I will live with you forever. In your love, I will live. If you have loved me, my body will disappear but I cannot die for you. (...) Even if I am gone I know you will search for me. Yes, I can trust you will hunt for me in every stone and flower, in every eye and star... And I can promise you one thing: if you hunt for me, you will find me – in every star and every eye – because if you have really loved a Master, you have moved into eternity with him. The relationship is not of time; it is timeless. There is going to be no death. My body will disappear, your body will disappear – that will not make any change. If the disappearance of the body makes any change, it simply shows that love had not happened. Love is something beyond the body. Bodies come and go, love remains. Love has eternity in it – timelessness, deathlessness. ~ Osho, The Divine Melody, chapter 10

Честит Рожден Ден, Любими Ошо! Обичам те!

Beyond the beyond the beyond
That’s where your lovers meet
Beyond the beyond the beyond
Dancing at your feet

No matter where we go
No matter where we are
No matter what we do
We are one love, one heart
In the light of your love

No matter where we go
No matter where we are
No matter what we do
We are one love, one heart
In the light of your love

Редактирано от vidiya на 11.12.11 03:00.

Цялата тема
* Happy Birthday, Beloved Master! vidiya   11.12.11 00:47
. * Поздрави от различни крайща на България и света Mиpo1   11.12.11 19:43
. * Re: Happy Birthday, Beloved Master! Exaybachay   12.12.11 02:23
. * Re: Happy Birthday, Beloved Master! ludiq_poet   12.12.11 23:32
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