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Тема Ошо: Lost Truth
АвторTT (Нерегистриран) 
Публикувано11.12.04 08:06  

Копирам ви някои неща за болестите на Ошо, написано от Christopher Calder, живял дълго време с него:

Rajneesh's health collapsed in his early thirties. Even before reaching middle age, Rajneesh suffered reoccurring bouts of weakness. During his youthful college years, when he should have been at a peak of vigor, Rajneesh often had to sleep 12 to 14 hours a day due to his unexplained illness. Rajneesh suffered from what Europeans call myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) or what Americans call Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). His classic symptoms included the obvious fatigue, strange allergies, recurrent low grade fevers, photophobia, orthostatic intolerance (the inability to stand for a normal period of time), insomnia, body pain, and extreme sensitivity to smells and chemicals, a condition doctors now refer to as "multiple chemical sensitivity."

Rajneesh's trademark chemical sensitivity was so severe that he instructed his guards to sniff people for unpleasant odors before they were allowed to visit him in his quarters. People with Gulf War Syndrome, MS, and other neurological diseases are also often highly sensitive to chemicals and smells. Rajneesh's poor health and strange symptoms were a product of real neurological damage, not some esoteric supersensitivity caused by his enlightenment. Rajneesh also had Type II diabetes, asthma, severe back pain, and most likely fibromyalgia.

Rajneesh was constantly sick and frail from the time I first met him in 1970 until his death in 1990. He thought he was getting a different cold or flu every week. In reality, he suffered from a chronic neurological illness, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, with flu like symptoms that can last a lifetime.

Rajneesh could not stand on his feet for long periods of time without becoming lightheaded because he suffered damage to his autonomic nervous system which controls blood pressure. This neurally mediated hypotension (low blood pressure while standing) causes chronic fatigue and can lower IQ due to a lack of sufficient blood and oxygen being pumped to the brain (brain hypoxia). In the 1970s Rajneesh often complained of becoming lightheaded immediately upon standing. During his final few months alive in Poona he frequently passed out into complete unconsciousness.

Цялата тема
* Ошо: Lost Truth TT   11.12.04 08:06
. * Re: Ошо: Lost Truth Neon   11.12.04 23:56
. * Re: Ошо: Lost Truth TT   12.12.04 08:44
. * Re:Christopher Calder Mиpo   12.12.04 19:51
. * Re:Christopher Calder az   12.12.04 20:11
. * Re:за az Mиpo   13.12.04 15:04
. * Re:Christopher Calder TT   12.12.04 21:27
. * Re:Christopher Calder Neon   12.12.04 22:00
. * Re:Christopher Calder TT   12.12.04 22:11
. * фактите ... Mиpo   14.12.04 00:17
. * Re: Ошо: Lost Truth TT   12.12.04 22:15
. * Re: One false move. One grand error. TT   18.12.04 14:31
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