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Тема Scared Of The Moon(Текст) [re: X]
Автор JaXonFireGirl (INVINCIBLE)
Публикувано13.11.04 09:28  

Scared Of The Moon

I know she loves waiting
Surrounded by glow
And faded by shadows
Painting the wall

The light from the window
Cuts through the air
And paints that child liked there
Scared of the Moon

She pose up the covers
And shivers in threat
She hides from the color
There're lights on the night

The light through the window
There're lights up the sky
And coses her moan for cry
Scared of the Moon

There's nothing wrong
Don't be bothered, they say
It's just childish fantasy
It's stirring your head

No need to worry
It's really too soon
But there she likes shivering
Scared Of The Moon

Scared Of The Moooon
Scared Of The Moon
Scared Of The Moooon
Scared Of The Moon

The years go by swiftly
And soon childhood ends
But life is still faithful
On evening descends

The fear of the child
Still intrude the night
Returning on beams of light
Scared Of The Moon

The feeling of terror
She felt as a youth
Has turned from a fantasy
Into the truth

The Moon is the enemy
Twisting her soul
And taking its faithful tour
Scared Of The Moon

But now there are others
Who sit in her room
And wait for the sunlight
To bright in their gloom

Togethre they gather
Their lunacy share
But no angels while they're scared
Scared Of The Moon

Scared Of The Moooon
Scared Of The Moon
Scared Of The Moooon
Scared Of The Moon

Да ви се похваля- за първи път свалям текст на песен(може някъде да съм го понагласила) Enjoy!

Много е яка песничката- толкова е нежна, хиляда пъти я спирах и пусках, но не ми подразни нервната система(не и негативно).

Цялата тема
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. * Re: damita   07.11.04 19:15
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. * Re: Още 3 песни! Unbreakable_sh   08.11.04 17:55
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. * Re: LINK: PYT- demo, We are here to change.. armydreamer   09.11.04 12:04
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. * Re: BG - link damita   09.11.04 12:23
. * Re: BG - link armydreamer   09.11.04 12:38
. * Re: Още 3 песни! armydreamer   09.11.04 12:12
. * Re: Още 3 песни! damita   09.11.04 12:27
. * Re: Още 3 песни! armydreamer   09.11.04 13:03
. * Re: Още 3 песни! damita   09.11.04 21:46
. * Re: Още 3 песни! marcelo   09.11.04 21:55
. * Re: Още 3 песни! damita   09.11.04 22:03
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. * Re: Още 3 песни! MJ FANatic   09.11.04 22:20
. * Re: Още 3 песни! damita   09.11.04 22:25
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. * Re: The Way You Love me като... damita   12.11.04 21:43
. * Re: The Way You Love me като... JaXonFireGirl   12.11.04 22:21
. * Re: The Way You Love me като... damita   12.11.04 22:27
. * Re: The Way You Love me като... JaXonFireGirl   13.11.04 09:24
. * Re: The Way You Love me като... damita   13.11.04 21:45
. * Re: The Way You Love me като... armydreamer   13.11.04 12:04
. * Re: The Way You Love me като... damita   13.11.04 21:46
. * Re: The Way You Love me като... RockTheBoat   13.11.04 23:16
. * Re: The Way You Love me като... damita   13.11.04 23:28
. * Re: The Way You Love me като... RockTheBoat   13.11.04 23:37
. * Re: Още 3 песни! JaXonFireGirl   12.11.04 22:52
. * Re: Още 3 песни! damita   12.11.04 23:02
. * Re: Още 3 песни! JaXonFireGirl   13.11.04 09:22
. * Scared Of The Moon(Текст) JaXonFireGirl   13.11.04 09:28
. * Sunset Driver - BG сайт marcelo   14.11.04 11:41
. * Re: Sunset Driver - BG сайт MJ FANatic   14.11.04 18:15
. * Re: Sunset Driver - BG сайт damita   14.11.04 19:59
. * Re: Sunset Driver - BG сайт armydreamer   16.11.04 23:59
. * Re: Sunset Driver - BG сайт damita   17.11.04 21:24
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