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Публикувано02.02.03 18:28  

Sotheby's sues Michael Jackson for payment on painting


NEW YORK - Prince of Pop Michael Jackson has found himself in a legal dispute with auction house Sotheby's Holdings Inc. over a pair of 19th-century European paintings.

Sotheby's filed a lawsuit Friday claiming Jackson's company, MJJ Productions Inc., successfully bid on two artworks by French painter William Adolphe Bouguereau at an October auction.

But while "repeated demands" have been made for a $1.3 million payment, Jackson hasn't coughed up the dough, Sotheby's contends.

The alleged reason? Sotheby's says in the suit it's been told by Jackson's people that "Michael Jackson now believes the property ... no longer fits into Michael Jackson's collections, contrary to previous view."

That doesn't fly with Sotheby's, which demands not only the payment but another $360,000 in late fees and other charges.

A representative from MJJ Productions wasn't immediately available to comment on the suit, filed in Manhattan federal court.

Bouguereau, the 19th-century master of the Ecole de Beaux Arts in Paris, is known for his romantic and mythological scenes. Celebrity collectors include Sylvester Stallone, who made headlines in 1998 when he sold a Bouguereau painting — depicting a young mother offering her nurturing breasts to children — for $2.6 million.

The suit doesn't describe the paintings in dispute.

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