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Клубове / Фен клубове / Музикални / Michael Jackson Всички теми Следваща тема Пълен преглед*
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Тема Може би шанс за WMCIG
Автор damita (michaelized)
Публикувано14.06.02 11:25  

Executive Producer Urges Sony to let Michael Jackson charity efforts continue, despite his feelings of politics within the company against the artist.

Los Angeles - Marc Schaffel the Executive Producer of Michael Jackson's "What More Can I Give" project has sent an open letter to the chairman of Sony Electronics, Mr. Idei, in Japan. The letter urges Sony and Mr. Idei to release two charity singles, or to at least let another record company release them. The songs which were completed last October, one in English, and the other in Spanish "Todo Para Ti", include over 35 of the top recording artists from around the world. Many Grammy award wining people have been involved in this; the English version was produced by award winning Michael Jackson, and the Spanish version by award winning K.C. Porter.

Hoping to raise Tens of millions of dollars from each release worldwide, proceeds would be used to benefit the victims of the September 11 attacks on the USA, and many children charities worldwide. Mr. Schaffel feels the current political situation between Sony and Michael Jackson may be preventing the singles from coming out for the one year anniversary.

The singles which Sony originally agreed for release after the tragic events of 9-11, were postponed last November do to Sony's decision not to release them at the same time of Mr. Jackson's "Invincible" album. Mr. Schaffel says he will also call upon famed attorney Johnny Cochran, to look into this situation as he has heard Mr. Cochran and his associates will also be investigating Sony's handling of Mr. Jackson's "Invincible" album.

Mr. Schaffel feels that time is of the essence, and if the singles are not scheduled for release now they will not be ready to be released for the anniversary. According to Schaffel, "Michael Jackson's last charity project 'We are the World' has currently raised over 65 million dollars for charity.
I feel these two records combined with the proper marketing could do the same. I would like to see Sony at least have the decency to let a neutral third party record company release the songs, and to have Sony grant the permission for their artists to be released, as other labels were willing to do from the beginning for Sony". Mr. Schaffel says he has been told that given the blessing from Sony, and the clearances for their artists, one of the other labels that have offered to release the songs would do so immediately. Everyone who has heard the two songs feel they are both number one hits, and they will raise a lot of money for good causes. Schaffel states several charities, who would be potential recipients have called wanting to lend their support in pushing Sony publicly for the releases, and several Michael Jackson based fan sites have offered support, even going as far as offering to boycott Sony if they are not willing to let the projects continue.

I am the agony inside a dying head!...

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