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Тема The Jorney of the Soul
АвторKalina (Нерегистриран) 
Публикувано18.12.03 21:05  

excerpted from The Journey of the Soul by Des Walter:

In the beginning man was created MALE and FEMALE. Gen
1:27. However the scripture is not speaking about
physical gender which is simply a parable of the true
reality. In every person there is a part that is MALE
called the SPIRIT, and a part that is FEMALE called
the SOUL. In the Greek language words have gender, and
Spirit is always masculine and SOUL is always

These TWO PARTS male and female, are present in every
person on the earth regardless of their physical
gender. The Male part represents the Spirit which is
GOD and the FEMALE part is the SOUL which is the
"heart of man." These two parts Spirit and Soul form
the SPIRITUAL part of mankind today, being invisible
to the naked eye. The Body is the only visible part of
man. We must understand that the SOUL being the female
part, is THE WOMB of man. By this we mean that what
ever the SOUL considers itself to be, is brought to
birth and into manifestation.

The SOUL of man consists of the MIND, EMOTION, and the
WILL. These three acting in concert become what the
Bible calls the HEART of man, and actually form our
consciousness. Remember man became a LIVING SOUL,
which means he considers that he is a SELF that is
separate from God. The SOUL has within itself no
capacity to know God being limited to five senses,
none of which are capable of touching God. Scripture
says, "The natural or soulish man cannot receive the
things of the Spirit of God for they are foolishness
unto him, neither can he know them for they are
spiritually discerned." 1 Cor 2:14.

The Garden of Eden is a beautiful parable depicting
this soulish man, functioning after the Separation of
the SOUL (woman) from the SPIRIT (man). The soul is
now given its own identity and is called EVE by Adam.
Thus the soul (Eve) goes off on her own seeking for
more knowledge. She is not aware that the MIND
separated from the Spirit is "carnal" and more subtle
than any beast of the field. In the parable it is
depicted as a serpent or snake. The reasoning quality
of the mind begins to function exploring areas of
thought that had never been contemplated before.

Now the Soul (woman) believes she has found the secret
to being as God, through the knowledge of Good and
Evil, and immediately embraces her new found
knowledge. She imparts what she has learnt with Adam,
and together they succumb to the poison of the snake.
They find themselves naked and their God now becomes
and enemy from whom they must hide. The consequence of
their carnal knowledge ends in DEATH, having allowed
their knowledge to separate themselves from God.

From that very moment man has wandered as a LIVING
SOUL through the wilderness of this world alone,
seeking to rediscover his true identity. Like the
prodigal son we have wandered into the far country,
thinking we can find life and satisfaction, only to
discover we have been cheated and exploited. Israel
moved to a good country only to be made slaves of a
despot who used them for his own purposes, destroying
their freedom. Is this not a picture of life for most
people in the world today?

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