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Тема Re: momcheta prochetete tova [re: Dr Oh Boli]
Автор mirage (минаващ)
Публикувано16.08.01 19:41  

A. Metronidazole is effective in the treatment and prophylaxis of various anaerobic infections, particularly those caused by Bacteroides fragilis. It is considered an alternative to chloramphenicol and clindamycin for this purpose. Metronidazole is effective in the treatment of infections involving gram-negative anaerobes, but it is somewhat unreliable in the treatment of gram-positive anaerobic infections.
Metronidazole is ineffective in treating aerobic infections (Kasten, 1999; Gilman et al, 1985). Metronidazole effectively treats anaerobic intra-abdominal infections, genital infections, respiratory infections, meningitis and brain abscess, osteomyelitis, and oral and dental infections (Kucers & Bennett, 1987). The drug is useful as surgical prophylaxis for obstetric and gynecological, colorectal, and appendectomy
surgeries (de Boer & Thornton, 1989; El-Sefi et al, 1989).

B. Oral administration of METRONIDAZOLE is considered the treatment of choice for Trichomoniasis vaginalis infections in both male and female patients (CDC, 1993). METRONIDAZOLE is also an excellent amebicide (Giron & Ozoktay, 1984; Ashford et al, 1984). It is the drug of choice for the treatment of all symptomatic forms of amebiasis. The drug is an agent of choice for the treatment of giardiasis with cure
rates of 90% to 95% (Kyronseppa & Pettersson, 1981; Gupte, 1975; Anon, 1993). Single oral doses of METRONIDAZOLE are useful in treating Gardnerella vaginalis vaginitis (Purdon et al, 1984). The use of METRONIDAZOLE in the treatment of dracunculiasis should be reserved for patients who fail treatment with NIRIDAZOLE.

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Цялата тема
* Има ли лекарство което предизвиква.... poceн   11.08.01 18:02
. * Re: Има ли лекарство което предизвиква.... mirage   11.08.01 18:08
. * Re: Има ли лекарство което предизвиква.... YD   15.08.01 00:16
. * Re: Има ли лекарство което предизвиква.... Nevena   16.08.01 03:55
. * Nevena, Nevena... Nikolay   16.08.01 11:38
. * Re: Nevena, Nevena... Dr Oh Boli   16.08.01 12:57
. * Re: momcheta prochetete tova mirage   16.08.01 19:41
. * Re: Nevena, Nevena... az   07.09.01 20:38
. * Re: Има ли лекарство което предизвиква.... Razbirach   05.09.01 02:30
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