Клубове Дир.бг
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Тема PO vaprosa za moderatora...
Автор manowarkata (heavy forever!)
Публикувано20.07.01 07:48  

From: www-data@dirbg.com
Subject: Отговор на вашето мнение
Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2001 23:48:32 +0300
To: manowarkata@dir.bg

4eHe отговор на вашето мнение в: .

Instead of "hosts," we will now have community moderators and volunteer community leaders. Community moderators ("CMs" or "CMods") oversee groups of boards, are responsible for removing spam and other inappropriate posts and help to settle disputes within communities. They also train and manage community leaders. The community moderator for this board is cm-memme!

Community leaders (CLs) lead individual boards. They act as hosts of the party, so to speak -- welcoming newcomers, facilitating conversations, pointing to resources on the network and generally making everyone feel at home. The community leader for this board is to be announced. The volunteer community leader position for this board is open. If you would like to apply, please fill out the
"Be a Leader" application

<font color=red>[Be a Community Leader

Community Leaders host our message boards and chats. They keep the conversation lively, make sure everyone feels at home and maintain our community standards.

Do you...
Enjoy conversation?
Have a special interest or passion you love to talk about?
Have tips to share?
Want to enrich your life?

If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, then you have a lot in common with our iVillage community. We'd like to invite you to become part of our Community Leader team.

Community Leader Benefits
Our volunteer Community Leaders are the heart and soul of xxx. Here are some of the advantages of becoming an xxx Community Leader:

You'll take part in meaningful conversations on topics that you really care about
You'll build close friendships with members of your community
You'll share your wisdom with others and you'll learn from them
You'll receive access to the CL Community Cafe, where you can talk with other xxx CLs and staff members
You'll become a leader in the biggest and best community online
Community Leader Checklist
Interested? Great. Here's the first step: Read through the following checklist, making sure you can answer "yes" to each question.

Are you a member of xxx.com? (If not, you can become a member right now.)
Do you have regular access to the Internet?
Are you 18 years of age or older?
Can you set aside a few hours for Community Leader orientation? Your training can be scheduled to accommodate your needs.
Can you commit to at least one hour of chat hosting per week?
OR can you commit two or three hours per week to leading a message board?
Are you willing to become well-acquainted with xxx.com so that you can guide your community to the great resources available on our site?
Would you enjoy being a host?
Ready to become a leader?
Just fill out the following application. We keep all the information you provide in strictest confidence. /red]

Предполагам, че сте чели вече подобни чужди сайтове. Настрана от изискваната техническа компетенция в горепредложения Уеб клуб, мисля че зададените въпроси тук имат отношение към желанието на кандидата.

Разбира се, сайта не е монополист на съответния пазар. Целта на общността е да запази и привлече участници.

Hail and kill!

Клуб :  

Clubs.dir.bg е форум за дискусии. Dir.bg не носи отговорност за съдържанието и достоверността на публикуваните в дискусиите материали.

Никаква част от съдържанието на тази страница не може да бъде репродуцирана, записвана или предавана под каквато и да е форма или по какъвто и да е повод без писменото съгласие на Dir.bg
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