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Тема Do torbesh: Kako go prechekavme okupatorot
Автор Makedonski narod ()
Публикувано01.06.00 08:40  

"spored vas kje izleze deka vie bevte vo makedonija vo nekoja humanitarna misija, ve prechekaa so cvekjinja i ve ispratia so solzi." Mlado momche, cheti pred da sboruvash. "BULGARIAN AND EVEN GERMAN OCCUPIERS WERE WELCOMED BY THE PEOPLE WITH FLOWERS" Svetlozar Vukmanovich Tempo An excerpt from his report to CC of YCP dated 8 Aug. 1943, about the way Bulgarian Army was welcomed in Macedonia. *** "In party's organizations gradually rose the believe, that the struggle should not be waged against the Bulgarian occupiers, but only against the reactionary government of Filov. That is the reason for removing the term "OSVOBODITELNI" from "NARODNOOSVOBODITELNI" Committees. " Svetlozar Vukmanovich Tempo Excerpts from his report to CC of YCP dated 8 Aug. 1943, about the position of MKP even after removing Metodi Shatorov. *** "Immediately after Bulgarian Fascists came started driving away the Serbs families and their repartition to Serbia, as well the colonialists* from the neighborhood villages in Prilep district: Aleksandrovo, Petrovo etc." Vera Aceva - member of Regional Committee of YCP for Macedonia. An excerpt from her report dated May-June 1942 about the Committee's activities. (page 42) * "The biggest part of the agrarian land (52.44%) was given to the "chetnici" voluntaries and colonialists from the other parts of Yugoslavia, who had been settled in Macedonia… Thus in Macedonia was settled 4000 colonialist's families. Their Suprime Agrarian Procurator in Skopje wrote, that the purpose of the colonialisation is "to conduct nationalization and assimilation of those regions" Kiril Miljovski "Makedonskoto prashanje vo nacionalnata programa na KPY (1919-1937)", Skopje, 1962, pages 14-16 *** "Intimately I was compelled to recognize that… I could not stand the Bulgarian Army in Macedonia at all" S. Vukmanovich Tempo An excerpt from his memoirs *** "Makedonian people believes in the liberating role of Bulgaria… Masses are pro-Bulgarian" "Pro-Bulgarian persons are numerous" Mirche Acev and Bane Andreev, Members of CC of MKP Exerpts from their letters to CC dated 09 Aug. 1942 *** "To create… unity of all Macedonians regardless whether they have been "serbomani", or "grkomani. To do our best in order to stop disuniting of our people in these fatal and historical days…" An excerpt from the Appeal of CC of MKP for independence of Macedonia, dated June 1943 The appeal reads only "serbomani" and "grkomani". *** "The Sharlo's governing actually was chauvinistic national-socialistic governing. They thought, that Macedonian people is Bulgarian and that Macedonian People is enslaved by Great-Serbs Hegemony and must join Bulgaria. Their main slogan is: Out all Non-Macedonians from Macedonia! From all documents is removed that J. [the first letter of Yugoslavia - in Serbs: Jugoslavia] Actually they did not wanted Yugoslavia regardless what is it. It was narrow chauvinistic standpoint, national-socialistic. After the war burst out , the first decision of this governing was dissociating from Yougoslavia, from Tito… They proclaimed that Macedonia is liberated with the arrival of Bulgarians… With Comintern's help Sharlo and his governing was liquidated, but we did not manage to liquidate the vestiges of such a policy even among our best activists…In Macedonia the activists used to do just the opposite. They used to take the Sharlo's governing standpoint on the other matters too… In one Party's document there is slogan: "Down with Filov"! That means Macedonia is not occupied, just Filov to fall and liberated Macedonia already is here! Further allover Yugoslavia "NARODNOOSVOBODITELNI" Committees have been creating, in Macedonia - "NARODNI" Committees. So: Macedonia is liberated…" S.V. Tempo An excerpt from his rabid speech during the Conference of MCP in Prespa, held on 21 Dec. 1943 *** "With his activities Tempo contributed for… cleansing guerillas ranks from opportunistic and pro-Bulgarian persons" Newspaper Politika Express, Belgrade, 14 Mar. 1978, Subtile: "Otklanjanje oportunistichkog uticaja BRP (k)" ================================================== Sources: "Izvori za osloboditelnata vojna i revolucija vo Makedonija 1941-1945", Skopje, 1968-1970, volume I, book 3, doc. No 68. ,page 331-332; book 2, doc. No 75., page 356; book 2, doc. No 38., page 187 (See the Serbs original in "Sbornik dokumenta i podataka o narodnooslobodnjachkom ratu yugoslovenskih naroda", ?. VII, ??. 1, Borbe u Makedoniji. Beograd, 1952, page. 331); also book. 1, doc No 10, page 53; etc.

Цялата тема
* Do torbesh: Kako go prechekavme okupatorot Makedonski narod   01.06.00 08:40
. * sum chital toa bre torbesh   01.06.00 09:27
. * така ли? Стамболов   02.06.00 16:14
. * sum chital toa bre Kapanezc   02.06.00 18:23
. * Како го пречекавме новото време Константин   03.06.00 09:37
. * S mnogo ot neshtata deto si ... Kapanezc   03.06.00 10:18
. * Константине, Хитър 5ър   03.06.00 17:33
. * Како го пречекавме новото време Стамболов   04.06.00 08:51
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