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Тема Дискусия на Ташо с един грък
Автор Pirinski makedonec ()
Публикувано22.05.00 13:49  

Прилагам ви разни отзиви от дискусия на Ташо (за незнаещите член на МПО от Кливланд с корени от Костурско и Леринско) с един грък от Кастория (Костур). Материалът е на английски. Самият първоначален чат с този грък не публикувам, защото е доста дълъг и разводнен. При интерес мога да ви го изпратя. Tова е и мой задочен отговор до Момчил на един негов въпрос. 1) Отговор на Вик Николас, македонец от Австралия, касаещ този чат: Dear bratko Tasho These Greeks and their Grkoman friends are insufferable! I am certain that much of the rubbish they propagate is purely auto-suggestion....ie keep repeating the nonsense, and maybe somebody will believe you.... Tasho, tell this Grkoman George that, Kapetan Vangel (Vaggelis) was from Strebreno (Asproyia)....he was a Grkoman during the early turn of the century struggle....he was killed for this reason.... BUT.....the village of Strebreno although Patriarchist at the turn of the century, participated in the pro-INDEPENDANT MACEDONIA and pro-IMRO Komitat and Ohrana* formations during 1943-44....they kicked the @!#$ out of Greeks and were very patriotic and brave.... So much for the "Greekness" of Kapetan Vangelis village.... I have two other extreme examples.... The village of the notorious Grkoman traitor Kapetan Kota, Rula (Kotas) not only had over 90 volunteers to the Komitat bands in 1943-44....but was also a base!!! So much for the "Greekness" of Kapetan Kotas village! The village of Zhelevo (Antartiko), described by the nefarious Arch-Bishop of Kostour - Ghermanos Karavangelis - as "the Acropolis of Hellinism in the Koreshcha" also produced 70 Komiti in 1943-44 to smash the Greeks of ELAS.... So much for the "Greekness" of this turn of the century patriarchist stronghold!!! There are MANY other examples that I could cite....but, I am getting way, way too bored to deal with guys like this George who appear to have sold their souls to the devil.... Nema lut ka Kosturchanec!!! (There is no-one more volatile than a Kastorian!) Regards, Vic Nicholas Australia * The Komitat and Ohrana formations were sponsored by Bulgaria, fascist Italy and Nazi Germany....hardly friends of the Greeks! 2) Отговор на гърка: My friend Thank you for your E-Mail. With your permission I will post it. I have to say thank you again. Even all my family and I, never spoke or understood the Bulgarian language, I take your word that "Nema lut Ka-Kosturchanec!!!" means "There is no-one more volatile than a Kastorian" we always were and we always will be. Thank you again for your compliment again.I take it as a compliment that I sold my soul to the devil. Because is better to live with the devil instead with one "Gentleman" from " Oxrana and the Komitat" and types like your friend. You said in the Balkans the language is a criterion for nationality. You are proving yourself wrong.Yes it is correct you killed kapetan Vaggelis from Strebeno because he was a "traitor' to your cause which was the incorporation of Macedonia to Bulgaria. But he was speaking Bulgarian, and so was kapetan Kotas. And so were thousands of others who spoke your language but they were and are Greeks.. And so are thousand more that came from Bulgaria, speaking Bulgarian, but being Greeks. And so many that came from Turkey speaking only Turkish but being Greeks. And still they come. Last year I met a dozen Bulgarian-speaking people in Crete. But they are Greeks. And so many Greek-speaking people that left Greece for Bulgaria because they were Bulgarians. Some, like your esteemed friend, stayed in Greece. They hided their feelings like snakes do. But do you know how kapetan Vaggelis was killed? I do. You really do not want to know because it is going to make you sick with the "bravery" of your compatriots. The Greeks have their statues, so any one can see them and learn from them. So the language was not a criterion for nationality, the heart was and still is. Let me tell you something and you transmit that to your friend in Australia. My grandfather came back to Macedonia from the U.S. in 1904. I still cherish his .44 Colt. Guess why. And it was my uncle's unit, an officer of the Greek army that raised the Greek flag on Grammos. August 29 1949. Do never forget that the mountains are still there with the Greek flag flying high. And so are the bones that you left to rotten.As far as the "Heroism" of the oxranites and komitat, I do have personal experience. I know who Caltsev and Gotcev were. Bulgarian officers, and collaborators of the Nazis and fascist and criminals of war. With Bulgaria an ally of the Nazis and fascist, they were not fighting for the liberation of any body. They were exterminating people, so Macedonia can be incorporated in Bulgaria. All my classmates and my teacher were killed. I was 7 years old. So much for your "Bravery" and "kicking Greek ass". Greece was the only country to be attacked by both, the Italians in October 28 1940 and Germany and Bulgaria in February 1941. Eventually was occupied in June 1941.While Greece was occupied by the Germans and Italians your "brave" Oxranites and komitat burned down my house, and killed innocent people. To you, collaborators of Nazis and Fascist, and criminal dogs, this is your badge of bravery. Take it. Always hide behind somebody and kill .You never had the guts to fight like a man. Forty brave Oxranites, while some were pointing guns to people, tied a girl in the center of Argos Orestiko and all forty raped her and they continue to do so, even after she was dead. The Germans and the Italians were laughing. BRAVO to you heroic people. You have surpassed even the Nazis.From a total population of 180.000 people that live in that specific area your friend proudly has found 160 "Bulgarians" to serve in the oxran and Komitat. Of course he is bored. I wish he were bored to death. Civility and civilized conversation is killing him. See those things are not is his genes. The Mongolic genes that is. Pillaging, raping, stealing and burning is.It is statements like your friend's that really make the Kastorian blood boil with Olympian anger. I believed for a minute, that after so many years in a developed country, you learned something about civility, morality and humanity. But as my ancestors have said ' Fysh ponhra metavalein ouk radion"- you cannot correct a perverted person and mind. You are a pervert. Take the badge and stick it. Thanks for nothing. Мой коментар: много е далеч от истината тоя чичо.

Цялата тема
* Дискусия на Ташо с един грък Pirinski makedonec   22.05.00 13:49
. * Дискусия на Ташо с един грък Belota   23.05.00 00:59
. * Дискусия на Ташо с един грък Angel Petrov   23.05.00 09:30
. * Дискусия на Ташо с един грък Angel Petrov   23.05.00 09:55
. * Дискусия на Ташо с един грък Pirinski makedonec   23.05.00 10:06
. * До Пирински Македонец Angel Petrov   23.05.00 11:03
. * Дискусия на Ташо с един грък Pirinski makedonec   23.05.00 12:15
. * Крвта вода - не бидува! Angel Petrov   23.05.00 13:02
. * Крвта вода - не бидува! Dilber Tanas   24.05.00 06:18
. * Крвта вода - не бидува! Pirinski makedonec   24.05.00 09:49
. * Крвта вода - не бидува! Dilber Tanas   25.05.00 04:48
. * Крвта вода - не бидува! torbesh   24.05.00 09:59
. * Крвта вода - не бидува! Pirinski makedonec   24.05.00 10:07
. * Крвта вода - не бидува! torbesh   24.05.00 10:34
. * Крвта вода - не бидува! Dilber Tanas   25.05.00 05:01
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. * Крвта вода - не бидува! skydiver   25.05.00 18:54
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. * От твоята уста в Божийте уши ... Dilber Tanas   26.05.00 00:33
. * Tochno v desetkata ... Kapanezc   28.05.00 14:13
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