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Тема Ushte za Srbite
Автор B v l g a r i ()
Публикувано22.03.00 07:29  

Eve malku objasnenija zashto nie naslednicite na Makedonski bezhanci mrazime Srbite. -------- John Reed, "War in Eastern Europe" (Vojna v Iztochna Evropa): " A thousand Greek and Serbian publicists began to fill the world with their shouting about the essentially Greek or Serbian character of the population of their different spheres. The Serbs gave the unhappy Macedonians 24 hours to renounce their nationality and proclaim themselves Serbs...Refusal meant murder or expulsion..Bulgarian schoolteachers were shot..Bulgarian priests given the choice of death or conversion...The Greek newspapers explained the fact that the Macedonians didn't speak Greek by calling the people "Bulgarophone" Greeks..The Greek army entered villages where no one spoke their language.What do you mean by speaking Bulgarian?, cried the officers". ---------- Robert Kaplan, "Balkan ghosts" (Balkanski prizraci) re:/Robert Kaplan po vreme na razgovor so Arhiepiskop Mihail Ohridski vo R.Makedonija: "Metropolitan Mikhail would not let me go. He needed to tell me about King Samuel, "a Macedonian feudal lord", who in A.D. 976 broke out of his stronghold at Ochrid to create an empire stretching from the Adriatic Sea in the West to the gates of Istanbul in the East. "But Samuel also ruled in the name of Bulgaria", I encountered. Encyclopedias refer to Samuel as a "Bulgarian". Moreover, the Byzantine emperor Basil the Second, on account of vanquishing Samuel 1014, became known as Basil Bulgaroctonos. Basil the Bulgar Slayer. "No, no, young man", Metropolitan Mikhail bellowed. "You do not understand. The material is so vast, it would take you years of study to comprehend our problem". " "When john Reed visited Sofia in the summer of 1915, the city provided a foretaste of what Beirut, Damascus and Amman would one day be like: "Half the population of Sofia was composed of Macedonian refugees, and you could visit a camp in the outskirts of the city where 16 000 of them lived in tents, at great expense and annoyance to the government...Every day the press was full of bitter expressions of hatred against the Serbians". "

Цялата тема
* Ushte za Srbite B v l g a r i   22.03.00 07:29
. * Ushte za Srbite Dobrin   22.03.00 08:51
. * Ushte za Srbite Laci   22.03.00 10:10
. * Ushte za Srbite Доктора   23.03.00 02:29
. * Ushte za Srbite Laci   23.03.00 04:25
. * Ushte za Srbite Dobrin   23.03.00 08:38
. * Ushte za Srbite Laci   24.03.00 08:09
. * Ushte za Srbite Dobrin   24.03.00 08:44
. * drug pat Laci   24.03.00 10:30
. * Ushte za Srbite Laci   26.03.00 08:58
. * Ushte za Srbite Dobrin   26.03.00 10:14
. * Ushte za Srbite Laci   27.03.00 10:09
. * Ushte za Srbite MAKEDONEC   23.03.00 15:55
. * Ushte za Srbite Dobrin   24.03.00 07:57
. * Ushte za Srbite MAKEDONEC   23.03.00 15:45
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