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Тема VMRO za nacionalniot identitet na Makedoncite
Публикувано11.01.00 21:01  

Uste dokumenti za postoenjeto na Makedonci, Makedonska nacija i jazik daleku pred famoznata 1944 godina koga tolku 'Toshkovci" od Bugarija se pogresno informirani deka tie se 'zimisleni'. Eve procitajte za VMRO. Videte koi bile i svatete deka VMRO se borela kolku protiv Turcite, tolku i protiv Bugarite, Srbite i Grcite. Uzivajte vo svoite jadovi 'braka' Bugari. Kako sto bese kazano vo eden drug post. Jas ubavo znam koj i sto sum (Makedonec), ubavo znam koj jazik go zboruvam (Makedonski), ubavo znam koi i sto bile moite babi i dedovci (Makedonci) i na kraj ostanuvate samo vie i vasite bolni i pogresno informirani glavi da go svatite toj fakt! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1935 Declaration of the regional Committee of the VMRO (United) under Bulgarian Rule The report, a protest of the Macedonians under Greek rule, published in the Greek communist journal "Rizospastis" and others, is the result of the hidden desires and of the struggle of the entire Macedonian nation. The demand of the Macedonians under Greek rule to speak freely in their own native Macedonian language, to open their own Macedonian schools and to teach their children in their own native language is their holy right, which will be won by means of a relentless struggle of the Macedonian nation, against the imperialist captors, for the freedom and independence of Macedonia. 2. Since the Macedonians under Greek rule are neither "slavophones" nor "pure Greeks", since the Macedonians under Serbian rule are not "true Serbs", likewise the Macedonians under Bulgarian rule are not Bulgarians, nor do they wish to become so. The Macedonian nation has its own past, present and future, not as an appendix to imperialistic Bulgaria, Greece and Serbia, but as an independent nation, which for decades has been struggling to win the right to self-determination, including the right to separation as an independent political state unit from the imperialistic states which are oppressing it. (Published in the journal "Makedonsko delo", XI, No.195 p.S, February 1935.In the introduction to the Declaration it is stated: "In connection with the protest of the group of Macedonians from Aegean Macedonia, a protest sent to the Greek press against denationalization and terrorism, the Regional Committee of the VMRO (UNITED) in Macedonia under Bulgarian rule, in the name of all Macedonians nationally oppressed by Bulgarian imperialism in the Petrich region and refugees to Bulgaria, is proclaiming this Declaration").

Цялата тема
* VMRO za nacionalniot identitet na Makedoncite MAKEDONEC   11.01.00 21:01
. * VMRO za nacionalniot identitet na Makedoncite Манджук   12.01.00 04:27
. * VMRO za nacionalniot identitet na Makedoncite MAKEDONEC   12.01.00 16:31
. * VMRO za nacionalniot identitet na Makedoncite Манджук   13.01.00 23:42
. * VMRO za nacionalniot identitet na Makedoncite MAKEDONEC   13.01.00 23:59
. * Edno radikalno i brzo resenie D-r Mengeme   15.01.00 04:03
. * VMRO za nacionalniot identitet na Makedoncite Манджук   14.01.00 00:19
. * VMRO za nacionalniot identitet na Makedoncite MAKEDONEC   14.01.00 14:45
. * VMRO za nacionalniot identitet na Makedoncite JOSIF   17.01.00 06:38
. * VMRO za nacionalniot identitet na Makedoncite glen   14.01.00 16:22
. * VMRO za nacionalniot identitet na Makedoncite MAKEDONEC   14.01.00 17:12
. * VMRO za nacionalniot identitet na Makedoncite glen   14.01.00 22:08
. * VMRO za nacionalniot identitet na Makedoncite MAKEDONEC   14.01.00 23:46
. * VMRO za nacionalniot identitet na Makedoncite glen   15.01.00 12:55
. * И кои са тия "всички"? Влад. Поптомов П.M.   17.01.00 12:41
. * не ВМРО, а ВМРО (об.), подчинена на решенията на П.M.   17.01.00 10:59
. * "daleku pred"?! П.M.   17.01.00 12:50
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