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Клубове/ Политика, Свят / Македония Пълен преглед*
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Тема criollos
Автор torlakov-93629 (оД Цаконица)
Публикувано05.05.23 22:41  

as noted by Mexican writer Octavio Paz.[27]

They [criollos] felt the same ambiguity in regard to their native land. It was difficult to consider themselves compatriots of the Indians and impossible to share their pre-Hispanic past. Even so, the best among them, if rather hazily, admired the past, even idealized it. It seemed to them that the ghost of the Roman empire had at times been embodied in the Aztec empire. The criollo dream was the creation of a Mexican empire, and its archetypes were Rome and Tenochtitlán. The criollos were aware of the bizarre nature of their situation, but, as happens in such cases, they were unable to transcend it — they were enmeshed in nets of their own weaving. Their situation was cause for pride and for scorn, for celebration and humiliation. The criollos adored and abhorred themselves. [...] They saw themselves as extraordinary, unique beings and were unsure whether to rejoice or weep before that self-image. They were bewitched by their own uniqueness.[27]

Цялата тема
* criollos torlakov-93629   05.05.23 22:41
. * Re: criollos komitaO3   05.05.23 22:55
. * Re: criollos torlakov-93629   05.05.23 23:06
. * Re: criollos komitaO3   05.05.23 23:15
. * Re: criollos torlakov-93629   08.05.23 20:43
. * Re: criollos komitaO3   08.05.23 20:48
. * Re: criollos torlakov-93629   08.05.23 21:02
. * Re: criollos nikolayds   08.05.23 23:28
. * Re: criollos tormentor   09.05.23 09:49
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