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Клубове Дирене Регистрация Кой е тук Въпроси Списък Купувам / Продавам 18:55 28.09.24 
Клубове/ Политика, Свят / Македония Пълен преглед*
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Тема Re: Попе Прване , думите : Проблема , Геометрија . [re: demokrativcev]
Автор studen_t (ентусиаст)
Публикувано25.07.08 21:08  

The Kalash (Nuristani: Kasivo; od tamu doagja i Kosovo) or Kalasha, are an ethnic group of the Hindu Kush mountain range, residing in the Chitral district of the North-West Frontier Province of Pakistan. They speak the Kalash language, a member of the Dardic family of Indo-Aryan.

There is some controversy over what defines the ethnic characteristics of the Kalash. Although quite numerous before the 20th century, the non-Muslim minority has seen its numbers dwindle over the past century. A leader of the Kalash, Saifulla Jan, has stated, "If any Kalash converts to Islam, they can't live among us anymore. We keep our identity strong."[1] About three thousand have converted to Islam or are descendants of converts, yet still live nearby in the Kalash villages and maintain their language and many aspects of their ancient culture. By now, sheikhs, or converts to Islam, make up more than half of the total Kalasha-speaking population.[2]

The language of the Kalash is a Dardic language belonging to the Indo-Aryan branch of the Indo-Iranian group; itself part of the larger Indo-European family. It is classified as a member of the Chitral sub-group, the only other member of that group being Khowar. The Norwegian Linguist Georg Morgenstierne who studied both languages wrote that in spite of similarities Kalasha is an independent language in its own right, not a mere dialect of Khowar.[8] [9]

Until the latter 20th century, Kalash was an undocumented language. More recently, through the work of a Greek NGO and local Kalash elders seeking to preserve their oral traditions, a new Kalasha alphabet has been created. Taj Khan Kalash has also been influential in the development of the new alphabet. Having moved to Thessaloniki, Greece to study linguistics in the Aristotle University, he and the Greek NGO Mesogaia took on the task of compiling the script and creating The Alphabet Book, a primer used to teach the alphabet to the Kalash children. Badshah Munir Bukhari unicoded the Kalasha Language in 2005.

These deities have shrines throughout the valleys, where they frequently receive goat sacrifices. In 1929, as Georg Morgenstierne testifies, such rituals were still carried out by Kalash priests, "istikavan" 'priest' (from istikhek 'to praise a god'). This institution has since disappeared but there still is the prominent one of shamans (dehar) [24] The deities are temporary visitors. Kalash shrines (dur 'house', cf. Vedic dur) are a wooden board or stone altar at juniper, oak, cedar trees, in 1929 still with the effigy of a human head inside holes in these shrines. Horses, cows, goats and sheep were sacrificed. Wine is a sacred drink of Indr, who owns a vineyard that he defends against invaders. Kalash ritual is of potlatch type; by organizing rituals and festivals (up to 12; the highest called biramor) one gains fame and status. As in the Veda, the former local artisan class was excluded from public religious functions.

Цялата тема
* 3000 евро глоба за неправилен македонски език persone   25.07.08 16:25
. * Re: 3000 евро глоба за неправилен македонски език инцидeнтeн   25.07.08 16:56
. * Re: 3000 евро глоба за неправилен македонски език Илийцa   25.07.08 17:08
. * Re: 3000 евро глоба за неправилен македонски език инцидeнтeн   25.07.08 17:56
. * Попе Прване , думите : Проблема , Геометрија ..... demokrativcev   25.07.08 18:18
. * Re: Попе Прване , думите : Проблема , Геометрија ..... инцидeнтeн   25.07.08 18:42
. * Re: Попе Прване , думите : Проблема , Геометрија ..... demokrativcev   25.07.08 20:52
. * Re: Попе Прване , думите : Проблема , Геометрија . studen_t   25.07.08 20:59
. * Re: Попе Прване , думите : Проблема , Геометрија . demokrativcev   25.07.08 21:02
. * Re: Попе Прване , думите : Проблема , Геометрија . studen_t   25.07.08 21:08
. * Re: Попе Прване , думите : Проблема , Геометрија . rahhan   26.07.08 03:46
. * Re: Попе Прване , думите : Проблема , Геометрија . macedonian   26.07.08 11:28
. * Makedonski Car vo 14 vek , spored ....... alternativnov   26.07.08 18:11
. * Няма македонци, чети внимателно! saur.   27.07.08 09:40
. * "Temata" - adnistrativna ...e Bugarija vo 14 vek . alternativnov   27.07.08 14:27
. * Re: Попе Прване , думите : Проблема , Геометрија . studen_t   25.07.08 21:16
. * Почитувани македонисти, demokrativcev   25.07.08 21:28
. * Za koj Ohrid velis? studen_t   25.07.08 21:37
. * Re: Почитувани македонисти, macedonian   26.07.08 11:31
. * Vsicko sa slavisti ....... alternativnov   26.07.08 18:13
. * Re: 3000 евро глоба напълниха си хазната плямпaлo   26.07.08 18:30
. * Re: 3000 евро глоба за неправилен македонски език Nicul   26.07.08 20:09
. * “Бугарски“ виц .... МАШИНАТА Е БУГАРСКА alternativnov   26.07.08 21:38
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