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Тема Гръцката реакция след Съединението 1885
АвторФaлaнre (Нерегистриран) 
Публикувано07.09.06 05:52  

Гърците са искали да обявяват война на България, но след острият неодобрителен тон на Великобритания са се отказали. Сърбия също са исали подкрепа от Лондон, но им е било отказано. След поощряване от страна на Русия и Австро-Унгария, Крал Милан обявява война на България на 14 Ноември. Много "курвенска" е позицията на Русия по време и след Съединението.

Чукнете в Wikipedia, "Bulgarian Unification"


International response to the Unification

In the years after the signing of the Berlin Treaty, the St. Petersburg government had often expressed its view that the creation of Eastern Rumelia out of Southern Bulgaria was an unnatural division and would be short-lived. Russia knew that the Unification would undoubtedly come soon and took important measures for its preparation. First, Russia exerted successful diplomatic pressure upon the Ottoman Empire constraining it from sending forces into Eastern Rumelia. Also, in 1881, in a special protocol, created after the re-establishment of the League of the Three Emperors, it was noted that Austria-Hungary and Germany would show support for a possible union act of the Bulgarians.

Defying most expectations, Russia did not support the September 6 act due to its open conflict with Knyaz Alexander I. Russia wanted to preserve its influence in Bulgarian affairs and feared losing it as the new state grew stronger with Alexander I at its head. As a result, Russia commanded all its officers to leave Bulgaria and suggested that an official conference be held in Constantinople, where the violation of the Berlin status quo was to be sanctioned.

United Kingdom
The government circles in London initially thought that powerful support by St. Petersburg stood behind the bold Bulgarian act. They soon realised the reality of the situation, and after the Russian official position was announced, Great Britain gave its support for the Bulgarian cause, but not until Bulgarian-Ottoman negotiations began.

Austria-Hungary's position was determined by its policy towards Serbia. In a secret treaty from 1881, Austria-Hungary accepted Serbia's "right" to expand in the direction of Macedonia. Austria-Hungary's aim was to win influence in Serbia, while at the same time directing Serbian territorial appetites towards the south instead of north and north-west. Also, Austria-Hungary had always opposed the creation of a large Slavonic state in the Balkans of the sort that a unified Bulgaria would become. France and Germany supported the Russian proposal of an international conference in the Ottoman capital.

Ottoman Empire
After the Unification was already a fact, it took three days for Constantinople to become aware of what had actually happened. A new problem then arose: according to the Berlin treaty the Sultan was only allowed to send troops in Eastern Rumelia at the request of Eastern Rumelia's governor. Gavrail Krastevich, the governor at the time, made no such request. At the same time the Ottoman Empire was advised in harsh tone both by London and St. Petersburg not to take any such actions and instead to wait for the decision of the international conference.

Serbia and Greece
The Union of Bulgaria and Eastern Rumelia made Bulgaria the largest state in the Balkans at that time, a fact that a number of neighbouring countries could not accept. Athens immediately asked for territorial compensations and even threatened it would begin military actions. There were civilian demonstrations throughout Greece that prompted the government to declare war on Bulgaria. Intervention on the part of the British government helped soothe this agitation.

Serbia's position was similar to that of Greece. The Serbians asked for considerable territorial compensations along the whole western border with Bulgaria. Rebuffed by Bulgaria, but assured of support from Austria-Hungary, king Milan Obrenović IV declared war on Bulgaria on November 14 1885.

See also
Serbo-Bulgarian War, 1885
Prodan Tishkov — Chardafon
Jono Mitev — "The Unification" / Йоно Митев — "Съединението", Военно издателство
Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bulgarian_unification"

Цялата тема
* Гръцката реакция след Съединението 1885 Фaлaнre   07.09.06 05:52
. * Re: Гръцката реакция след Съединението 1885 kyмaнич   07.09.06 08:23
. * Re: Гръцката реакция след Съединението 1885 Гaзoпpoвoдниk   07.09.06 12:37
. * отрицателната роля на Русия Medius   07.09.06 12:15
. * чак сега ми идва на ум, coф.мak.   07.09.06 12:57
. * Re: отрицателната роля на Русия soldier_1912   07.09.06 13:06
. * аз съм склонен Medius   07.09.06 13:19
. * Re: аз съм склонен Cлyчaeн   07.09.06 15:50
. * Re: аз съм склонен Bvlgari   07.09.06 17:03
. * Re: аз съм склонен soldier_1912   07.09.06 17:03
. * Re: аз съм склонен Дeньo   07.09.06 17:55
. * Re: аз съм склонен фaлaнre   08.09.06 04:17
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