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Тема ЧЕЛНИК, ВОЙНИК, ВОДИЦА - антични български думи !
Автор Ziezi (ex quo Vulgares)
Публикувано06.12.04 10:11  

Както вече и децата знаят, античните "македонци" са "траки" , сиреч най-чисти българи.

Ето само няколко от хилядите доказателства !

What was like the ancient Macedonian language?

There are only a certain number of preserved words, and from the current knowledge the structure of the ancient Macedonian can not be fully synthesised. Most of the ancient Macedonian words are different to the ancient Greek language words, however there are a few that are similar. For the words from the ancient Macedonian language that are similar to the ancient Greek language words are believed to be taken on from Greek.19) In fact, this occurrence was and still is characteristic for all languages in the world. In the Macedonian language today terms are adopted from foreign languages mainly where there is no authentic terminology or analogy. For instance: antena (antenna); satelit (satellite); mobilen telefon (mobile/cellular phone); kompjuter (computer) etc. These foreign words are being adapted in accordance with the modern Macedonian phonetic system. This needs to be taken into account when analysing the ancient Macedonian language. The authenticity and the nature of a language can not be possibly determined only by the words that language adopted from another language.

One needs to bear in mind that almost all the preserved ancient Macedonian words reached modern age through their Greek transcript which makes it more difficult to identify their true meaning. It is important that the phenomenon "Interpretato Graeca" is mentioned here, that is greekifying of all the foreign words: nouns, verbs, and especially names. A specific characteristic of this process is adding the suffix "os" or "s" to the foreign words, and this will be discussed later in this paper.

Despite all this, it is very interesting to note that many of the authentic ancient Macedonian words, according to their etymology and pronunciation, have a striking resemblance to the appropriate words used in the modern Macedonian language (and other so called "Slav" languages).

For instance, the word "tshelniku" which translated in English means foremost is a very interesting case. The British historian Hammond mentioned its etymology and said that the word "tshelniku" in the ancient Macedonian language had a meaning of "leader of a group". Hammond says that this word was translated into Greek only in the 14th century as "phylarchos".20)

The word "tshelnik" with completely identical etymology and pronunciation has been registered in the so called "old Slavic language" in Macedonia as early as 11th century! Proof of this is the entry of Byzantine chronicle writer Kekavmen where he described the events surrounding the anti-Byzantine uprising of Petar Deljan in 11th century. He said that in the language of the rebels "the strategist is called tshelnik"!21) It is known that Kekavmen was fluent in the "language of the Slavs" in Macedonia therefore he could translate the Greek word "strategist" as "tshelnik" (the strategist was a high military rank in Byzantine). It is even more interesting that the word "tshelnik" with identical etymology and pronunciation is being used in todays' Macedonian language and in other "Slav" languages, as well! This can not be a coincidence, especially considering the fact that there could be hundreds of thousands etymological meanings that a single word can represent, and in this instance there is an identical etymological meaning for a word that has also an identical pronunciation.

The remark that the middle age Macedonians simply borrowed this word from the language of ancient Macedonians and used it in 11th century is not valid. Assuming that it is so, becomes impossible to explain the fact that this word is present in the contemporary Croatian literary language. Have they inherited this word from the ancient Macedonians as well? It is the same with the contemporary Serbian and Bulgarian literary languages where this word is also present with the same pronunciation and etymology.

It is highly likely that through analysis of the word "tshelniku" some other characteristics of the ancient Macedonian language could be identified, considering the fact that in the contemporary Macedonian language this word is deducted from the noun "tshelo" - forehead.

As mentioned previously, the non-Greek words were recorded by the ancient Greeks on as-heard basis without analysing the form of the word. Due to the fact the word "tshelniku" had been recorded inclusive of the vowel "u" at the end, it is anticipated that "tshelniku" was recorded by the ancient Greeks in its vocative form. The vocative form of the noun "tshelnik" in the contemporary Macedonian language is precisely "tshelniku". Is it maybe that the Greeks used to hear the word "tshelniku" every time a Macedonian addressed the leader, therefore recorded this word without realising that they were recording its vocative form?

Another word that is also very interesting in this regard is the word "phoinikos", which is related to the warfare22). Indubitable this word is very much alike the contemporary Macedonian word "voinik" meaning "soldier". There could be a little doubt that these words have a common origin. Why is this so? In the ancient Greek language the consonant "v" did not exist23). The conclusion is imminent that the true pronunciation of the word "phoinikos" would be "voinikos" ("ph" replaced with "v"). In addition to this, as established earlier in this text, ancient Greeks added the suffix "os" to a lot of non-Greek words they recorded. If the word "phoinikos" had been subjected to the "Interpretato Graeca" phenomenon i.e. if the suffix "os" had been added to this non-Greek word, by taking out the Greek suffix we arrive at the contemporary Macedonian word "voinik" (soldier). Not only the pronunciation, but also the etymology of the word "voinik" is very similar to that of the word "phoinikos" and is located in the domain of warfare.

An abundance of water is described with the word "vodi" in contemporary Macedonian language. The corresponding ancient Macedonian word for this is the word "vedy". The Greek archaeologist Aliki Stuyanaki in the periodical "Edesaika Hronika" (Edessa, may-august, 1972) advised that the Macedonian city of Voden, to which the Greeks gave the name "Edessa", was originally a Brygian city and its old name was Vedy which means abundance of water24). Furthermore, St. Clement of Alexandria wrote that ancient Macedonians had a great respect towards the water (springs, wells, rivers) and they worshiped the Macedonian divinity they called Vedy25). In this instance as well, the similarity between pronunciation of a contemporary Macedonian and an ancient Macedonian word is undeniable, and again their etymology is identical.



Цялата тема
* ЧЕЛНИК, ВОЙНИК, ВОДИЦА - антични български думи ! Ziezi   06.12.04 10:11
. * я претера Лaци   06.12.04 10:33
. * Re: ЧЕЛНИК, ВОЙНИК, ВОДИЦА - антични български думи ! XOPЪ+БATЪ/XOPЪ+BATЪ   06.12.04 10:39
. * Re: ЧЕЛНИК, ВОЙНИК, ВОДИЦА - антични български думи ! бr   06.12.04 10:45
. * Re: ЧЕЛНИК, ВОЙНИК, ВОДИЦА - антични български думи ! XOPЪ+БATЪ/XOPЪ+BATЪ   06.12.04 11:10
. * Re: ЧЕЛНИК, ВОЙНИК, ВОДИЦА - антични български думи ! Ziezi   06.12.04 11:12
. * Re: ЧЕЛНИК, ВОЙНИК, ВОДИЦА - антични български думи ! XOPЪ+БATЪ/XOPЪ+BATЪ   06.12.04 12:53
. * славянски език вxнyp   06.12.04 13:34
. * Re: славянски език Makeтo   06.12.04 18:52
. * Re: славянски език вxнyp   06.12.04 21:22
. * Re: славянски език лorичнo   07.12.04 12:27
. * Re: ЧЕЛНИК, ВОЙНИК, ВОДИЦА - антични български думи ! tormentor   06.12.04 17:28
. * Re: ЧЕЛНИК, ВОЙНИК, ВОДИЦА - антични български думи ! »№*ы{}lЏ3©®™   06.12.04 18:19
. * Re: ЧЕЛНИК, ВОЙНИК, ВОДИЦА - антични български думи ! tormentor   07.12.04 10:09
. * Re: ЧЕЛНИК, ВОЙНИК, ВОДИЦА - антични български думи ! XOPЪ+БATЪ/XOPЪ+BATЪ   06.12.04 18:19
. * Re: ЧЕЛНИК, ВОЙНИК, ВОДИЦА - антични български думи ! Лил   06.12.04 18:31
. * че кой спори че всички dilmar   06.12.04 18:39
. * Re: че кой спори че всички Лил   06.12.04 18:55
. * Re: че кой спори че всички Ziezi   06.12.04 19:02
. * Re: че кой спори че всички Лил   06.12.04 19:22
. * Re: че кой спори че всички Ziezi   06.12.04 19:34
. * Re: че кой спори че всички mellisa   06.12.04 19:40
. * Re: че кой спори че всички Лил   06.12.04 19:47
. * Re: че кой спори че всички Ziezi   06.12.04 19:56
. * Re: че кой спори че всички XOPЪ+БATЪ/XOPЪ+BATЪ   06.12.04 23:05
. * На работа палеолингвисти! tulsanew   07.12.04 02:10
. * Re: На работа палеолингвисти! Лил   08.12.04 00:10
. * Re: На работа палеолингвисти! tulsanew   08.12.04 00:34
. * Re: На работа палеолингвисти! Лил   08.12.04 10:33
. * Re: че кой спори че всички dilmar   07.12.04 10:58
. * Re: Пълни глупости Чeлниk   07.12.04 14:14
. * Re: Пълни глупости tulsanew   07.12.04 15:07
. * Re: Пълни глупости Ziezi   07.12.04 18:43
. * Поне цар Котис е отбирал.... tulsanew   07.12.04 22:12
. * Re: Поне цар Котис е отбирал.... Ziezi   07.12.04 22:26
. * Пълни глупости ! mellisa   08.12.04 15:10
. * Re: ЧЕЛНИК, ВОЙНИК, ВОДИЦА - антични български думи ! Karan   08.12.04 16:20
. * Re: ЧЕЛНИК, ВОЙНИК, ВОДИЦА - антични български думи ! Ziezi   08.12.04 21:46
. * Re: ЧЕЛНИК, ВОЙНИК, ВОДИЦА - антични български думи ! PFK LP   08.12.04 22:36
. * pezhetairoi = пешадия Лaци   09.12.04 02:41
. * пелтастас(PELTASTAS) НЕ ПЕшАДИЯ Бyprac   09.12.04 05:42
. * footsoldiers Tace   09.12.04 06:10
. * Re: footsoldiers dilmar   09.12.04 11:41
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