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Тема Македонска интелектуална кражба от старо време
Автор »№*ы{|}lЏ3©®™ (Тортурач)
Публикувано03.07.04 18:19  

За какво става дума? Македонският гений Борис Шопоски (шеф на виртуалмацедониа.цом) през лятото на 95-та се хвали, че е направил примерна страница, която да ползват македонците, когато си правят веб-страни (всъщност това е самата виртуалмацедониа.цом) :

Date: Tue, 27 Jun 1995 14:21:15 -0400
From: Boris Soposki <BVS4997@ritvax.isc.rit.edu>
Subject: WWW na Makedoncite standardizirani

Dragi Makedoneri,
po se izgleda brojot na Makedonci koi imaat(ili sakaat da napravat) svoja WWW
stranica raste. Jas predlagam da gi standardizirame stranicite koi gi imaat
makedonci, so toa shto site bi koristele ista pozadina koja mozhete i samite da
ja vidite na http://www.rit.edu/~bvs4997/Macedonia.

Rabotev deneska na taa mala slikicka cel den, pa me interesira shto mislite za
ovoj moj predlog i za pozadinata voopshto. Najteshko e znaci koga covek ce se
sooci so apatija. Kazete ja sakame stranicata ja mrazime stranicata, ama vazhno
da pushtite glas. :-))
Samo jas i eden Gospod znae kolku rabota ima na taa stranica :-))

Boris Shoposki

P.S. Verzija 0.1 na FAQ pristignuva za nekoj den na Makedon.

Естествено веднага се оказва, че страницата е най-нагло изплагиатствана от българина Пламен Близнаков:

Date: Tue, 27 Jun 1995 23:53:06 -0400
From: Plamen Bliznakov <Plamen.Bliznakov@ASU.edu>
Subject: Blatant WWW Plagiarism (was Re: VIRTUAL MACEDONIA)

I am cross-posting this article to all the newsgroups where the original
announcement was made as well as to comp.infosystems.www.authoring.html
(since the case might be setting a precedent of interest for the
readers of this group). Please, remove the irrelevant newsgroups
from your follow-up.

In an article news:1995Jun16.221046.27158@ultb.isc.rit.edu Boris Soposki
publicized on Internet (through a number of Usenet newsgroups and a mailing
list) a series of Web pages called "Virtual Macedonia" at:


I approached those pages with mixed feelings. On one hand, I was the person
who first created WWW pages about the Republic of Macedonia, and who tried for
more than a year now to encourage other people to provide more positive on-line
information about that young country. On the other hand, my experience with the
"preliminary version" (as it was explained to me in a personal E-mail by Mr.
Soposki) of "his" Web pages was a big disappointment: with an exception of few
Web pages the rest (probably the vast majority) were blatant plagiarism from
pages put together by me and available on our WWW server at


Unfortunately, despite my attempts to clarify things through personal E-mail
exchange with Mr. Soposki and others (like Sasho Konechni and Vladimir Vuksan),
educate him on Netiquette, and resolve the issue, the current version of "his"
Web pages are not much different from his "trial" versions. The HTML code of
Web pages taken from my site has slightly changed header (probably in an
attempt to provide a different background and create an impression of "being
different"). Links to pages at my site were "cleansed-up" and my <ADDRESS>
infromation was ripped off. However, the body of the files (even for texts
publicly available on the net - like the Constitution of the country) are
mark-up--for--mark-up taken from my HTML files (although the formatting, as with

any other computer language, can be done in many different ways). Moreover,
texts written by me are sometimes slightly abbreviated, but word--for--word
(up to the spelling mistakes and places of line breaks) taken from my pages.

bvs4997@vaxb.isc.rit.edu wrote:
>Many many thanks for helping me with the page to Zoja Naskova, Goce
>Naumovski, Sasha Konechni, Sasha Shopov, Vlady Vuksan.

Getting the code of the files I spent personal time creating (even if this was
just technical work), ripping off my name and not giving me the credit (even
in his "proud and official" announcement of the site) shows very low moral
values and lack of integrity on behalf of Mr. Soposki.

I decided that in this case I have no other choice but to contact the
sysop at the Rochester Institute of Technology (I got reply from
Mr. Bob Weeks <RCWACC@ritvax.isc.rit.edu>). Even after that rather than
apologize for the incident and try to clear things up, Mr. Soposki kept on
lying that he "hasn't used ANY" (use of all uppercase is his) of my HTML

That's disgusting.

Редактирано от »№*ы{|}lЏ3©®™ на 03.07.04 18:24.

Цялата тема
* Македонска интелектуална кражба от старо време »№*ы{|}lЏ3©®™   03.07.04 18:19
. * Re: Македонска интелектуална кражба от старо време dilmar   03.07.04 19:08
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