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Тема Re: vasile izbubenik vo svemir. [re: make]
АвторBacил (Нерегистриран) 
Публикувано25.02.04 14:40  

>abe more celo malo mi e so vlasi, znam nesto vlaski kade vi teknuvaat
>vakvi gluposti. Imate li vie osnovna covekova kultura imate li vie osnovno
>poznavanje od nauka edno naj osnovno koj ve laze bre za takvi gluposti,
>edinstveno nekoj sto gi narekuva makedoncite bugari i toa za da gi navredi

тъй като и до обвинения в лъжа се стигна, ето седнах и изкопах писмата на влахинята. Трябваше да се търси за "vergers", а не "vergeri" в google-а. По-долу е дискусията между Paris и един грък, социолог в USA (>>

с цялото писмо<<):

From: paris <paris@merck.com>
Subject: Re: Balkan Romance and the Vlachs of Serbo-Croatia
Date: 1997/03/27
Organization: Merck & Co.
Newsgroups: soc.culture.greek,alt.news.macedonia,soc.culture.romanian,soc.history.medieval

Stavros N Karageorgis wrote:

> BTW, was your Greek-speaking grand-father a resident of Bitola/Monastir by any
> chance?

Yes he came from a small village called Malovishte, but our ancestry has
been passed down from generation to generation and I know that my
ancestors came from a village in Greece called Gramos and that my
mother's family identifies themselves by using the name of the village
they had come from in the last name, which is Gramosli. My Grandfather
could also speek, Turkish and Albanian and Macedonian.

[. . .]

> Pari, I think you're the first Vlakh who nationally identifies as a
> 'Macedonian' (also, I guess) to have posted here in a long while. Welcome!

> Stavros N. Karageorgis, C.Phil. (Sociology)
> E-mail: karageor@ucla.edu

Thank you, This is true the reason that I identify as both is because
over the years in Macedonia especially within the region that my parents
came from (Bitola/Resen), less and less couples married within their own
"nationality" of Vlachs, basically because there weren't enough Vlachs
around the region without having to move out of the region to a different
part of Macedonia to marry a Valch that wasn't already a relative. And if
you wanted to stay within your own village then you would have to marry a
cousin. Very few were not related by blood.

So my mothers village and my mother started marrying the "Vergers" or
. So my mother is 100% Vlach and my father is 100% Macedonian,
that makes me 50-50. The same goes for my husband, but his family did not
pass down their knowledge of where they had come from. And the same goes
for the majority of the villagers still left in Malovishte. After we got
married we know of 7 couples that got married and each person that they
married was Macedonian and not Vlach, basically because the villagers
were all already related within the confines of the village. My husband
and I were lucky that we were not already blood relations although his
Aunt and My Uncle are married but thank God that still doesn't make us
blood relations. Also the majority of the villagers have moved to the
city where they intermingle even more with the Vergers and the possiblity
of not marrying a Vlach is much greater than marrying a Vlach.

But our children will still be 50/50 because of us, and we will teach
them Vlashki and Macedonian, and I will write down our Family tree to
pass on to generations. This is the only way to preserve our heritage,
because once we intermingle with Americans you can kiss our devotion to
our nationalities goodbye.

[. . .]

Thank you


>se atinjanite, solunjanite po natprevari. Oni gi viakat srbi no najponizno e >bugari i taka gi vikaat. No odi ti kazimu na nekoj makedonec vo egejska
>makedonija deka e bugar, ima nosot da gi go skrsi.

Цялата тема
* „Сајбер војна“ за историјата на Македонија BPEME   24.02.04 17:20
. * мултиетническо негиранье Dobronameren   24.02.04 18:33
. * ова е многу интересна тема Фpaep   24.02.04 18:46
. * Re: Ивана Цakaтa   24.02.04 18:54
. * Re: Ивана Dobronameren   24.02.04 18:59
. * статията звучи пробългарски бaш бyrapaш   24.02.04 20:35
. * Re: статията звучи пробългарски balgarin   24.02.04 22:09
. * Re: в учебниците по Маркетинг пишеше Цakaтa   25.02.04 18:20
. * Re: в учебниците по Маркетинг пишеше balgarin   25.02.04 21:01
. * Re: ова е многу интересна тема Bacил   25.02.04 13:32
. * vasile izbubenik vo svemir. make   25.02.04 13:43
. * Re: Егея Zaples   25.02.04 14:03
. * Re: vasile izbubenik vo svemir. Bacил   25.02.04 14:40
. * още "вергери" Bacил   25.02.04 14:51
. * Ивана Серафимова Бълrapин oд Beлec   24.02.04 22:12
. * Re: Кај си бе танасе т.е. тодоре пичко глупа MAKEДOHEЦ   25.02.04 19:30
. * Re: „Сајбер војна“ за историјата на Македонија tormentor   25.02.04 14:56
. * Re: „Сајбер војна“ за историјата на Македонија krez_   25.02.04 18:25
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