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Тема “The Bulgarian repl...Alexander was Bulgarian
АвторStephan Nikolov (Нерегистриран) 
Публикувано21.10.02 04:13  

The following information is from your own well respected (among diaspora Bulgars and Bugaromani) Oxford "ISTORICHAR", Stefan Nikolov:

Stephan Nikolov" <stephan.nikolov@history.oxford.ac.uk:
“….The Bulgarian reply was that Alexander was BULGARIAN…
….The Bulgarian effort here only followed the Greek after 1837….”
Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2001
Newsgroups: soc.culture.bulgaria,soc.culture.greek,alt.news.macedonia

Subject: Re: Indeed, we Macedonians are just…..!
Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2001
From: "Stephan Nikolov" <stephan.nikolov@history.oxford.ac.uk>
Newsgroups: soc.culture.bulgaria,soc.culture.greek,alt.news.macedonia

[Grk/Grkoman Malaka]"June R Harton" wrote:

> > So, do accept Greece's errors as far as the policy of the "Macedonian nation making" is concerned.

[Grk/Grkoman Malaka]
> You are twisting it again. You were twisting the reality on the ground
> again by saying:
> "Sweetheart, why don't you check the map of MACEDONIA by Nikolaidis
> published in 1899 to see what was Macedonia for him for instance?"

Why, do you think I was telling you that.

> > As I said, the process is much
> > older than the Titoist regime in Yugoslavia. It dates back to 1881 when the
> > Hapsburgs agreed to aid the Serbian aspirations to Macedonia in order to
> > make Belgrade give up the Bosnian / Montenegrin direction of expansion.
> > Or perhaps even to 1876 when the Hapsburgs suggested the creation of a
> > "Macedonian autonomous province centered in Sofia".

[Grk/Grkoman Malaka]
> I already faced you up there, remember. However do not deny the Russo-
> Bulgarian scam.

Russo-Bulgarian scam? The Bulgarian "scam" of Macedonia was a reply to the
Greek one - the one prompted by the Megali Idea.

> > This larger Macedonia thing that ultimately goes back Kapodistria has
> > always been anti-Bulgarian in its essence.

[Grk/Grkoman Malaka]
> Re Greeks, put it into perspective. The Hellenes intended to restore
> themselves to Constantinople with all possible Orthodox therein.
> However....no way were the TitoBulgarians designated Macedonian
> anything.

More Precisely:
The Greeks wanted Constantinople. Hence the territorial dimensions of
"Macedonia" depended on their own apetite at the moment.

> > In the same matter the "Macedonian ethnicity" issue, since its very
> > appearence in the early 1880's in Belgrade, has always been essentially
> >directed against Bulgaria.

[Grk/Grkoman Malaka]
> Come now, quit the deception....'Macedonian ethnicity' is the Bulgarian
> scam....the... " 'Macedonian' _Slavs_"...distinct from Bulgaria is another
> issue.

Show me ONE, ONE single reference to Buglarian statement of "Macedonian"
ethnicity before the Communist elaboration on the theme in the 1920's.

> > And Greece has its share: in the subscribing the Novakovic/Cvijic theories,

[Grk/Grkoman Malaka]
> Nonsense. All we are talking about is cultures...the Belgrade effort
> was early but centered on _general_ Slavic.....Bulgaria centered
> on specific Slavic (Bulgarian)...the Greeks wanted their empire back
> ....being Romion.

Oh, sure. That is why the Patriarchist schools in Melnik was teaching the
locals they were descendants of Alexander, so they had to support the Greek
struggle. The fact that these people spoke Slavic was of little relevence.
It was first GREEK effort, to root it deep the cult of Alexander in the area
to both Greeks and Slavs. The Bulgarian reply was that Alexander was
BULGARIAN (not "Macedonian") king - this was the scam. The Bulgarian effort
here only followed the Greek after 1837.

> > in promoting "Macedonian abecedar"

[Grk/Grkoman Malaka]
> And that is a nasty piece of propaganda....Greece won the land and tried to
> comply with the international requirements within the constraints of
> consolidating their territory.

To "comply" with international requirements. This required the invention of
a new language?

> > and not the least in her deliberate refirming of the cult to Alexander
> > in the last two hundred years.

[Grk/Grkoman Malaka]
> B/S. The concept of nationality is fulfilled by the entire past of the
> culture not a seperated part.

In criucial moments one ethnogenetic myth might be very important.



Attila Turkomongolski

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