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Клубове Дирене Регистрация Кой е тук Въпроси Списък Купувам / Продавам 19:11 28.09.24 
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Тема About this Federal State [re: MAKEDONEC]
Автор Аспарух ()
Публикувано28.12.99 20:30  

Absolutely! :))

We must struggle for the autonomy of Macedonia and the district of Adrianople in order to preserve them in their integrity which is a stage to their future incorporation to the common Bulgarian fatherland. (1901) Gotze Delchev
...We are Bulgarians and we always work and will work for the unification of the Bulgariandom. We considered creating an organization that would follow the model of the revolutionary organization in Bulgaria before the Liberation, we considered following the example of Botev,Levsky, Benkovsky etc."(1905) Dame Gruev
I am an instrument of the idea for the liberation of Macedonia and the unification of the Bulgarian nation. I have proven this by my whole life until now ...By now, I have received but one moral satisfaction, namely that idea's being almost realized." (1917) Todor Alexandrov
It is much better, indeed, for the Bulgarians of Macedonia to live free and make progress in an idependent Macedonia, than for Bulgaria to continue wasting her forces in attempts for all-Bulgarian unity, so disagreeable to others, while the Macedonian Bulgarians themselves still remain in bondage. The Bulgarian population in Macedonia through its participation in IMRO has proved that it accepts wholeheartedly the idea of an independent Macedonia.(1950)Ivan (Vancho) Mihailov
More? :))

Цялата тема
* About this Federal State Sande   23.12.99 21:01
. * About this Federal State Why not   24.12.99 00:54
. * About this Federal State JOSIF   24.12.99 06:52
. * About this Federal State B v l g a r i   24.12.99 09:19
. * About this Federal State Аспарух   24.12.99 23:11
. * About this Federal State Аспарух   25.12.99 12:54
. * About this Federal State OHRIDSKO DETE   25.12.99 20:31
. * About this Federal State t   26.12.99 00:12
. * About this Federal State Аспарух   26.12.99 13:59
. * About this Federal State OHRIDSKO DETE   26.12.99 23:09
. * About this Federal State Аспарух   28.12.99 20:10
. * About this Federal State MAKEDONEC   28.12.99 21:13
. * About this Federal State Аспарух   28.12.99 22:14
. * About this Federal State MAKEDONEC   28.12.99 22:22
. * About this Federal State Аспарух   28.12.99 22:43
. * About this Federal State Аспарух   28.12.99 22:44
. * Nepismen si ti B v l g a r i   29.12.99 08:42
. * Nepismen si ti Аспарух   30.12.99 12:53
. * Bezdushnici i licemeri B v l g a r i   29.12.99 08:36
. * Bezdushnici i licemeri Аспарух   30.12.99 12:52
. * About this Federal State MAKEDONEC   27.12.99 16:07
. * About this Federal State D-r Mengeme   28.12.99 02:18
. * About this Federal State Аспарух   28.12.99 20:30
. * About this Federal State glen   29.12.99 09:27
. * What Federal State MAKEDONEC   27.12.99 16:03
. * What Federal State Sande   27.12.99 21:40
. * What Federal State MAKEDONEC   27.12.99 21:44
. * What Federal State Sande   28.12.99 01:53
. * What Federal State MAKEDONEC   28.12.99 16:51
. * What Federal State Sande   28.12.99 20:59
. * What Federal State MAKEDONEC   28.12.99 21:25
. * What Federal State Аспарух   28.12.99 19:01
. * What Federal State MAKEDONEC   28.12.99 19:14
. * ало, това е български форум, пишете по македонски, П.M.   28.12.99 19:19
. * What Federal State Аспарух   28.12.99 19:54
. * What Federal State Samuil   28.12.99 02:23
. * What Federal State Sande   28.12.99 06:31
. * What Federal State MAKEDONEC   28.12.99 17:13
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