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Тема Back to basics [re: Coвa]
АвторCoвa (Нерегистриран) 
Публикувано12.02.06 21:52  

Малко информация за това какво са паранормалните явления от енциклопедия.

An anomalous phenomenon is an observed phenomenon for which there is no suitable explanation, according to analysis from a specific body of scientific knowledge (for example, astronomy or biology).

Anomalous phenomena seem to lack a clear scientific explanation, and thus are the subject of much controversy, debate, mystery, and potentially fear. However, at the same time, most of them are simply not widely accepted as real phenomena by mainstream scientists, who view them as hoaxes, lies, or conspiracies, perhaps going so far as to call their study pseudoscience.

In other cases, the observation or sensing of a particular phenomenon is acknowledged as being a real, personal experience, but its interpretation - or the methods used to describe and study it - are what causes controversy. For example, many believe that the phenomenon of UFOs is real, but their speculations differ as to exactly what such objects actually are. (Interestingly, as soon as a UFO is identified, it ceases to be a UFO and becomes an IFO (Identified Flying Object).)

Some common examples of anomalous phenomena:

out-of-body experiences
near-death experiences
extrasensory perception
demonic encounters
alien abductions
spontaneous human combustion

As the body of knowledge regarding such phenomena expands, some anomalies are explained logically, losing their status as unexplained phenomena. For instance, while the idea of stones falling from the sky was long ridiculed, meteorites are now acknowledged and well understood.

Though actually a subcategory of anomalous phenomena, paranormal phenomena are studied in the field of parapsychology, and can be divided into three main classes:

Mental phenomena: unusual mental states or abilities, such as telepathy, clairvoyance and precognition
Physical phenomena: unusual physical occurrences that may be controlled by a conscious entity, as in the cases of psychokinesis, poltergeists, stigmata or materializations
Out-of-body experiences (OBEs) and near-death experiences (NDEs)

Цялата тема
* easy money- or not? hipparchia   12.02.06 18:00
. * Re: easy money- or not? Memnon   12.02.06 18:51
. * Re: easy money- or not? Coвa   12.02.06 19:28
. * Re: easy money- or not? hipparchia   13.02.06 16:50
. * Re: easy money- or not? BrandofAmber   12.02.06 20:51
. * Re: easy money- or not? Coвa   12.02.06 20:57
. * Re: easy money- or not? BrandofAmber   12.02.06 21:04
. * Re: easy money- or not? Coвa   12.02.06 21:36
. * Back to basics Coвa   12.02.06 21:52
. * Re: Back to basics Coвa   12.02.06 22:01
. * Re: Back to basics BrandofAmber   12.02.06 22:22
. * Further Back to basics Coвa   12.02.06 23:23
. * Re: ама какви са тези глупости? BrandofAmber   13.02.06 00:19
. * Така до никъде не се стига! Coвa   13.02.06 00:19
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