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Я, архивите са живи
Клубове Дирене Регистрация Кой е тук Въпроси Списък Купувам / Продавам 14:47 25.09.24 
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Тема Re: I, I, I, I, I [re: jumblies]
Автор S|ayeR ()
Публикувано20.06.09 14:16  

And if you're hurting
I will replace the noise with silence instead
Flushing out your head

If you like it violent
We can play rough and tumble
Fall into bed
And I won't breathe so you can recover

When you're in pieces
Just follow the echo of my voice
It's okay
Tune into that frequency

Don't fight your reflex
Embrace the instinct
You can feel your way
Through the bed and weak face in the end

'cause it breaks my heart
That we live this way
I know people need love
'cause them people never play the game
And we talk the talk
We communicate
The people need love
Those people never play the game

Pleasure for pleasure
It eases consequence
And love for a fall
But I know you love to take a risk

The past is weakness
Don't beg the question when the answer is war
There are moments when I'm overcome

'cause it breaks my heart
That we live this way
I know people need love
'cause them people never play the game
And we talk the talk
We communicate
Them people need love
Those people never play the game

And it breaks my heart
And it breaks my heart
In love

We can build a new tomorrow, today

Редактирано от S|ayeR на 20.06.09 14:39.

Цялата тема
* The World Is Mine jumblies   05.02.09 22:03
. * Re: The World Is Mine jumblies   05.02.09 22:23
. * Re: The World Is Mine yi-rene   06.02.09 00:11
. * Re: The World Is Mine jumblies   07.02.09 07:27
. * Re: The World Is Mine Federer   08.02.09 11:17
. * Re: The World Is Mine jumblies   08.02.09 19:24
. * Re: The World Is Mine мapдyk   08.02.09 20:13
. * Re: The World Is Mine jumblies   15.02.09 15:22
. * Re: The World Is Mine мapдyk   15.02.09 21:40
. * Re: The World Is Mine jumblies   16.02.09 06:43
. * Re: The World Is Mine мapдyk   15.03.09 19:25
. * Re: The World Is Mine jumblies   15.03.09 21:00
. * Re: The World Is Mine мapдyk   16.03.09 20:59
. * Re: The World Is Mine jumblies   16.03.09 23:31
. * Re: The World Is Mine Federer   15.02.09 12:33
. * Re: The World Is Mine jumblies   15.02.09 15:21
. * Re: The World Is Mine Federer   15.02.09 21:46
. * Re: The World Is Mine jumblies   16.02.09 06:45
. * Re: The World Is Mine Federer   17.02.09 23:45
. * Re: драчищеее ... jumblies   18.02.09 07:03
. * Re: драчищеее ... Federer   18.02.09 21:24
. * Re: драчищеее ... jumblies   19.02.09 06:42
. * Re: драчищеее ... Federer   20.02.09 10:01
. * Re: драчищеее ... jumblies   20.02.09 22:48
. * Re: драчищеее ... Federer   21.02.09 17:46
. * Re: The World Is Mine jumblies   18.02.09 08:10
. * Re: The World Is Mine Federer   25.02.09 23:52
. * Re: The World Is Mine jumblies   26.02.09 07:35
. * Re: The World Is Mine Гoшo Xyбaвeцa   26.02.09 02:48
. * Re: The World Is Mine fani_me_za_shnura   26.02.09 02:50
. * Re: The World Is Mine jumblies   26.02.09 07:37
. * Re: The World Is Mine jumblies   01.03.09 10:28
. * Re: The World Is Mine poem   01.03.09 11:35
. * Re: The World Is Mine бeзпътeн   01.03.09 22:21
. * Re: temptation jumblies   02.03.09 06:56
. * Re: The World Is Mine Federer   03.03.09 22:43
. * Re: The World Is Mine jumblies   04.03.09 13:00
. * Re: The World Is Mine Federer   04.03.09 22:07
. * Re: The World Is Mine jumblies   05.03.09 08:15
. * Re: The World Is Mine Federer   08.03.09 22:49
. * Re: The World Is Mine jumblies   09.03.09 07:30
. * Re: The World Is Mine poem   09.03.09 19:50
. * Re: The World Is Mine jumblies   10.03.09 08:45
. * Re: Близо и далече The_Mother   09.03.09 21:42
. * Re: Близо и далече jumblies   10.03.09 08:44
. * Re: The World Is Mine jumblies   11.03.09 08:59
. * Re: The World Is Mine poem   11.03.09 12:33
. * Re: The World Is Mine jumblies   11.03.09 16:37
. * Re: The World Is Mine poem   11.03.09 19:24
. * Re: The World Is Mine jumblies   14.03.09 16:48
. * Re: The World Is Mine jumblies   15.03.09 09:31
. * ей т'ва в паметъ на ... Cв. Плюшkин   15.03.09 09:54
. * Re: ей ... jumblies   15.03.09 13:27
. * Re: The World Is Mine Federer   17.03.09 13:35
. * Re: The World Is Mine jumblies   18.03.09 07:27
. * Re: The World Is Mine Federer   19.03.09 09:57
. * Re: The World Is Mine jumblies   19.03.09 10:16
. * Re: The World Is Mine KittyNoir   23.03.09 12:55
. * Re: The World Is Mine jumblies   23.03.09 13:08
. * Re: The World Is Mine Federer   23.03.09 23:17
. * Re: The World Is Mine jumblies   24.03.09 10:14
. * Re: The World Is Mine poem   24.03.09 15:36
. * Re: The World Is Mine jumblies   25.03.09 07:55
. * Re: The World Is Mine Federer   25.03.09 23:11
. * Re: The World Is Mine jumblies   26.03.09 08:49
. * Re: The World Is Mine KittyNoir   24.03.09 17:18
. * Re: The World Is Mine jumblies   25.03.09 07:56
. * Колкото и да го повтаряш бeзпътeн   25.03.09 20:39
. * Ето едно яко поздравче! бeзпътeн   25.03.09 20:52
. * Re: The World Is Mine jumblies   26.03.09 08:48
. * Притежанието е илюзия бeзпътeн   26.03.09 09:47
. * Re: The World Is Mine jumblies   26.03.09 10:23
. * Nothing Is Yours бeзпътeн   26.03.09 15:18
. * Re: The World Is Mine jumblies   26.03.09 17:03
. * Re: The World Is Mine jumblies   28.03.09 09:16
. * Re: The World Is Mine и ... jumblies   28.03.09 09:19
. * Re: The World Is Mine Federer   31.03.09 00:19
. * Re: The World Is Mine jumblies   03.04.09 06:47
. * Re: The World Is Mine Federer   03.04.09 22:46
. * Re: The World Is Mine jumblies   04.04.09 07:02
. * Re: The World Is Mine Federer   05.04.09 02:14
. * Re: The World Is Mine jumblies   05.04.09 08:58
. * Re: The World Is Mine Federer   05.04.09 02:12
. * Re: The World Is Mine jumblies   05.04.09 08:57
. * Re: The World Is Mine poem   05.04.09 14:33
. * Re: The World Is Mine poem   05.04.09 14:35
. * Re: The World Is Mine jumblies   05.04.09 17:54
. * Re: The World Is Mine Federer   05.04.09 22:18
. * Re: The World Is Mine jumblies   06.04.09 07:37
. * Re: The World Is Mine poem   09.04.09 10:04
. * Re: The World Is Mine jumblies   09.04.09 19:51
. * Re: The World Is Mine KittyNoir   09.04.09 11:51
. * Re: The World Is Mine jumblies   09.04.09 19:51
. * Re: The World Is Mine Federer   13.04.09 19:03
. * Re: The World Is Mine jumblies   13.04.09 20:48
. * Re: The World Is Mine Federer   17.04.09 23:50
. * Re: The World Is Mine jumblies   18.04.09 06:20
. * Re: The World Is Mine Federer   18.04.09 22:39
. * Re: голям мармалад ... jumblies   19.04.09 08:03
. * Re: голям мармалад ... poem   19.04.09 12:23
. * Re: Eh... little red riding hood   27.04.09 03:28
. * Re: Eh... jumblies   27.04.09 07:21
. * Re: Eh... little red riding hood   27.04.09 23:53
. * Re:the world is mine poem   28.04.09 11:32
. * Re:The World Is Mine jumblies   28.04.09 13:28
. * Re:The World Is Mine poem   02.05.09 14:03
. * Re:The World Is Mine jumblies   02.05.09 15:13
. * Re:The World Is Mine poem   02.05.09 17:40
. * Re:The World Is Mine jumblies   02.05.09 19:24
. * Re: The World Is Mine Federer   13.05.09 17:03
. * Re: The World Is Mine jumblies   13.05.09 18:03
. * Re: The World Is Mine Federer   13.05.09 22:39
. * Re: The World Is Mine little red riding hood   13.05.09 22:58
. * Re: The World Is Mine little red riding hood   13.05.09 23:16
. * Re: The World Is Mine jumblies   14.05.09 15:11
. * Примерна програма за събота Federer   15.05.09 15:29
. * Re: Примерна програма за събота jumblies   15.05.09 18:16
. * Re: Примерна програма за събота Federer   18.05.09 15:20
. * Re: Примерна програма за събота jumblies   18.05.09 17:20
. * Re: Примерна програма за събота Federer   19.05.09 15:39
. * Re: Примерна програма за събота jumblies   19.05.09 18:08
. * Re: The World Is Mine бeзпътeн   19.05.09 09:41
. * Re: The World Is Mine little red riding hood   21.05.09 00:25
. * Re: The World Is Mine jumblies   21.05.09 07:00
. * Re: The World Is Mine little red riding hood   26.05.09 21:26
. * Re: The World Is Mine jumblies   27.05.09 06:18
. * Re: The World Is Mine Federer   25.05.09 16:28
. * Re: The World Is Mine jumblies   25.05.09 21:40
. * Re: The World Is Mine бeзпътeн   26.05.09 20:04
. * Re: The World Is Mine jumblies   26.05.09 21:07
. * Re: The World Is Mine Federer   02.06.09 16:55
. * Re: The World Is Mine jumblies   04.06.09 09:09
. * Re: The World Is Mine Kиpo   04.06.09 09:15
. * Re: The World Is Mine jumblies   04.06.09 11:51
. * Re: The World Is Mine Federer   04.06.09 10:23
. * Re: The World Is Mine jumblies   04.06.09 11:51
. * Re: The World Is Mine Federer   05.06.09 09:41
. * Re: The World Is Mine phantasm   03.06.09 07:02
. * Re: The World Is Mine Federer   05.06.09 09:44
. * Re: The World Is Mine jumblies   05.06.09 12:41
. * Re: The World Is Mine zemnovodno   05.06.09 15:37
. * Re: The World Is Mine jumblies   06.06.09 08:10
. * Re: The World Is Mine zemnovodno   06.06.09 08:42
. * Re: The World Is Mine jumblies   06.06.09 08:51
. * Re: The World Is Mine Federer   05.06.09 18:17
. * Re: The World Is Mine jumblies   06.06.09 08:11
. * Re: The World Is Mine jumblies   06.06.09 08:12
. * Re: The World Is Mine little red riding hood   08.06.09 17:39
. * Re: The World Is Mine jumblies   08.06.09 20:12
. * Re Loop - Warm Sensation (Extended Mix) primeval   10.06.09 11:26
. * Re: ъмиии ... jumblies   10.06.09 12:34
. * Re: The World Is Mine Federer   10.06.09 14:51
. * Re: The World Is Mine jumblies   10.06.09 18:56
. * Re: The World Is Mine Federer   11.06.09 09:18
. * Re: The World Is Mine jumblies   11.06.09 12:30
. * Re: The World Is Mine Federer   11.06.09 17:30
. * Re: The World Is Mine jumblies   11.06.09 20:21
. * Re: The World Is Mine Federer   12.06.09 09:47
. * Re: The World Is Mine jumblies   12.06.09 12:24
. * Re: The World Is Mine Federer   13.06.09 15:34
. * Re: уоууу ... jumblies   13.06.09 17:26
. * е па ... primeval   13.06.09 11:26
. * Re: е па ... jumblies   13.06.09 11:54
. * е' ... primeval   13.06.09 12:20
. * Re: ми ... jumblies   13.06.09 12:32
. * Re: The World Is Mine jumblies   14.06.09 07:13
. * Re: The World Is Mine Federer   18.06.09 17:17
. * Re: The World Is Mine jumblies   19.06.09 08:21
. * Re: The World Is Mine Federer   19.06.09 14:30
. * Re: The World Is Mine jumblies   19.06.09 16:03
. * Re: I, I, I, I, I S|ayeR   19.06.09 22:18
. * Re: I, I, I, I, I jumblies   20.06.09 08:32
. * Re: I, I, I, I, I S|ayeR   20.06.09 14:16
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