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Тема Re: 2в1 - ЧНГ и въпрос [re: АВе]
Автор funy77 (CIA_ФСБ_ДАНС)
Публикувано17.11.20 12:23  

Имаш интересен профил... Бял, имунизиран...
Всички признаци на чиста раса...

Апропо не мога да се включа в темата ти за евтаназията, за да пусна този текст...
Дано четеш в дира.
Или някой друг... от участниците...
Е, Веселабг вече не може.

Вие тук периодично и доста често коментирате евтаназията..

"Доктор дъявол" фильм 2-й Эксперименты над людьми. Неизвестный суд над врачами нацистами, Нюрнберг

Nazi eugenics (German: Nationalsozialistische Rassenhygiene, "National Socialist racial hygiene"), refers to the social policies of eugenics in Nazi Germany. The racial ideology of Nazism placed the biological improvement of the German people by selective breeding of "Nordic" or "Aryan" traits at its center.[1]
Eugenics research in Germany before and during the Nazi period was similar to that in the United States (particularly California), by which it had been heavily inspired. However, its prominence rose sharply under Adolf Hitler's leadership when wealthy Nazi supporters started heavily investing in it. The programs were subsequently shaped to complement Nazi racial policies.[2]
Those targeted for destruction under Nazi eugenics policies were largely living in private and state-operated institutions, identified as "life unworthy of life" (German: Lebensunwertes Leben), including prisoners, degenerates, dissidents, people with congenital cognitive and physical disabilities (German: erbkranken) including people who were feeble-minded, epileptic, schizophrenic, manic-depressive, cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, deaf, blind, homosexual, idle, insane, and the weak, for elimination from the chain of heredity. More than 400,000 people were sterilized against their will, while up to 300,000 were killed under Action T4, a mass murder program.[3][4][5][6] In June 1935, Hitler and his cabinet made a list of seven new decrees, number 5 was to speed up the investigations of sterilization.[7]
The concept of "eugenics" was mostly known under the term of Rassenhygiene or "racial hygiene". The loanword Eugenik was in occasional use, as was its closer loan-translation of Erbpflege. An alternative term was Volksaufartung (approximately "racial improvement").[8]

1941 год. Немецкая армия невиданно быстро продвигается на восток. В плену миллионы людей. Специально создаются огромные концентрационные лагеря. Но даже они не могут вместить такое количество заключенных. Людей считают просто массой, человеческим материалом. Ежедневно уничтожают тысячи пленных. Но в лагере Маутхаузен людей убивают не просто так. На них ставят эксперименты, которые часто не имеют ничего общего с медициной. За всем этим стоит доктор медицины Ариберт Хайм. Его опыты шокируют жестокостью.

Евгениката е набор от концепции и практики в приложната генетика, целящи подобрение на генетичните качества на група хора.[2][3]Точната дефиниция на термина евгеника е обект на дебат от създаването му. Нейните защитници я разглеждат като приложна наука и биосоциално движение, целящо подобряването на човешките наследствени белези чрез различни форми на вмешателство. Други я считат за псевдонаука [4].
В основите на евгениката залягат законите на Мендел и теориите на Август Вайсман. Защитниците на евгениката я разглеждат като наука, невинаги ограничена до човешките популации, така тя обхваща възгледите на дарвинизма и социалния дарвинизъм.
Евгениката е особено популярна в началото на 20 век. Първият Международен конгрес по евгеника се провежда през 1912 г. и бива подкрепен от много бележити личности. Сред участниците са Леонард Дарвин (председател на конгреса и син на Чарлз Дарвин), Уинстън Чърчил (почетен заместник-председател), Огюст Форел (известен швейцарски биолог и психиатър), Александър Бел (изобретателя на телефона), както и много други известни личности.
Евгениката е спорна концепция още от момента на появата си. Първото сериозно предизвикателство срещу нея е през 1915 г., когато Томас Морган (носител на Нобелова награда по биология през 1933 г.), демонстрира случаи на генетични мутации, различни от наследствеността, при плодовата мушица, като в неговия експеримент се появяват мушици с бели очи от родители с червени. Според Т. Морган това показва, че значими генетични мутации са възможни и извън наследствеността и че концепцията на евгениката базирана само на генетичната наследственост е под въпрос.
Към средата на 20 век евгениката изпада в немилост, защото бива асоциирана с политиките на Нацистка Германия. Там подхода към генетиката и евгениката се базирал на учението за фенотипа на Ойген Фишер, както и на трудовете на Отмар Фрайхер фон Фершуер. Често популярни и академични източници свързват евгениката и нацистките престъпления в едно, като така я дискредитират, но връзката между тях не е непременно пряка.


Propaganda for Nazi Germany's T-4 Euthanasia Program: "This person suffering from hereditary defects costs the community 60,000 Reichsmark during his lifetime. Fellow German, that is your money, too." from the Office of Racial Policy's Neues Volk.
Nazi party - German government and Deutsches Historisches Museum (see United States Holocaust Memorial Museum).
English translation: 60000 RM this is what this person suffering from hereditary defects costs the community during his lifetime Fellow citizen, that is your money, too Read Neues Volk ([A] New People) The monthly magazines of the Office for Race Politics of the NSDAP

Nur für deutsche Fahrgäste ("Only for German Passengers"), a Nazi slogan used in occupied territories, mainly posted at entrances to parks, cafes, cinemas, theatres and other facilities.


Neues Volk (German: [ˈnɔʏ.əs ˈfɔlk], New People) was the monthly publication of the Office of Racial Policy in Nazi Germany.[1] Founded by Walter Gross in 1933, it was a mass-market, illustrated magazine.[2] It aimed at a wide audience, achieving a circulation of 300,000.[1] It appeared in physicians' waiting rooms, libraries, and schools, as well as in private homes.[2]
Dr Walter Gross wearing a Nazi Party uniform of a Hauptstellenleiter in 1933.
Subject matter
Its subject matter was the "excellence" of the Aryan race and the "deficiencies" of Jews, Poles, and other groups.[1] Articles ranged from profiles of Mussolini, reports on Hitler Youth camps, and travel tips, but eugenic and racial propaganda continued throughout it.[3] The first six issues presented solely ethnic pride, before bringing up any topic on "undesirables."[4] In the next issue, one article presented the types of the "Criminal Jew" surrounded by images of the ideal Aryan, which generally predominated.[4] Such articles continued, showing such things as demographic charts showing the decline of farmland (with generous Aryan families) and deploring that the Jews were eradicating traditional German peasantry.[4]
It included articles defending eugenic sterilization.[5] Photographs of mentally incapacitated children were juxtaposed with those of healthy children.[4] It also presented images of ideal Aryan families[6] and ridiculed childless couples.[7] After the inception of the Nuremberg Laws, it urged that Germans show no sympathy for Jews and presented articles to show Jewish life still flourishing.[8] By the mid-1930s, it had doubled its pages and greatly increased its discussion of Jews.[9] Other articles described the conditions under which Hitler would be a child's godfather,[10] discussed the importance of giving children Germanic names, answered racial questions from readers—marriage between a Chinese man and a German woman was impossible, despite the woman's pregnancy, and they had seen to it that the man's residence permit was revoked, and even an infertile German woman cannot marry a half-Jew, but a Dutch woman, if she had neither Jewish nor colored blood, was acceptable—praised German farming in contrast to French, declared art was determined by racial world-views, and many other topics.[1] During the war, it published articles about how the foreign workers were welcome but sexual relations with Germans were prohibited.[1]
See also
Nazi propaganda
Референция № 1


Цялата тема
* 2в1 - ЧНГ и въпрос Haдя-Haдя   04.01.11 00:05
. * НБКМ - каталог АВе   04.01.11 15:13
. * Re: 2в1 - ЧНГ и въпрос АВе   05.01.11 10:30
. * Re: 2в1 - ЧНГ и въпрос Haдя-Haдя   05.01.11 22:29
. * Re: 2в1 - ЧНГ и въпрос funy77   17.11.20 12:23
. * Re: 2в1 - ЧНГ и въпрос funy77   17.11.20 14:03
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