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Клубове Дирене Регистрация Кой е тук Въпроси Списък Купувам / Продавам 05:34 01.05.24 
Клубове/ Култура и изкуство / Литература Пълен преглед*
Информация за клуба
Тема Re: aвгуст [re: Бoзa Kocмaтa]
АвторБ.K. (Нерегистриран) 
Публикувано04.05.06 00:45  

Bukowski Poem

I started writing this poem
where Pamela and I
are sitting in a bar in Santa Monica
and she shows me some of her new poems.

I tell her they’re not very good

and she starts yelling and throwing
glasses and all of a sudden I realize
it sounds a lot like
a Bukowski poem.
Shit, I say, it sounds a lot like
a Bukowski poem.
What am I doing writing like

I rip it up and toss it on the floor
beside the ants and the empty bottles
and Pamela’s candy wrappers.

What’s wrong with you? she asks.

Oh, nothing, I say, it’s just that
I’m starting to write like Bukowski.

Well, what’s wrong with that, she says.
He’s a nice guy. I talked to him on
the phone one time. I asked him if he’d
like to do a reading. He said no but
to keep buying his books.

There’s nothing wrong with Bukowski,
I say. I just don’t want to write
like him. I have a hard enough time
writing my own stuff, let alone
Bukowski’s too. And besides, he’s
doing an ok job of it on his own.

I go to the refrigerator for a beer
but there’s just a lot of milk and
Pepsi-Cola. How come we don’t have any
beer? I ask.

Don’t be an ass, she says. You know
we never buy beer. Since when
do you want a beer? I think you’re going out of your mind, she says.

You may be right, I say.

And I go into the bathroom and feel
like vomiting but can’t.
I fill the tub with hot water.
CHRIST! I yell.
I don’t take baths; Bukowski takes
baths; I take showers!
I shut the water off and sit down on
the crapper. I’m constipated and
I have hemorrhoids and Pamela is
pounding on the door.
Hurry-up in there, she says;

Ok, I say, it figures -- somebody has to
piss in this poem; it wouldn’t be right
without pissing.

пак той.

Цялата тема
*    01.01.70 02:00
. * Re: aвгуст nightsun   03.05.06 00:59
. * Re: aвгуст MдП   03.05.06 11:21
. * Re: aвгуст Б.K.   03.05.06 21:15
. * Re: aвгуст Б.K.   03.05.06 21:08
. * Re: aвгуст .   04.05.06 18:21
. * Re: aвгуст Б.K.   04.05.06 20:17
. * белезници Б.K.   04.05.06 00:42
. * Re: белезници MдП   04.05.06 10:31
. * Re: белезници Б.K.   05.05.06 19:23
. * Re: белезници MдП   05.05.06 21:00
. * Re: aвгуст Б.K.   04.05.06 00:45
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