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Тема Допълнение. Gen. Lewis MacKenzie [re: той НЕ е]
Автор Analyser ()
Публикувано15.11.99 22:00  

Понеже аз много харесвам Ген. Мак Кензи не искам някой да остане с неправилно впечатление за него. Той е най-близкото до национален герой което има Канада в момента. Освен това е и много интересна личност. Достатъчно е да се каже, че сега като пенсиониран се участва в състезания от серията Индикар. И Безродник съвсем си няма представа кого е започнал да цитира т.к. генерала е бил командир на войската на ООН в Сараево, и е написал такава хубава книга, при това в качеството си на очевидец, че на Безродния ще му изпокапят всички доводи за "заговорите" през онези времена. Просто човека винаги разчита че ще срещна по-малко подлост и гнусотия и винаги остава разочарован. Ето една негова статия от 2 февруари в същия Globe and Mail. Да не забравя, Globe and Mail не е някой партиен орган от типа на "Монитор", а се издава от 155 години и държи на името си. Kosovo: Canada's next war? Tuesday, February 2, 1999 LEWIS MacKENZIE Bracebridge, Ont. -- Canada lobbied long, hard and successfully for one of the two-year rotational seats on the United Nations Security Council. Yesterday our UN ambassador, Robert Fowler, began a one-month stint as president of the council. Yet in spite of Canada's well-earned reputation as a loyal supporter of the UN, we are currently ignoring its potential role in resolving the conflict in Kosovo because, to paraphrase the Minister of National Defence, we know the Security Council has some problems with vetoes and things like that. Undoubtedly more than a few countries within the 185 that make up the UN are disappointed and surprised by our somewhat cavalier endorsement of air strikes by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and follow-on ground operations against the sovereign nation of the former Yugoslavia. Considering that such action would be counter to the UN Charter and the norms of international law, I am not surprised. Last February, the ethnic Albanians in Kosovo resorted to violence in an attempt to gain independence from an increasingly repressive Belgrade regime. The West's reaction was to put pressure on Belgrade, culminating in the threat of NATO air strikes in October if President Slobodan Milosevic did not reduce the level of his security forces in Kosovo to pre-crisis levels. This shortsighted ceasefire protocol was an open invitation to the Kosovo Albanians to continue their struggle with increased intensity, as they had a virtual guarantee that if the Serbs reacted disproportionately they would be subjected to NATO attack. The Serbs lived up to their reputation for overreacting, which is an all-too-common characteristic of governments dealing with terrorist organizations. From the Turks dealing with the Kurds, through the Indonesians countering the separatist movement in East Timor, to the Sri Lankan government's battle with the Tamils, national leaders tend to use a very big stick when trying to keep their country together. Most of the time, however, they do it away from the eyes of the media. Not so the Serbs, who have a penchant for displaying their heavy hand to a large viewing audience. The most recent atrocity in Racak, which involved the controversial killing of 45 Kosovo Albanians and was extensively covered by the international media, has spurred NATO to once again threaten military action. Without the requisite debate in Parliament, Canada has pledged support long before many of our allies, including the United States, which has expressed serious reservations about the deployment of ground troops. Some of our government's ministers recently indicated that a discussion held in the House of Commons before last October's deployment of six CF-18 aircraft to Italy, to enforce the ceasefire brokered by U.S. envoy Richard Holbrooke, justifies any additional military actions contemplated against the former Yugoslavia. Surely not; the October deployment was part of a package endorsed by the UN and was limited in scope. The current ultimatums to all sides in the conflict are much more complex and could result in acts of war against the former Yugoslavia. To suggest that a serious debate by our elected representatives about the wisdom of such a move is not required indicates a disturbing naivetй when it comes to potentially sacrificing our young men and women in uniform as we try to solve other people's problems by force. Personally, I do not expect that air strikes will be necessary, and I believe that NATO ground forces will be welcomed to Kosovo by President Milosevic. To stay in power he needs to keep Kosovo within Yugoslavia. Without NATO troops on the ground he faces the inevitable loss of the entire province, or at the very least a good part of it. Once again the West has been manoeuvred into saving the career of the Serbian president we love to hate. Retired Canadian major-general Lewis MacKenzie was the first United Nations forces commander in Sarajevo in 1992.

Цялата тема
* Where have all the bodies, 1 chast Bezrodnik   15.11.99 14:11
. * Where have all the bodies, 2 chast Bezrodnik   15.11.99 14:14
. * До кръвожадния Безроден трупоброяч. Analyser   15.11.99 20:14
. * До кръвожадния Безроден трупоброяч. той НЕ е   15.11.99 20:54
. * До кръвожадния Безроден трупоброяч. Analyser   15.11.99 21:14
. * До кръвожадния Безроден трупоброяч. той НЕ е   15.11.99 21:40
. * Кой е за мен "мъж с характер" Analyser   15.11.99 22:24
. * Да се върнем на темата... той НЕ е   15.11.99 22:51
. * Да се върнем на темата... Analyser   16.11.99 03:02
. * Да се върнем на темата... Wassily   16.11.99 03:31
. * Да се върнем на темата... той НЕ е   16.11.99 12:26
. * Допълнение. Gen. Lewis MacKenzie Analyser   15.11.99 22:00
. * Допълнение. Gen. Lewis MacKenzie Чавдар   15.11.99 22:12
. * Допълнение. Gen. Lewis MacKenzie Analyser   16.11.99 03:46
. * Analia ostar   15.11.99 23:18
. * "The evil in Kosovo" - za Analyzarcho ! Oxygene   15.11.99 22:37
. * Dopynenie ... (za trupovete) Oxygene   15.11.99 23:25
. * "El Pais" + ИТАР ТАСС = Истина Analyser   16.11.99 02:54
. * От кръвожадния Безроден трупоброяч Bezrodnik   16.11.99 11:52
. * От кръвожадния Безроден трупоброяч ex-Pesho   16.11.99 15:55
. * От кръвожадния Безроден трупоброяч Bezrodnik   16.11.99 17:27
. * От кръвожадния Безроден трупоброяч Любо   17.11.99 02:25
. * От amatiora propagandator ... malko hard. Oxygene   16.11.99 21:54
. * Dobre, che ne si madama ..., Oxygene   16.11.99 21:37
. * Танюг, Цинхуа, ИТАР ТАСС, Интерфакс... Analyser   16.11.99 23:34
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