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Тема Where have all the bodies, 1 chast
Автор Bezrodnik ()
Публикувано15.11.99 14:11  

Верен на задачата си, за която ми плаща Белград, предлагам на вниманието на форума една публикация на позната тема: къде са труповете от геноцида в Косово? Има вече внушителни публикации по темата, но интересен в случая е авторът: бившият главнокомандуващ силите на ООН в Босна, канадският генерал Луис Маккензи. За съжаление нямам време да резюмирам на български, та нека "ония с гайдите" ме извинят! Where have all the bodies gone? by General (retired) LEWIS MacKENZIE As a rule, Western democratic leaders have available to them the very best processed information, referred to by the military and security communities as intelligence, to assist them in making decisions. Unfortunately, that information is frequently highly classified and cannot be shared with the general public for fear of revealing the source and thereby endangering the life of the "spy" or alerting a potential adversary to new high-tech intelligence-gathering systems. Therefore, by default, political leaders have to react to the mood of their public who obtain their "intelligence" from the media. Before the March, 1999, negotiations at Rambouillet, France, presumably convened to seek a diplomatic solution to the civil war being fought at the time between Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic’s security forces and the independence-seeking Kosovo Liberation Army, we were advised by the media that there had been approximately 2,000 people killed in the war between 1998 and March 1999. The number included about 650 Serbs; the remainder were Kosovo Albanians. The numbers seemed believable, and were similar to the total death count from the continuing "troubles" in Northern Ireland. Days before the breakdown of Rambouillet 2 and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s subsequent bombing campaign against the Serb forces in Serbia, Montenegro and Kosovo, British Prime Minister Tony Blair proclaimed that NATO had to act to save "thousands of innocent men, women and children from death." The U.S. State Department frequently referred to "genocide" in Kosovo – a somewhat surprising description by the American administration, given that Washington refused to use the term genocide when describing the slaughter of more than 500,000 Tutsies and their sympathizers in Rwanda in 1993. Throughout the war, the NATO briefings would remind the assembled media of the appalling death toll being suffered by Kosovo’s Albanian population, and would use this as a justification to continue and intensify the bombing campaign. Scores of Western reporters located in refugee camps in Macedonia and Albania were quick to repeat, verbatim, refugee stories of atrocities and mass murder with no way of verifying their accuracy. Massive forced movement of displaced people by the Serb security forces certainly took place. However, one of NATO’s key stated objectives was to stop the murder of innocent civilians. Early on in the war and seemingly out of nowhere, the figure of 10,000 to 11,000 murdered Kosovo Albanians was mentioned in every NATO briefing. Without this commonly used figure, the alliance’s solidarity could well have crumbled. Forced relocation, particularly in that "neighbourhood," would not have been adequate justification for NATO’s intervention for a significant number of alliance members – France, Germany, Greece and Italy immediately come to mind. Since the war, more than four months of investigation by 15 forensic teams from 15 different nations, including Canada, has many Europeans asking: "Where are the bodies?"

Цялата тема
* Where have all the bodies, 1 chast Bezrodnik   15.11.99 14:11
. * Where have all the bodies, 2 chast Bezrodnik   15.11.99 14:14
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. * От кръвожадния Безроден трупоброяч Bezrodnik   16.11.99 17:27
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