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Тема Да се върнем на темата: от Босна към Косово
Автор Bezrodnik ()
Публикувано16.08.99 10:33  

Да се върнем на темата. Духът на Екс-Пешо по-долу ме нарече сръбска радиоточка. Човек може-би си навлича тнова обвинение, когато търси истината зад "истината" в югославската гражданска война. В нея Нато се намеси, като зае страната на хърватските, мюсюлмански и албански националисти и убийци срещу сръбските. Така Нато си спретна аргументи за намесата си в Босна, същата рецепта повтори в Косово - със същите резултати за хората в региона и за бъдещето на Балканите. Но да живее Интернет! Неотдавна се разрових в вебсайта на американския сенат, и се натъкнах на любопитна информация за начина, по който Нато си изработи моралните аргументи за интервенция в Босна. Става дума за трите най-жестоки кръвополития, приписвани на сърбите. Те се изляха в небивала до тогава антисръбска медийна офанзива, за да станат конкретния повод за намесата на Нато и за установяването на протекторат Босна и Херцеговина. Интересното в случая е, че на официалния сайт на американския сенат истината е друга, и че същият механизъм подготви установяването на протектората Косово: http://rpc.senate.gov/releases/1997/iran.htm Sniping: "French peacekeeping troops in the United Nations unit trying to curtail Bosnian Serb sniping at civilians in Sarajevo have concluded that until mid-June some gunfire also came from Government soldiers deliberately shooting at their own civilians. After what it called a `definitive` investigation, a French marine unit that patrols against snipers said it traced sniper fire to a building normally occupied by Bosnian [i.e., Muslim] soldiers and other security forces. A senior French officer said, `We find it almost impossible to believe, but we are sure that it is true.`" ["Investigation Concludes Bosnian Government Snipers Shot at Civilians," New York Times, 8/1/95] The 1992 "Breadline Massacre": "United Nations officials and senior Western military officers believe some of the worst killings in Sarajevo, including the massacre of at least 16 people in a bread queue, were carried out by the city`s mainly Muslim defenders -- not Serb besiegers -- as a propaganda ploy to win world sympathy and military intervention. . . . Classified reports to the UN force commander, General Satish Nambiar, concluded . . . that Bosnian forces loyal to President Alija Izetbegovic may have detonated a bomb. `We believe it was a command-detonated explosion, probably in a can,` a UN official said then. `The large impact which is there now is not necessarily similar or anywhere near as large as we came to expect with a mortar round landing on a paved surface." ["Muslims `slaughter their own people`," (London) The Independent, 8/22/92] "Our people tell us there were a number of things that didn`t fit. The street had been blocked off just before the incident. Once the crowd was let in and had lined up, the media appeared but kept their distance. The attack took place, and the media were immediately on the scene." [Major General Lewis MacKenzie, Peacekeeper: The Road to Sarajevo, Vancouver, BC, 1993, pages 193-4; Gen. MacKenzie, a Canadian, had been commander of the U.N. peacekeeping force in Sarajevo.] The 1994 Markale "Market Massacre": "French television reported last night that the United Nations investigation into the market-place bombing in Sarajevo two weeks ago had established beyond doubt that the mortar shell that killed 68 people was fired from inside Bosnian [Muslim] lines." ["UN tracks source of fatal shell," (London) The Times, 2/19/94] "For the first time, a senior U.N. official has admitted the existence of a secret U.N. report that blames the Bosnian Moslems for the February 1994 massacre of Moslems at a Sarajevo market. . . . After studying the crater left by the mortar shell and the distribution of shrapnel, the report concluded that the shell was fired from behind Moslem lines." The report, however, was kept secret; the context of the wire story implies that U.S. Ambasador Albright may have been involved in its suppression. [DPA, 6/6/96] For a fuller discussion of the conflicting claims, see "Anatomy of a massacre," Foreign Policy, 12/22/94, by David Binder; Binder, a veteran New York Times reporter in Yugoslavia, had access to the suppressed report. Bodansky categorically states that the bomb "was actually a special charge designed and built with help from HizbAllah ["Party of God," a Beirut-based pro-Iranian terror group] experts and then most likely dropped from a nearby rooftop onto the crowd of shoppers. Video cameras at the ready recorded this expertly-staged spectacle of gore, while dozens of corpses of Bosnian Muslim troops killed in action (exchanged the day before in a `body swap` with the Serbs) were paraded in front of cameras to raise the casualty counts." [Offensive in the Balkans, page 62] The 1995 "Second Market Massacre": "British ammunition experts serving with the United Nations in Sarajevo have challenged key `evidence` of the Serbian atrocity that triggered the devastating Nato bombing campaign which turned the tide of the Bosnian war." The Britons` analysis was confirmed by French analysts but their findings were "dismissed" by "a senior American officer" at U.N. headquarters in Sarajevo. ["Serbs `not guilty` of massacre: Experts warned US that mortar was Bosnian," (London) The Times, 10/1/95] A "crucial U.N. report [stating Serb responsibility for] the market massacre is a classified secret, but four specialists -- a Russian, a Canadian and two Americans -- have raised serious doubts about its conclusion, suggesting instead that the mortar was fired not by the Serbs but by Bosnian government forces." A Canadian officer "added that he and fellow Canadian officers in Bosnia were `convinced that the Muslim government dropped both the February 5, 1994, and the August 28, 1995, mortar shells on the Sarajevo markets.`" An unidentified U.S. official "contends that the available evidence suggests either `the shell was fired at a very low trajectory, which means a range of a few hundred yards -- therefore under [Sarajevo] government control,` or `a mortar shell converted into a bomb was dropped from a nearby roof into the crowd.`" ["Bosnia`s bombers," The Nation, 10/2/95]. At least some high-ranking French and perhaps other Western officials believed the Muslims responsible; after having received that account from government ministers and two generals, French magazine editor Jean Daniel put the question directly to Prime Minister Edouard Balladur: "`They [i.e., the Muslims] have committed this carnage on their own people?` I exclaimed in consternation. `Yes,` confirmed the Prime Minister without hesitation, `but at least they have forced NATO to intervene.`" ["No more lies about Bosnia," Le Nouvel Observateur, 8/31/95, translated in Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture, January 1997]

Цялата тема
* Да се върнем на темата: от Босна към Косово Bezrodnik   16.08.99 10:33
. * Да се върнем на темата: от Босна към Косово Analyser   16.08.99 11:19
. * Да се върнем на темата: от Босна към Косово Bezrodnik   16.08.99 12:09
. * Да се върнем на темата: от Босна към Косово Analyser   16.08.99 12:21
. * Да се върнем на темата: от Босна към Косово Barbie   16.08.99 12:28
. * Да се върнем на темата: от Босна към Косово Analyser   16.08.99 13:36
. * Да се върнем на темата: от Босна към Косово Beprodnik   16.08.99 14:24
. * Да се върнем на темата: от Босна към Косово Перла Свет   16.08.99 15:12
. * Да се върнем на темата: от Босна към Косово Bezrodnik   16.08.99 15:36
. * Да се върнем на темата: от Босна към Косово Перла   16.08.99 16:55
. * До Перла Свет Bezrodnik   16.08.99 18:17
. * До Перла Свет Перла Свет   16.08.99 23:04
. * До Перла Свет Bezrodnik   17.08.99 12:25
. * Мама Карла и Пинокиовците Barbie   17.08.99 12:37
. * Да се върнем на темата: от Босна към Косово Analyser   16.08.99 18:36
. * Да се върнем на темата: от Босна към Косово Чавдар   16.08.99 19:36
. * Да се върнем на темата: от Босна към Косово Analyser   16.08.99 19:58
. * Да се върнем на темата: от Босна към Косово Светец   16.08.99 21:24
. * Да се върнем на темата: от Босна към Косово Чавдар   16.08.99 23:59
. * Да се върнем на темата: от Босна към Косово Ян Дзе   17.08.99 20:29
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