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Тема Още по въпроса за нефта. [re: ex-Pesho]
Автор Analyser ()
Публикувано04.08.99 16:24  

<<Колкото за ключовия въпрос, защо руснаците купуват Нефтохим и защо нямаше нито една западна оферта. Отиди пак на сайта на Капитал и потърси из архивите как нещата са се развивали окло сделката. Обърни внимание на два много прости и доста очевидни факта. Първо, НИКОЙ не знае истинския размер на дълговете на рефинерията, да не говорим че цари счетоводен батак. Ако смяташ че дори огромните западни петролни компании не си правят сметката за няколко стотин милона долара вповече или по-малко, не знам - мълча си. Второ. Защо се продава за 100 милона $? Дори и твърдо известните дългове на рафинерята многократно надвишават тази сума. Към всичко това прибави и раздрънканите съоръжения и разни социални клаузи за пазене на работни места поставяни от правителството и ще ти стане ясно защо само руснаци се интересуват. Западните концерни със сигурност не се изживяват като отдел "Чистота".>> Пешо, те руснаците могат да излязат по-умни отколкото ги мислиш. Най-малкото, по този начин ще получат win-win situation. STRATFOR COMMENTARY 2100 GMT, 990803 – Senate Bill 1234 May Kill Baku-Ceyhan A bill currently in the U.S. Senate that provides for assistance to CIS countries would exclude Azerbaijan if the country did not make concessions to Armenia in the ongoing Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Senate Bill 1234, the Foreign Operations, Export Financing and Related Programs Appropriations Act, would limit funds available to Azerbaijan for many construction and development projects, possibly including the proposed Baku-Ceyhan oil pipeline. The Azeri paper Yeni Musavat had reported that an amendment, sponsored by Congressman Robert Andrews of New Jersey, which directly prohibited funds for Baku-Ceyhan construction, had been attached to a similar bill in the U.S. House. However, an aide to Andrews told Stratfor that, while the amendment had been placed in the Congressional Record, it had not actually been presented on the floor and was considered dead. Senate bill 1234, however, is still on the Senate calendar. The version of the bill currently in the Senate is significant because, by withholding funds from Azerbaijan for construction of the Baku-Ceyhan route, the bill would continue to isolate Turkey, a major proponent of the Baku-Ceyhan route. Turkey and the U.S. government have long seen a western export route through Turkey as a safe and stable transport avenue, which would allow protected access to Western markets. The U.S. government has offered to pay the expected US$2.5 billion cost of the project, much to the chagrin of U.S. oil companies, who prefer cheaper and more direct routes. The oil companies would prefer either the proposed expansion of the Baku-Supsa pipeline with sea transport across the Black Sea to Bulgarian ports, a route that has recently gained U.S. interest, or a southern route through Iran to the Persian Gulf, an option which is not politically viable for Washington. This new twist in the ongoing saga of Caspian oil transportation will help clarify U.S. energy policy in the region. If the bill passes, along with a concurrent one in the House, the Baku-Ceyhan project would be officially dead in the water. This would please U.S. oil interests, simply because it would increase momentum for the development of a southern route through Iran, or a northwestern route to Georgia and on to Bulgaria. Even offering the amendment shows the Senate is taking an increased interest in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, especially in the linkage of oil to a resolution of the conflict. However, passage of the bill would mean an incredible loss to Turkey, a key ally of the U.S. The U.S. has always been a strong supporter of Turkey and Baku-Ceyhan, but S. 1234 may be a signal to the Turks that the U.S. will no longer tolerate increasing costs related to the project. The oil companies are unlikely to attempt to remove the amendment, leaving the White House to define its priorities in the Caucasus.

Цялата тема
* До Tony ex-Pesho   03.08.99 16:13
. * Отг: До Tony Шорош   03.08.99 19:38
. * Отг: До екс-Пешо Нино   04.08.99 01:12
. * Дупл: Отг: До екс-Пешо ex-Pesho   04.08.99 02:00
. * Разяснение Нино   04.08.99 03:53
. * Отг: Разяснение ex-Pesho   04.08.99 07:31
. * DO EX-PESHO CHIMSHIR   04.08.99 08:00
. * DO EX-PESHO ex-Pesho   04.08.99 15:29
. * DO EX-PESHO May-Tohata   04.08.99 16:21
. * Още по въпроса за нефта. Analyser   04.08.99 16:24
. * Още по въпроса за нефта. ex-Pesho   04.08.99 17:08
. * Kaji za imeto... May-Tohata   04.08.99 18:13
. * Още по въпроса за нефта. Analyser   04.08.99 23:17
. * Още по въпроса за нефта. ex-Pesho   05.08.99 00:22
. * Още по въпроса za amerika kik   05.08.99 00:30
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