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Тема (AP) Cледвоенни Перспективи, [re: Динко Станишев]
Автор Analyser ()
Публикувано10.06.99 17:33  

Съгласен съм че е недостойно да риташ падналия. А иначе за бъдещето на Сърбия прочетете сами. Postwar Prospects Grim for Serbs Postwar Prospects Grim for Serbs By CANDICE HUGHES= Associated Press Writer= BELGRADE, Yugoslavia (AP) _ It's summer in Serbia, and people are wearing shorts and sunglasses and sipping icy drinks in outdoor cafes. They're also hunkering down for winter. An uneasy peace is descending on this battered pariah state, which will have little outside aid to repair the damage wrought by months of NATO bombs. The economy _ already limping from years of Balkan warfare and economic sanctions _ is in tatters. Even with help, it would take years to mend the bridges, highways, refineries, factories, and power plants hammered by NATO. Dreading power shortages in the coming winter, people are snapping up wood burning stoves and generators, building fireplaces, and stockpiling basics like sugar. Estimates of the damage to Serbia's infrastructure vary wildly, but some say it is at least $10 billion. More than half the workforce is unemployed, and industrial production, already in a slump before the war, is at a near standstill. Agricultural production is expected to fall by half this year because of a lack of fuel and fertilizers. The European Union and international aid agencies are preparing to help repair the damage to Yugoslavia's neighbors and to Kosovo, a province in southern Serbia, Yugoslavia's dominant republic. But officials say the rest of Serbia won't get any aid as long as President Slobodan Milosevic is in power. Serbian forces, led by Milosevic, were responsible for a crackdown on ethnic Albanians in Kosovo, which led to the NATO airstrikes. Some think the economic hardships ahead could trigger Milosevic's fall. Others doubt that the Balkan strongman's grip on power can be broken anytime soon. But all fear the tough times ahead. ``We're about to see the death of the national economy,'' predicted Zoran Jelicic, head of the private Media Center. Some will fare worse than others in the uncertain times ahead. Few will flourish. ---= The modest Mitrovic house is cracked like an eggshell. Deep fissures run crazily across brick and stucco, inside and out. The ceiling's been divorced from the walls. So has the floor. Two huge NATO bombs aimed at army general staff headquarters went astray in this old Belgrade neighborhood at 2:30 a.m. on April 30. One hit yards away, fracturing the house. One neighbor was killed, several nearby houses were reduced to rubble, and the water line running under the street was broken. The Mitrovic house shakes like jelly when heavy equipment clears away surrounding rubble. Marija Mitrovic was born in the four-room house 60 years ago, and she's lived here all her life. She spends the days sitting under the apricot tree in the yard, weeping and wondering. She's a retired office clerk. Her 64-year-old husband, Jordan, is a retired truck driver, and they get a pension equal to $20 a month. Their 25-year-old son, Lazar, an electrician, has been out of work since he was laid off two years ago. In short, the Mitrovic family can't afford to rebuild. And with so many other, bigger, more important things in ruins, they don't expect the government will help them. ``I'm 64, and I'm kaput!'' said Jordan. ``I can't even afford to buy a shirt, much less build a house!'' ---= In an airy office in downtown Belgrade, Djorde Cvejic is a shade more hopeful. But just a shade. ``We didn't lose customers,'' said Cvejic, 47, whose company, Contal, supplies thermal resins to scores of factories in Yugoslavia. There is, however, one problem: ``They just don't have any production.'' Still, Cvejic has weathered more than one Balkan war, and he figures he'll also weather this one. Somehow. His big customers, like the Zastava auto plant, are at a standstill. The arms industry, another good customer, has been completely destroyed. But even the most modest sort of rebuilding could mean business for Contal. The resins it distributes are used for a huge variety of items, including electrical outlets, switches and other essentials. But mere survival wasn't Cvejic's goal when he went into business for himself a few years ago. He had ideas about branching out. He imagined his country transformed. He dreamed of bringing new technologies to Yugoslavia, helping to make it competitive, opening it up to new markets. ``What now?'' he asks. ``We're isolated completely from the whole world. Now we are lost.''

Цялата тема
* СВЪРШЕНО Е С ВОЙНАТА, С ЮГОСЛАВИЯ - И С НЕЯ Динко Станишев   10.06.99 16:50
. * Отг: СВЪРШЕНО Е С ВОЙНАТА, С ЮГОСЛАВИЯ - И С НЕЯ Неокомунист   10.06.99 17:18
. * (AP) Cледвоенни Перспективи, Analyser   10.06.99 17:33
. * Дупл: Отг: СВЪРШЕНО Е С ВОЙНАТА, С ЮГОСЛАВИЯ - И С Тодор   10.06.99 18:01
. * Отг: СВЪРШЕНО Е С ВОЙНАТА, С ЮГОСЛАВИЯ - И С НЕЯ Светец   10.06.99 18:03
. * Taka, taka Todore, zhivej prez 1396-a 007   10.06.99 18:24
. * Тодор П.М.   10.06.99 19:18
. * Отг: СВЪРШЕНО Е С ВОЙНАТА, С ЮГОСЛАВИЯ - И С НЕЯ Любо   10.06.99 19:23
. * Отг: СВЪРШЕНО Е С ВОЙНАТА, С ЮГОСЛАВИЯ - И С НЕЯ Генерал Антонеску   10.06.99 19:43
. * до Любо П.М.   10.06.99 20:05
. * Отг: до П.М. The Principal   10.06.99 21:51
. * Отг: СВЪРШЕНО Е С ВОЙНАТА, С ЮГОСЛАВИЯ - И С НЕЯ Krasi Kotzev   10.06.99 22:47
. * Дупл: Отг: до П.М. П.М.   11.06.99 12:42
. * По заплатата Кавалджиев   11.06.99 19:51
. * Отг: Дупл: Отг: СВЪРШЕНО Е С ВОЙНАТА, С ЮГОСЛАВИЯ Sando   14.06.99 10:13
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