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Публикувано15.05.99 23:54  

Уважаеми г-н Иванов, Надявам се да продължим задочната си дискусия. Вчера стигнахме до намеци за обвързаност с определено служби. След като признахте, че е невъзможно аз да съм обвързан с комунистическия режим дори само по причина на възрастта си, следва да уточня, че като визирах радио "Свободна Европа" и ЦРУ(и Вашата работа за радиото), имах предвид няколко общодостъпни и публикувани в нет-а факти, а именно: Въпросното радио исторически е пряко обвързано с ЦРУ за дълъг период от съществуването си: Free Europe, Inc., was established in 1949 as non-profit, private corporations to broadcast news and current affairs programs to Eastern European countries behind the Iron Curtain. ..... Both were funded principally by the U.S. Congress, through the Central Intelligence Agency, but they also received some private donations as well. The two corporations were merged into a single RFE/RL, Inc. in 1975. " източник - http://www.rferl.org/welcome/english/history/introduction.html#top Впоследствие формалната обвързаност на радиото с ЦРУ е прекратена и финансирането и общото му ръководство е прехвърлено към други агенции и комитети: "Already in 1971, CIA involvement ended, and all funding and oversight responsibilities were transferred to a presidentially appointed Board for International Broadcasting (BIB). The BIB's sole responsibility was oversight and funding of RFE/RL, Inc., and after 1982, BIB members also served as members of the board of directors of RFE/RL, Inc. Later, in 1994, its duties were transferred to the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG), which oversees all non-military U.S. international broadcasting" източник - пак там Формално всичко е така, но има индиции, че най-малкото сътрудничеството с ЦРУ не е прекратено дори и днес. Ето и едно такова косвено доказателство(нали няма да поискате пряко доказателство от хора, които нямат други източници освен публикувани официални документи): Inspector General Testimony: Budget for Fiscal Year 1997 Following is testimony by Inspector General Jacquelyn L. Williams-Bridgers before the Subcommittee on Commerce, State, Justice, the Judiciary, and Related Agencies, House Appropriations Committee, on February 25, 1997 ………………………………………………………………………………………… I would like to comment first on the FY 1998 budget for a consolidated Office of Inspector General (OIG) for the Department of State; United States Information Agency (USIA), including the BBG; and (U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency )ACDA ………………………………………………………………………………………… Забележка: Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) e институцията, на която е подведомствено Радио “Свободна Европа “ ………………………………………………………………………………………… Intelligence Oversight An additional change that has occurred within OIG, though not a result of the merger but of our work in the intelligence arena, has been the enhancement of our intelligence oversight capacity. …………………………………………………………………………………………, I recruited a former senior intelligence officer to serve as Assistant Inspector General for Security and Intelligence Oversight, and under his direction, established an intelligence oversight division in July this past year. The divisionнs staff of seven seasoned audit and intelligence professionals is responsible, in part, for developing a more comprehensive program for evaluating intelligence coordination and oversight by chiefs of mission, assisting inspectors in identifying key areas of concern to explore during intelligence oversight reviews, and conducting audits of intelligence issues. In addition, this division is responsible for establishing a system for identifying intelligence-related topics for OIG review and developing the intelligence expertise of other OIG staff who conduct or participate in reviews that involve intelligence issues. Our newly restructured Security and Intelligence Oversight office has been working closely with our post inspections staff to increase our intelligence oversight and provide these teams with the expertise they need to assess the effectiveness of chief of mission oversight of intelligence activities as they relate to overall foreign policy objectives and responsibilities. We plan to include a classified appendix with our Semiannual Report to the Congress in the future. Intelligence Oversight Historically, the Department of State OIGнs oversight of intelligence issues has primarily been through the post inspection process where inspectors assess the effectiveness of the chief of missionнs oversight and coordination of intelligence activities at post. The primary focus of these reviews has been to ensure that intelligence activities are consonant with foreign policy objectives. As I mentioned earlier, I have enhanced the capacity of my office in the intelligence area as part of my effort to improve our intelligence oversight capabilities. In addition to intelligence oversight inspections, my office is now staffed to conduct in-depth audits of intelligence issues both unilaterally and jointly with other intelligence community Inspectors General. My office, as well as the Inspectors General for the Department of Defense, Department of Justice, and the Central Intelligence Agency, examined intelligence and policy coordination within the U.S. Government in connection with the death of an American citizen in Guatemala and the disappearance of a Guatemalan rebel who was married to an American citizen. … А ЕТО НЕЩО ОСОБЕНО ИНТЕРЕСНО: My office identified deficiencies in the sharing and coordination of classified information as well as the need to clarify the State-CIA Agreement of 1977, which governs the relationship and information sharing at post between the chief of mission and the intelligence agencies. ………...................... We also recommended mandatory training for our chiefs of mission to better enable them to meet their responsibilities for the coordination and oversight of all intelligence information and activities at post insofar as they affect foreign policy objectives. The Department has responded favorably to our recommendations concerning improved chief of mission oversight. By necessity, my office has had a great deal of contact with the other intelligence community Inspectors General on interrelated intelligence issues…………. With the formation of our intelligence oversight division and our new membership in the Intelligence Community IG Forum, we have significantly enhanced our capability to fulfill our intelligence oversight mandate. Moreover, we can better identify and contribute to critical interagency issues affecting intelligence programs, operations, and activities that warrant joint OIG attention. I will discuss in further detail the work of this division in connection with a discussion of our oversight work in security източникът ми е : http://oig.fgm.com/HTML/budgetest.html Съжалявам ако дългите цитати са отегчителни, но тази материя естествено не е на повърхността и подробностите са важни. Та на въпроса, г-н Иванов: Радио "Свободна Европа" е подчинано на институция, която по силата на американския закон най-малкото работи в тясна връзка с разузнавателната агенция. Никъде не съм казал, че се занимавате с шпионаж, както Вие се опитахте да представите мнението ми, но държа, че Вашата позиция не следва да се смята за абсолютно независима от определени кръгове и институции.

Цялата тема
* Продължение до г-н Иванов той НЕ е   15.05.99 23:54
. * За той НЕ е Чавдар   16.05.99 00:58
. * Отг: Продължение до г-н Иванов Mики   16.05.99 05:22
. * Дупл: Отг: Продължение до г-н Иванов Иван Иванов-но не оная измет о   16.05.99 12:00
. * Отг: На г-н Иван Иванов (съименник) Иван Иванов   16.05.99 14:26
. * До г-н Иванов (от Упсала) той НЕ е   16.05.99 15:42
. * Отг: До г-н Иванов (от Упсала) Jordan   16.05.99 16:39
. * до изметта, която не била измет Петър Мутафчиев   16.05.99 17:58
. * Просто мнение... полковникЪТ   16.05.99 18:20
. * Отг: До г-н той НЕ е Иван Иванов   16.05.99 22:13
. * до Ив.Иванов/Чужденеца/ Aleksey Stoikoff   16.05.99 23:17
. * Отг: На г-н Aleksey Stoikoff Иван Иванов   16.05.99 23:34
. * Отг: На г-н Aleksey Stoikoff (нашенеца) Иван Иванов   17.05.99 00:15
. * Дупл: Отг: До г-н той НЕ е той НЕ е   17.05.99 00:44
. * Отг: До г-н той НЕ е Иван Иванов   17.05.99 02:00
. * Дупл: Отг: До г-н той НЕ е той НЕ е   17.05.99 02:18
. * Отг: До г-н той НЕ е Иван Иванов   17.05.99 02:39
. * Отг: До г-н той НЕ е Иван Иванов   17.05.99 02:44
. * Отг:Отг: До г-н той НЕ е Mики   17.05.99 03:16
. * Отг: До г-н Mики Иван Иванов   17.05.99 09:38
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