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Клубове Дирене Регистрация Кой е тук Въпроси Списък Купувам / Продавам 14:29 27.06.24 
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Тема Защо Дрезден е табу? [re: Analyser]
Автор той НЕ е ()
Публикувано09.01.00 01:05  

Защо ли? Ето няколи документи от онова време: _________________________________________________ INDICTMENT INTERNATIONAL MILITARY TRIBUNAL THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, THE FRENCH REPUBLIC, THE UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND, AND THE UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS .... COUNT THREE - WAR CRIMES ..... These methods and crimes constituted violations of international conventions, of internal penal laws and of the general principles of criminal law as derived from the criminal law of all civilized nations, and were involved in and part of a systematic course of conduct. .... Among the cities which suffered most destruction are Stalingrad, Sevastopol, Kiev, Minsk, Odessa, Smolensk, Novgorod, Pskov, Orel, Kharkov, Voronexh, Rostov-on-Don, Stalino, and Leningrad. As is evident from an official memorandum of the German command, the Nazi conspirators planned the complete annihilation of entire Soviet cities. In a completely secret order of the Chief of the Naval Staff (Staff Ia No; 1501/41, dated 29. IX. 1941) addressed only to Staff officers, it was said: "The Fuehrer has decided to erase from the face of the earth St Petersburg. The existence of this large city will have no further interest after Soviet Russia is destroyed. Finland has also said that the existence of this city on her new border is not desirable from her point of view. The original request t of the Navy that docks, harbor, etc. necessary for the fleet be preserved—is known to the Supreme Commander of the Military Forces, but the basic principles of carrying out operations against St. Petersburg do not make it possible to satisfy this request. "It is proposed to approach near to the city and to destroy it with the aid of an artillery barrage from weapons оf different calibers and with long air attacks.... "The problem of the life of the population and the provisioning of them is a problem which cannot and must not be decided by us. "In this war . . . we are not interested in preserving even a part of the population of this large city." ___________________________________ CONFIDENTIAL SUPREME HEADQUARTERS ALLIED EXPEDITIONARY FORCE COMBINED FIELD PRESS CENSORSHIP GROUP (REAR) APO 413, U.S. ARMY 18 February 1945 13.00 Hours Press Censors' Guidance No. 824 (Paris PCG #267 -- 18 February) "TERROR" BOMBING OF GERMAN CITIES 1. An A.P. story to the effect that the Allied Air Command has taken a decision to carry out "Terror" bombing of German cities so as to create a refugee problem and further congestion of communication centers was passed tonight in error. 2. Censors are advised that this story is wholly erroneous and should not have been passed. Allied policy is to bomb military objectives and those only until the war is won; if a refugee problem is caused thereby, this is an incidental difficulty with which the enemy has to deal. Censors will be guided accordingly. AUTHORITY: Lt Col Merrick RMH ________________________________________________ И какво излиза? Кои са лошите и кои добрите? Много просто - лошите са тия, които увисват на бесилката, а добрите са тия, които приемат парадите.Нищо ново под слънцето.

Цялата тема
* Закъснял отговор-2 / За ген. Антонеско Светец   07.01.00 23:44
. * Кой за теб е -----фоб? Analyser   08.01.00 01:48
. * Да му имам съвестта на "света" Чавдар   08.01.00 02:23
. * Не си разбрал Analyser   08.01.00 18:00
. * Възможно е Чавдар   08.01.00 19:41
. * Възможно е той НЕ е   08.01.00 20:04
. * Стари спорове Analyser   08.01.00 20:38
. * Все още актуални спорове Чавдар   08.01.00 22:13
. * Все още актуални спорове Analyser   08.01.00 23:56
. * Все още актуални спорове Чавдар   09.01.00 00:19
. * Все още актуални спорове Analyser   09.01.00 01:38
. * Защо Дрезден е табу? той НЕ е   09.01.00 01:05
. * Когато си в лодката менят се бреговете, когато си Analyser   09.01.00 02:46
. * Кой за теб е -----фоб? Светец   08.01.00 18:15
. * Кой за теб е -----фоб? Analyser   08.01.00 18:33
. * Кой за теб е -----фоб? Светец   08.01.00 18:53
. * Кой за теб е -----фоб? Toni   09.01.00 00:57
. * Кой за теб е -----фоб? Analyser   09.01.00 01:49
. * Кой за теб е -----фоб? Toni   09.01.00 02:42
. * Кой за теб е -----фоб? Toni   09.01.00 00:59
. * Кой за теб е -----фоб? за Светец-мaлко фaкти   09.01.00 02:37
. * Кой за теб е -----фоб? Светец   09.01.00 20:50
. * Кой за теб е -----фоб? Безродник   09.01.00 00:42
. * Принципи vs. Идеи Analyser   09.01.00 02:02
. * Принципи vs. Идеи Безродник   09.01.00 12:16
. * Принципи vs. Идеи (Интереси) Analyser   09.01.00 17:36
. * Закъснял отговор-2 / За ген. Антонеско Vupros   09.01.00 01:09
. * Закъснял отговор-2 / За ген. Антонеско той НЕ е   09.01.00 01:19
. * No comment Analyser   09.01.00 02:07
. * Закъснял отговор-2 / За ген. Антонеско Otgovor   09.01.00 03:27
. * Закъснял отговор-2 / За ген. Антонеско I oshte malko fakti   09.01.00 06:18
. * Закъснял отговор-2 / За ген. Антонеско Светец   09.01.00 21:07
. * Закъснял отговор-2 / За ген. Антонеску Генерал Антонеску   10.01.00 12:12
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