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Публикувано15.11.99 22:24  

Не този който се сражава смело за да заграби чужда територия, а този който рискува живота си за да помогне на другите. MAJOR GENERAL (RET'D) LEWIS MACKENZIE MSC, CD. A Truro, Nova Scotia native, Major-General Lewis MacKenzie spent thirty-three years in the military, serving nine years in Germany with NATO forces, not to mention his nine peacekeeping tours in six different mission areas -- the Gaza strip, Cyprus, Vietnam, Cairo, Central America and Sarajevo. In 1990 General MacKenzie was appointed the Commander of the United Nations Observer Mission in Central America and in 1992 he was appointed the Chief of Staff of the United Nations Protection Force in Yugoslavia. In May of 1992 he created and assumed command of Sector Sarajevo and, in spite of the war, with a contingent of troops from 31 nations, managed to open the Sarajevo airport for the delivery of humanitarian aid. As a result, General MacKenzie became the only member of the Canadian Forces to be awarded a second Meritorious Service Cross. General MacKenzie retired from the Canadian Forces in March 1993. His book, "Peacekeeper, Road to Sarajevo", a personal account of his peacekeeping experiences, became a number one best seller in September, 1993. A two-hour documentary, "A Soldier’s Peace," based on the book, has aired in over 60 countries and won a New York Film Festival award in 1996." ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ "The widely televised, outspoken Maj. Gen. MacKenzie achieved unprecedented peacekeeping success. Against astounding odds, side-stepping normal channels, he managed to open the airport at Sarajevo on the 28th of June 1992, thereby permitting the delivery of 250 - 300 tons of desperately needed food and medicine into the city everyday. MacKenzie admits that his stint in Bosnia was by far the most dangerous of his peacekeeping missions. (He served in the Gaza Strip, Cyprus, Libya, Vietnam, Cairo, Central America, to name a few.) "People are horrified when I say my time in Bosnia was actually professionally rewarding but to go into a situation where you can use professional military combat skills to try and alleviate the suffering of thousands of victims is, we think, a pretty honourable undertaking.

Цялата тема
* Where have all the bodies, 1 chast Bezrodnik   15.11.99 14:11
. * Where have all the bodies, 2 chast Bezrodnik   15.11.99 14:14
. * До кръвожадния Безроден трупоброяч. Analyser   15.11.99 20:14
. * До кръвожадния Безроден трупоброяч. той НЕ е   15.11.99 20:54
. * До кръвожадния Безроден трупоброяч. Analyser   15.11.99 21:14
. * До кръвожадния Безроден трупоброяч. той НЕ е   15.11.99 21:40
. * Кой е за мен "мъж с характер" Analyser   15.11.99 22:24
. * Да се върнем на темата... той НЕ е   15.11.99 22:51
. * Да се върнем на темата... Analyser   16.11.99 03:02
. * Да се върнем на темата... Wassily   16.11.99 03:31
. * Да се върнем на темата... той НЕ е   16.11.99 12:26
. * Допълнение. Gen. Lewis MacKenzie Analyser   15.11.99 22:00
. * Допълнение. Gen. Lewis MacKenzie Чавдар   15.11.99 22:12
. * Допълнение. Gen. Lewis MacKenzie Analyser   16.11.99 03:46
. * Analia ostar   15.11.99 23:18
. * "The evil in Kosovo" - za Analyzarcho ! Oxygene   15.11.99 22:37
. * Dopynenie ... (za trupovete) Oxygene   15.11.99 23:25
. * "El Pais" + ИТАР ТАСС = Истина Analyser   16.11.99 02:54
. * От кръвожадния Безроден трупоброяч Bezrodnik   16.11.99 11:52
. * От кръвожадния Безроден трупоброяч ex-Pesho   16.11.99 15:55
. * От кръвожадния Безроден трупоброяч Bezrodnik   16.11.99 17:27
. * От кръвожадния Безроден трупоброяч Любо   17.11.99 02:25
. * От amatiora propagandator ... malko hard. Oxygene   16.11.99 21:54
. * Dobre, che ne si madama ..., Oxygene   16.11.99 21:37
. * Танюг, Цинхуа, ИТАР ТАСС, Интерфакс... Analyser   16.11.99 23:34
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