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Тема Origin of the Mesoamerican 260-Day Calendar [re: Dani]
Автор Dani ()
Публикувано09.05.11 16:56  

Abstract. The sacred 260-day Mesoamerican calendar probably originated near a
latitude of 15ºN, where there is a 260-day interval between transits of the zenithal sun. Archeological and faunal evidence favors an origin in the Pacific lowlands rather than in the highlands near Copán, Honduras, although Copán, which is located at the 15th parallel of latitude, later became the principal Mayan astronomical center.

Although civilized peoples in all parts of the world, including Mesoamerica,
developed calendars based on the length of the tropical year (365 days), in
Mesoamerica a second calendar 260 days in length came into being. Variously known as the tzolkin or tonalámatl, this 260-day count served as a sacred almanac or ritual calendar for all peoples of Mesoamerica and has continued in use in some of the more isolated regions of southern Mexico and Guatemala to the present day (1, p. 55). The 260-day cycle was the most important measure of time among all Mesoamerican civilizations, for not only did it guide the daily rituals of the people but it also formed the basis for other measures of time of great astronomical and religious significance (2, p. 265). For example, a double tzolkin (520 days) equates almost exactly with three eclipse half- years (519.93 days) and therefore provided a means for predicting solar eclipses (3, p. 149). Furthermore, because each day had its own name and number, a period of 52 years would elapse before the 260-day almanac would come back into phase with the 365-day calendar. This period of 52 years has been called the calendar
round, or "Aztec century" (tonalpohualli), and was responsible for the fatalistic belief among Mesoamerican peoples that history repeated itself on a cyclical basis.

Despite the central importance of the 260-day calendar in the life, art, and science of pre-Columbian Mesoamerica, no satisfactory explanation has yet been advanced as to how and where this original contribution to time-keeping began. In 1966, Coe (1, p. 55) stated: "How such a period of time ever came into being remains an enigma. . . ."

Other investigators have debated the locational origins of this unique Mesoamerican calendar. Kidder (4) favors a highland origin, but Thompson (5) cites an observation by Gadow that "several of the fauna which serve as day-names and day -glyphs . . . are foreign to the Mexican plateau and, one might add, to the highlands of Guatemala."

Satterthwaite (6) writes that Caso finds the earliest evidence of the sacred round count at Monte Albán in Oaxaca, whereas Vaillant (7) states that the 52-year cycle
seemingly stems from the Mixteca Puebla area. Robertson (8) likewise sees no reason to question colonial accounts of Mixtec origins for the 260-day calendar. Moreno (9), on the other hand, assumes the calendar to be of Mayan origin but concedes that an Olmec origin "may turn out to be more feasible"; yet he concludes by suggesting the Yucatán Peninsula as its birthplace. Coe (1, p. 60) disagrees, arguing that the "Mayan" calendar had reached pretty much its final form "by the first century B.C. among peoples who were under powerful Olmec influence and who may not even have been Maya. From them, writing and the calendar were spread along the Pacific coast of Guatemala and into the Maya highlands, eventually reaching the developing states of the Petén forests." It is thus apparent that there is little agreement as to when, where, or how the sacred almanac came into being or which people was responsible for its creation.

Although structures assumed to have been observatories have been identified at such sites as Monte Albán and Chichén Itzá the Mayan center at Copán, Honduras (Fig. 1), is generally recognized as having been of paramount importance in pre-Columbian astronomical studies (1, p. 161; 2. pp. 323 and 325; 3, p. 70; 10). It is my contention that Copán attained its distinction as the single most important center for astronomical studies in the New World because it was the only place within the Classic (lowland) Mayan realm where the sacred 260-day calendar could be calibrated. Because of Copán's preeminence in astronomy, there is a strong temptation to ascribe the origins of the tzolkin to this place a temptation that I feel impelled to resist on historical grounds. On the contrary, rather than arguing in favor of Copán as the birthplace of the calendar round, I would propose just the reverse, namely, that the calendar round was responsible for the founding of Copán.

Inasmuch as the Mesoamerican cultural hearth lies entirely within the tropics, the
most critical fixed points of the solar year are less likely to have been the solstices and equinoxes (11) (as they are in higher latitudes) than the 2 days of the year when the sun is vertically overhead at a given place. The interval between such positions could be calibrated simply by taking note of the number of days which elapsed between the times that a given pillar or post failed to cast a shadow. Obviously, because the Mesoamerican area lies in the Northern Hemisphere, a 260-day span of time between zenithal sun positions could only be measured in the winter half-year, because the sun would complete the shorter 105-day part of its cycle during the Northern Hemisphere summer. Thus, if we accept the thesis that the critical fixed points of the tzolkin must be the zenithal sun positions, the only question that remains is to determine where such an interval could be measured. This is found to be slightly south of the 15th parallel of latitude, a line that intersects only the southeastern corner of Mexico but runs through the entire width of Guatemala and Honduras. Because the sun's declination changes about 18' of arc per day at this stage in its annual circuit, it is more accurate to speak of a band within which, rather than a line along which, such a calibration is possible. Thus, any site between 14º42'N and 15ºN will experience a 260-day interval between zenithal sun positions. Within this band, the sun reaches the
zenith each year on or about 12-13 August on its apparent journey into the Southern Hemisphere and again on or about 30 April-1 May as it "moves northward." The former date is in perfect accord with the month and day of the zero starting point of the Mayan long count calendar as calculated by both the
Goodman-Martínez-Thompson and Spinden correlations, although the year in which
the count began remains an open question (12). [Although the beginning of the tzolkin postulated here does not favor one of the above correlations over the other, since they are exactly 260 years apart, it does render unlikely any other correlation that does not arrive at a zero point of 12-13 August. For example, the Kreichgauer correlation (11) is 164 days out of phase with it.]

Although several important post-Classic cities fall into the latitudinal band described above, all in the highlands of west-central Guatemala, in view of the great antiquity of Fig. 1. Map showing a portion of Mesoamerica near 15ºN. The dotted lines denote elevations over 300 m; the hatched horizontal band represents the area in which the 260-day zenithal interval is found.
the tzolkin it seems more rational to look for a site which dates back at least into Late Formative times. [Moreover, in my opinion, Gadow's argument (5) is sufficiently strong to rule out any highland site for faunal reasons alone.] Copán, at an elevation of 600 m above sea level, is the only Classic site of importance which lies within the band, but a much more likely point of origin is the large Late-Preclassic ceremonial center of Izapa (Fig. 1), which lies just over the western border of Guatemala in Mexico. Located at the edge of the foothills which border the Pacific coastal plain, Izapa is situated at an elevation of about 250 m. In point of time Izapa is not only far older than Copán but it is spatially far closer to the original cradle of Mayan culture as hypothesized by Coe.

Indeed, he makes the point that the Izapan civilization “occupies a middle ground intime and in space between the Middle Formative Olmec and the Early Classic Maya” 1, p. 60). However, Coe observes that,writing and the calendar are absent" in Izapa, but that, "as one moves along the Pacific slopes east into Guatemala, one finds sites with inscribed monuments and Baktun 7 dates." One of the latter, from El Baúl, has been equated to A.D. 36, "some 256 years prior to the first such date in the Maya lowlands" (1, pp. 61-62). Somewhat later in the same work (1, p. 76) Coe states that "the Izapan culture of the highlands must have had a good deal to do with the adoption of civilized life in the central and northern areas" of the Mayan realm and that both monuments with long count dates and writing "were present among the coeval Izapan centers of the
Highlands and Pacific Coast," 'whereas they were either "missing or exceedingly rare" in the lowlands before the dawn of the Classic era. The oldest long count date known from the Mayan area is Stela 29 from Tikal, which bears an inscription equated to A.D. 292, whereas "the custom of erecting sculptured stone monuments probably spread to Copán as early as [A.D.] 465" (italics are mine) (2, p. 59). On the other hand, the oldest recorded long count dates appear on monuments outside the Mayan area, to the northwest (1, p. 59). If, as Coe states, "It is generally agreed that the Long Count must have been set in Motion long after the inception of the Calendar Round" (1, p. 59), then
the 260-day sacred almanac must date well back into the pre-Christian era.

Furthermore, if the hypothesis for its origin presented.here is correct, the diffusion of this idea appears to have been more rapid to the northwest -- into Mexico -- than it was to the northeast into the Mayan area. On the other hand, once they had adopted the concept of the tzolkin, the Mayas, alone among the peoples of Mesoamerica, were in a position (latitudinally) to calibrate, test, and refine the measurements based on this sacred almanac. Even though their principal economic and political centers developed in the Petén region of northern Guatemala, the Mayas saw fit (perhaps one should say, felt religiously obliged) to erect an astronomical center more than 320 km to the southeast, virtually on the frontiers of their domain, in the most accessible site which met the
requirements of the 260-day interval. Thus, although the Mayas are indebted to the Izapans for the original idea of the sacred calendar (as are all other Mesoamericans as well), the credit for developing it into a highly complex and precise system for reckoning time and predicting celestial events is entirely their own.

VINCENT H. MALMSTROM Department of Geography, Middlebury College,
Middlebury, Vermont 05753
1. M. D. Coe,.The Maya (Praeger, New York, 1966).
2. S. G. Morley, The Ancient Maya (Stanford Univ. Press, Stanford, Calif., 1946).
3. J. E. S. Thompson, The Rise and Fail of Maya Civilization (Univ. of Oklahoma
Press, Norman, 1954).
4. A. V. Kidder, in The Maya and Their Neighbors (Appleton-Century-Crofts,
New York, 1940; reprinted by Univ. of Utah Press, Salt Lake City. 1962). p. 122.
5. J. E. S. Thompson, in Handbook of Middle American Indians: Archeology of
Southern Mesoamerica, G. R. Willey, Ed. (Univ. of Texas Press, Austin, 1965), vol. 2,
p. 651; H. F. Gadow, Through Southern Mexico (Scribner's, New York, 1909), p. 303.
6. L. Satterthwaite, in Handbook of Middle American Indians: Archeology at
Southern Mesoamerica, G. R. Willey, Ed. (Univ. of Texas Press, Austin, 1965), Vol.
2, P. 606; A. Caso, Mem. Acad. Mex. Hist. 1, 41 (1958)."
7. G. C. Valliant, in The Maya and Their Neighbors (Appleton-Century-Crofts,
New York. 1940; reprinted by Univ. of Utah Press, Soft Lake City, t962), p. 2".
8. D. Robertson, Ancient Oaxaca, J. Paddock, Ed. (Stanford Univ. Press, Stanford,
Calif., 1966), part 3, p. 2".
9. W. J. Moreno, ibid., part 1, p. 19.
10. P. Gendrop, Ancient Mexico (Editorial Trillas, Mexico City, 1972), 0. 89.
11. E. W. Andrews, in The Maya and Their Neighbors (Appleton-Century-Crofts,
New York, 1940; reprinted by Univ. of Utah Press, Salt Lake City, 1962), p. 158.
12. M. W. Jakeman. The Origins and History of the Mayas (Research Publishing
Company, Los Angeles, 1945). p. 55,
2 April 1973
(Reprinted from SCIENCE, 7 September 1973, volume 181, pages 939-941.)
COPYRIGHT 1973 by the American Association for the Advancement of

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. * Re: MARS ANOMALY: Strange artifact caught by Spirit Dani   02.08.11 13:58
. * За пътят на война накратко Dani   01.08.11 20:42
. * Re: 9 Трева Cydar   08.08.11 15:45
. * Бай Дон Хуан обяснява за Смъртта от лявата страна Dani   10.08.11 16:37
. * Re: Бай Дон Хуан обяснява за Смъртта от лявата страна _-xXx-_   10.08.11 17:57
. * Бай Дон Хуан светнат за знаците и пътя със сърце Dani   15.08.11 19:43
. * New Large Crop Circle 26th July 2011 Windmill Hill Dani   17.08.11 10:21
. * Very Large Astounding Crop Circle 29th July 2011 Dani   17.08.11 10:23
. * cropcircle with EBE wiltshire 27 july 2011 Dani   17.08.11 10:25
. * Crop Circle 22nd July 2011 at East Kennett Dani   17.08.11 10:26
. * Crop Circle 25th July at Etchilhampton, Wiltshire Dani   17.08.11 10:29
. * crop circles wiltshire 25 july 2011 Dani   17.08.11 10:30
. * Crop Circle 22 Jan 2011: Magnetosphere report Dani   17.08.11 10:49
. * Zebra Escapes Lion's Jaws Dani   17.08.11 11:13
. * CROP CIRCLE ( THE SCORPION IS BACK ) JULY 2011 Dani   17.08.11 11:23
. * CROP CIRCLE JULY 2011 ( ALIGNMENT OF THE SUNS ) Dani   17.08.11 11:24
. * CROP CIRCLE JULY 2011 ( THE DIVINE TRINITY ) Dani   17.08.11 11:26
. * Crop Circles with 'script' 4 july 2011 Dani   17.08.11 11:29
. * Re: Crop Circles with 'script' 4 july 2011 silver.moon   17.08.11 15:05
. * Бай Дон Хуан разбира как "тече времето" надявам се Dani   17.08.11 18:34
. * behind the crop circles and Maya calendar Dani   17.08.11 19:00
. * Awesome Cydar   17.08.11 21:08
. * 2011 Yo-Yo World Champion Dani   18.08.11 10:21
. * UFO fleet over Tower Bridge London 6/24/2011 Dani   18.08.11 12:32
. * UFO Fleet over London June 24, 2011 HD Dani   18.08.11 12:37
. * Analysis of the London UFO Videos - Hoax? Dani   18.08.11 12:46
. * Re: 9 Трева Eholincho   19.08.11 20:13
. * Re: 9 Трева пороят   19.08.11 20:34
. * Re: 9 Трева Eholincho   19.08.11 20:42
. * Re: 9 Трева пороят   19.08.11 20:49
. * Re: 9 Трева L.L.   19.08.11 20:52
. * Re: 9 Трева Eholincho   19.08.11 21:08
. * Re: 9 Трева L.L.   19.08.11 21:28
. * Re: 9 Трева silver.moon   20.08.11 06:08
. * Re: 9 Трева silver.moon   20.08.11 06:11
. * Re: 9 Трева silver.moon   20.08.11 11:11
. * Huge UFO around the Sun and above Mexico 2011 HD Dani   20.08.11 10:18
. * Ian Xel Lungold Secrets Of The Mayan Calendar Dani   22.08.11 15:57
. * The Mayan Calendar & 2012 Dani   22.08.11 16:04
. * Блог за цикличността на времето Dani   22.08.11 16:14
. * Блог - 4 Цвете Dani   22.08.11 16:18
. * Mayan, aztec and cherokee calendars 9 Grass 8   16.10.11 16:10
. * Carl Johan Calleman Dani   22.08.11 16:26
. * Във Facebook за контейнера на времето Dani   22.08.11 16:30
. * Влиянието на контейнера на времето върху мисленето Dani   22.08.11 16:45
. * BBC -The Illusion of Reality Dani   22.08.11 17:05
. * Бай Дон Хуан разбира къде е водача Dani   23.08.11 17:33
. * Re: Бай Дон Хуан разбира къде е водача Eholincho   23.08.11 18:43
. * Re: Бай Дон Хуан разбира къде е водача Dani   25.08.11 13:27
. * Re: Бай Дон Хуан разбира къде е водача Eholincho   25.08.11 23:14
. * Re: Бай Дон Хуан разбира къде е водача Dani   26.08.11 13:14
. * Re: Бай Дон Хуан разбира къде е водача Eholincho   26.08.11 14:03
. * Re: Бай Дон Хуан разбира къде е водача 9 Grass 8   19.11.11 14:21
. * Re: Бай Дон Хуан разбира къде е водача Eholincho   29.08.11 00:21
. * Бай Дон Хуан бесен заради 21 абстрактни ядра Dani   07.09.11 15:53
. * Бай Дон Хуан светнат за групирането на профилите Dani   25.08.11 14:48
. * Crop Circles, Best of the Best, June 2011 Dani   25.08.11 15:33
. * Re: Crop Circles, Best of the Best, June 2011 Cydar   25.08.11 15:59
. * Re: Crop Circles, Best of the Best, June 2011 silver.moon   25.08.11 18:15
. * Re: Crop Circles, Best of the Best, June 2011 пороят   25.08.11 19:02
. * Re: Crop Circles, Best of the Best, June 2011 Darth_Vader™   25.08.11 22:53
. * Re: Crop Circles, Best of the Best, June 2011 пороят   26.08.11 00:01
. * Re: Crop Circles, Best of the Best, June 2011 Darth_Vader™   26.08.11 00:33
. * Re: Crop Circles, Best of the Best, June 2011 пороят   26.08.11 00:39
. * Re: Crop Circles, Best of the Best, June 2011 Darth_Vader™   26.08.11 00:42
. * Re: Crop Circles, Best of the Best, June 2011 silver.moon   26.08.11 05:53
. * Re: Crop Circles, Best of the Best, June 2011 Darth_Vader™   26.08.11 14:27
. * Re: Crop Circles, Best of the Best, June 2011 silver.moon   26.08.11 17:19
. * Re: Crop Circles, Best of the Best, June 2011 Darth_Vader™   26.08.11 20:21
. * Re: Crop Circles, Best of the Best, June 2011 Dani   26.08.11 13:31
. * Re: Crop Circles, Best of the Best, June 2011 silver.moon   26.08.11 13:39
. * Re: Crop Circles, Best of the Best, June 2011 Dani   26.08.11 13:45
. * Айрин удря Ню Йорк в 20:00 на 28 Авг 2011 Dani   28.08.11 13:02
. * Re: Айрин удря Ню Йорк в 20:00 на 28 Авг 2011 L.L.   29.08.11 17:56
. * Бай Дон Хуан разбира за неяснотиите около СТ Dani   29.08.11 17:19
. * Re: Бай Дон Хуан разбира за неяснотиите около СТ Eholincho   29.08.11 18:39
. * Re: Бай Дон Хуан разбира за неяснотиите около СТ silver.moon   29.08.11 19:13
. * Бай Дон Хуан се учи да вижда Dani   30.08.11 17:05
. * Спирането на времето в центъра на контейнера Dani   06.09.11 09:39
. * Да пристигнеш преди да тръгнеш Dani   06.09.11 09:44
. * Обръщане посоката на времето Dani   06.09.11 09:51
. * Re: Обръщане посоката на времето L.L.   06.09.11 10:11
. * Пътуване във времето - в центъра на контейнера Dani   06.09.11 11:54
. * BBC | Time Machine Dani   06.09.11 12:01
. * BBC Documentary - Time Machine - Masters Of Time Dani   06.09.11 12:03
. * Central America - The Burden of Time Dani   06.09.11 15:49
. * The Toltec God of Magic - Tezcatlipoca Dani   06.09.11 21:58
. * TEZCATLIPOCA-Smoking Mirror (Anawak Brass) Dani   08.09.11 11:54
. * The Temple of Warriors - Chichen Itza Dani   08.09.11 12:07
. * Бай Дон Хуан получава обяснения за спирането Dani   10.09.11 19:42
. * Tolteca El Nagual Tonal Ancient Mexico Dani   11.09.11 18:52
. * Los toltecas Dani   11.09.11 18:55
. * Documental Los Toltecas Dani   11.09.11 19:06
. * Majestuosa Cultura Tolteca Dani   11.09.11 19:17
. * Tula and Teotihuacán virtual Dani   11.09.11 19:21
. * The Code: Teotihuacan Dani   11.09.11 19:24
. * Древните виждащи - пророчествата на маите Dani   14.09.11 17:57
. * Бай Дон Хуан разбира за дясната и лявата страна Dani   19.09.11 16:55
. * TimeLine - потока на времето в периферията Dani   23.09.11 07:52
. * Speed-of-light experiments give baffling result Dani   23.09.11 18:10
. * Quetzalcoatl vs. Tezcatlipoca Dani   24.09.11 18:26
. * Calendario Azteca ( Maya ) 001 Dani   24.09.11 18:29
. * Patecatl моя протектор на тонала сянка Dani   24.09.11 18:31
. * Feathered Serpent моя протектор на духовния тонал Dani   24.09.11 18:34
. * El MENSAJE de QUETZALCOALT para el 2012 Dani   25.09.11 11:06
. * Frecuencia 13:20. La Opción al 2012. Dani   25.09.11 11:20
. * Dance Skills Dani   27.09.11 07:56
. * Re: Dance Skills L.L.   27.09.11 20:27
. * Бай Дон Хуан разбира опасностите на магията Dani   01.10.11 19:39
. * Re: Бай Дон Хуан разбира опасностите на магията пороят   01.10.11 22:57
. * Re: Бай Дон Хуан разбира опасностите на магията Dani   02.10.11 21:09
. * Re: Бай Дон Хуан разбира опасностите на магията пороят   02.10.11 22:07
. * Re: Бай Дон Хуан разбира опасностите на магията Dani   03.10.11 08:00
. * Re: Бай Дон Хуан разбира опасностите на магията пороят   03.10.11 18:16
. * Re: Бай Дон Хуан разбира опасностите на магията Dani   03.10.11 18:50
. * Re: Бай Дон Хуан разбира опасностите на магията пороят   03.10.11 19:18
. * Re: Бай Дон Хуан разбира опасностите на магията Dani   04.10.11 14:21
. * Re: Бай Дон Хуан разбира опасностите на магията пороят   04.10.11 21:27
. * Re: Бай Дон Хуан разбира опасностите на магията Dani   06.10.11 16:56
. * Re: Бай Дон Хуан разбира опасностите на магията пороят   06.10.11 17:41
. * Re: Бай Дон Хуан разбира опасностите на магията Dani   07.10.11 13:19
. * Re: Бай Дон Хуан разбира опасностите на магията пороят   07.10.11 16:20
. * 3D grid of space-time Dani   08.10.11 20:04
. * Бай Дон Хуан научава повече за Тецкатлипока Dani   01.10.11 20:44
. * Michio Kaku обяснява завихрянията на времето Dani   02.10.11 14:14
. * Човек среща себе си в бъдещето... прави филмче Dani   02.10.11 16:27
. * Black Holes, Neutron Stars, White Dwarfs Dani   03.10.11 12:28
. * Битката гравитация - енергия в контейнера Dani   03.10.11 12:51
. * Supermassive Black Hole in the Milky Way Galaxy Dani   03.10.11 13:19
. * Как контейнера на времето задържа светлината Dani   04.10.11 20:09
. * A Thrill Ride to 'the Other Side of Infinity' Dani   04.10.11 20:11
. * Бай Дон Хуан демонстрира "знания" за профилите Dani   07.10.11 21:37
. * Бай Дон Хуан редактира "Дарът но Орела" Dani   08.10.11 17:17
. * Re: Бай Дон Хуан обяснява от "Дарът но Орела" Dani   10.10.11 21:14
. * Black Hole in the center of our galaxy Dani   08.10.11 19:57
. * Експеримент на НАСА потвърждава завихрянето Dani   08.10.11 20:14
. * Бай Дон Хуан редактира Правилото Dani   11.10.11 18:18
. * Re: Бай Дон Хуан редактира Правилото Dani   12.10.11 15:31
. * Re: Бай Дон Хуан редактира Правилото Dani   12.10.11 20:43
. * 9 Трева и Бай Дон Хуан за магическата Вселена 9 Grass 8   16.10.11 15:56
. * The Toltec Empire 300-600 9 Grass 8   16.10.11 16:21
. * Toltec Civilization 9 Grass 8   16.10.11 16:23
. * Re: Toltec Civilization - The cycles of time 9 Grass 8   16.10.11 16:26
. * Водачи на толтеките - 8 Елен, 4 Ягуар, 2 Тръстика 9 Grass 8   16.10.11 16:33
. * Дон Хуан опитва въвличане през посоките 9 Grass 8   23.10.11 16:53
. * Дон Хуан обяснява опитите за въвличане в центъра 9 Grass 8   25.10.11 17:23
. * Как се преобърнах под знака на куриерите 9 Grass 8   26.10.11 14:07
. * Re: Как се преобърнах под знака на куриерите Xaнa.   26.10.11 16:09
. * Прикриването... ти го знаеш 9 Grass 8   27.10.11 12:09
. * Re: Прикриването... ти го знаеш Xaнa.   27.10.11 13:33
. * Прикриване, неправене... глупава колкото си иска 9 Grass 8   27.10.11 15:12
. * Re: Прикриване, неправене... глупава колкото си иска Xaнa.   27.10.11 16:08
. * По-позната описателна система 9 Grass 8   28.10.11 10:57
. * Re: По-позната описателна система Xaнa.   02.11.11 12:03
. * Re: По-позната описателна система 9 Grass 8   02.11.11 19:34
. * Re: По-позната описателна система Xaнa.   02.11.11 19:40
. * Ce Acatl Topiltzin 9 Grass 8   01.11.11 16:44
. * Времето - съдържанието, пространството - мярката 9 Grass 8   08.11.11 12:09
. * Проследяване на цикличното време 9 Grass 8   10.11.11 19:18
. * Epica-Hunab Ku 9 Grass 8   10.11.11 19:22
. * 28 Окт 2011 - денят 13 Цвете 9 Grass 8   10.11.11 19:23
. * haab, tzolkin, 9 lords, color code, Gregorian data 9 Grass 8   10.11.11 19:27
. * Calendario maya y la transformación de la concienc 9 Grass 8   10.11.11 19:30
. * 20-те земни знака - тоналът сянка 9 Grass 8   10.11.11 19:32
. * Aztec Empire & Culture Interesting Facts, Anthropo 9 Grass 8   10.11.11 19:39
. * Aztec Gods Documentary 9 Grass 8   10.11.11 19:41
. * Ацтекските воини 9 Grass 8   10.11.11 19:43
. * MITOLOGIA - AZTECA Y MAYA 9 Grass 8   10.11.11 19:47
. * Чичен Ица 9 Grass 8   10.11.11 19:50
. * Greensleeves - best version 9 Grass 8   10.11.11 19:55
. * Greensleeves (with lyrics) 9 Grass 8   10.11.11 19:56
. * Alas my love you do me wrong... 9 Grass 8   12.11.11 13:10
. * Уви любовта ми разбра погрешно... 9 Grass 8   12.11.11 13:26
. * Greensleeves - John Cornwall & Gretchen Cornwall 9 Grass 8   10.11.11 19:58
. * Greensleeves (with lyrics) - Tuatha De Danann 9 Grass 8   10.11.11 20:00
. * Greensleeves - Amy Nuttall 9 Grass 8   10.11.11 20:01
. * Greensleeves by Vanessa Carlton 9 Grass 8   10.11.11 20:02
. * Greensleeves - performed by Solomia Gorokhivska 9 Grass 8   10.11.11 20:03
. * Greensleeves (Henry/Anne) 9 Grass 8   10.11.11 20:04
. * Greensleeves ~ Anne Boleyn 9 Grass 8   10.11.11 20:05
. * My Lady Greensleeves [Henry VIII] 9 Grass 8   10.11.11 20:07
. * GreenSleeves - David Keith Jones 9 Grass 8   10.11.11 20:08
. * Ritchie Blackmore's Greensleeves interpretation 9 Grass 8   10.11.11 20:10
. * Greensleeves - Blackmore's Night 9 Grass 8   10.11.11 20:12
. * Greensleeves - Ritchie Blackmore and Candice Night 9 Grass 8   12.11.11 11:58
. * Rainbow - 16th Century Greensleeves (Live 1977) 9 Grass 8   10.11.11 20:14
. * Greensleeves - The Scorpions 9 Grass 8   10.11.11 20:19
. * Greensleeves - Mozart 9 Grass 8   10.11.11 20:20
. * GREENSLEEVES - JAMES TAYLOR 9 Grass 8   10.11.11 20:22
. * Olivia Newton John - 'Greensleeves' 1976 9 Grass 8   10.11.11 20:24
. * GREENSLEEVES - LOREENA MCKENNITT - (1993) 9 Grass 8   10.11.11 20:27
. * Re: GREENSLEEVES - LOREENA MCKENNITT - (1993) 9 Grass 8   10.11.11 20:59
. * Sandy Stewart sings Greensleeves 9 Grass 8   10.11.11 20:29
. * Greensleeves played on Dulcimer. Central Park, NY 9 Grass 8   10.11.11 20:30
. * Brothers Four - Green Sleeves 9 Grass 8   10.11.11 20:31
. * Greensleeves on Harp 9 Grass 8   10.11.11 20:33
. * Greensleeves - Flute 9 Grass 8   10.11.11 20:34
. * Greensleves played on recorder tenor 9 Grass 8   10.11.11 20:35
. * Greensleeves - Andre Rieu 9 Grass 8   10.11.11 20:37
. * Greensleeves - Celtic Bagpipes 9 Grass 8   10.11.11 20:38
. * Greensleeves Celtic Version 9 Grass 8   10.11.11 20:39
. * Greensleeves piano 9 Grass 8   10.11.11 20:41
. * Greensleeves -- By The king's Singer's 9 Grass 8   10.11.11 20:41
. * Greensleeves - traditional English song 9 Grass 8   10.11.11 20:43
. * Greensleeves - Mantovani 9 Grass 8   10.11.11 20:44
. * Robin Of Sherwood - Lady Greensleeves 9 Grass 8   10.11.11 20:46
. * Pride&Prejudice- Greensleeves 9 Grass 8   10.11.11 20:48
. * Greensleeves - Vaughn Williams version. 9 Grass 8   10.11.11 20:50
. * Greensleeves - London Festival Orchestra 9 Grass 8   10.11.11 20:51
. * Greensleeves orchestra 9 Grass 8   10.11.11 20:52
. * Re: Greensleeves orchestra L.L.   10.11.11 20:58
. * Re: Greensleeves orchestra 9 Grass 8   10.11.11 21:04
. * Celtic Harp Orchestra - On Greensleeves 9 Grass 8   10.11.11 20:53
. * Irish Folk - Greensleeves 9 Grass 8   10.11.11 20:54
. * Greensleeves - Luis 9 Grass 8   10.11.11 20:55
. * "Greensleeves" - The Choir of New College, Oxford 9 Grass 8   10.11.11 20:56
. * Greensleeves By Celtic Woman 9 Grass 8   10.11.11 20:57
. * Greensleeves by Alfred Reed 9 Grass 8   10.11.11 21:01
. * Greensleeves - Renaissance style 9 Grass 8   10.11.11 21:02
. * Greensleeves- Rock/ Metal Band Version 9 Grass 8   10.11.11 21:54
. * Re: Greensleeves- Rock/ Metal Band Version Darth_Vader™   10.11.11 22:37
. * Re: Greensleeves- Rock/ Metal Band Version L.L.   10.11.11 22:39
. * Re: Greensleeves- Rock/ Metal Band Version 9 Grass 8   11.11.11 18:47
. * Re: Greensleeves- Rock/ Metal Band Version Darth_Vader™   11.11.11 19:23
. * Re: Greensleeves- Rock/ Metal Band Version 9 Grass 8   11.11.11 20:12
. * Re: Greensleeves- Rock/ Metal Band Version Darth_Vader™   11.11.11 21:31
. * Re: Greensleeves- Rock/ Metal Band Version 9 Grass 8   12.11.11 10:06
. * Re: Greensleeves- Rock/ Metal Band Version Darth_Vader™   12.11.11 14:57
. * Re: Greensleeves- Rock/ Metal Band Version 9 Grass 8   13.11.11 14:05
. * Стена срещу потока на времето - Дървото на живота 9 Grass 8   11.11.11 19:53
. * Fantasia on Greensleeves - Ralph Vaughan Williams 9 Grass 8   11.11.11 20:23
. * Greensleeves - Lynyrd Skynyrd 9 Grass 8   12.11.11 10:11
. * Greensleeves - Neil Young 9 Grass 8   12.11.11 10:12
. * Greensleeves - Traditional 9 Grass 8   12.11.11 10:18
. * Greensleeves to a Ground- Traditional song of Engl 9 Grass 8   12.11.11 10:19
. * Greensleeves - Luton Girls Choir 9 Grass 8   12.11.11 10:35
. * Greensleeves - Solo Guitar by René Sahir 9 Grass 8   12.11.11 10:38
. * Greensleeves - variation by Fransois Declerc 9 Grass 8   12.11.11 10:40
. * Greensleeves - Hard Rock Ver. ATSUMI KIYOSHI 9 Grass 8   12.11.11 10:43
. * Greensleeves Rock - electric guitar 9 Grass 8   12.11.11 10:44
. * Greensleeves on Electric Guitar 2 9 Grass 8   12.11.11 10:45
. * Greensleves - STRATOVARIUS 9 Grass 8   12.11.11 10:47
. * Greensleeves Remix (Beowulf) 9 Grass 8   12.11.11 10:50
. * Greensleeves (Remix) - 2Pac 9 Grass 8   12.11.11 10:51
. * Greensleeves - Andre Violin 9 Grass 8   12.11.11 10:52
. * Greensleeves on fingerstyle acoustic guitar 9 Grass 8   12.11.11 10:55
. * Greensleeves - David Nevue (HD 720p) 9 Grass 8   12.11.11 11:00
. * Greensleeves - David Nevue with Images of nature 9 Grass 8   12.11.11 11:12
. * Greensleeves - Gitti & Erika 9 Grass 8   12.11.11 11:02
. * Greensleeves - Traditional Jazz edition 9 Grass 8   12.11.11 11:03
. * GREENSLEEVES - JAZZ TRIO BY FUGA 9 Grass 8   12.11.11 11:05
. * GREENSLEEVES - Manhattan Jazz Orchestra 9 Grass 8   12.11.11 11:06
. * Greensleeves on trumpet 9 Grass 8   12.11.11 11:08
. * Greensleeves - Mira Mesa High School Band 9 Grass 8   12.11.11 11:10
. * Greensleeves - otamatone   9 Grass 8   12.11.11 11:15
. * Greensleeves - Jethro Tull 9 Grass 8   12.11.11 11:20
. * Greensleeves - The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards 9 Grass 8   12.11.11 11:24
. * Greensleeves - Metal Melody 9 Grass 8   12.11.11 11:29
. * Greensleeves - Techno Version 9 Grass 8   12.11.11 11:30
. * Greensleeves - Trance Rmx 9 Grass 8   12.11.11 11:31
. * Greensleeves Alphabeats Music Trance Techno Remix 9 Grass 8   12.11.11 11:32
. * Greensleeves - 2008 (Lazlo's Concept Remix) 9 Grass 8   12.11.11 11:34
. * Greensleeves - Remix by superb150 9 Grass 8   12.11.11 11:39
. * Greensleeves - Remix by RicciDids 9 Grass 8   12.11.11 11:41
. * Greensleeves - REMIX by flopdesign 9 Grass 8   12.11.11 11:42
. * Greensleeves - Rock/Metal Remix 9 Grass 8   12.11.11 11:44
. * Greensleeves - Rock version by HOLY SHiRE 9 Grass 8   12.11.11 11:46
. * Greensleeves - viking metal version 9 Grass 8   12.11.11 11:48
. * Greensleeves - Omnia 9 Grass 8   12.11.11 11:55
. * Greensleeves - Estampie 9 Grass 8   12.11.11 11:56
. * Greensleeves - Labyrinth 9 Grass 8   12.11.11 12:00
. * Greensleeves - Music Box Theme Filipe Holland 9 Grass 8   12.11.11 12:04
. * Greensleeves - (cello e violão) 9 Grass 8   12.11.11 12:05
. * Greensleeves by Cello ensemble from Český Krumlov 9 Grass 8   12.11.11 12:06
. * Greensleeves - 10 year old boy 9 Grass 8   12.11.11 12:08
. * Greensleeves - (guitar and cello) music therapy 9 Grass 8   12.11.11 12:10
. * Greensleeves for Cello Duet by E and E Cello Music 9 Grass 8   12.11.11 12:10
. * Greensleeves - Emily and Amy on cello and viola 9 Grass 8   12.11.11 12:12
. * Greensleeves played by Trio Animando 9 Grass 8   12.11.11 12:13
. * Greensleeves a cappella duett 9 Grass 8   12.11.11 12:14
. * Greensleves - Nespula vocal a cappella group 9 Grass 8   12.11.11 12:16
. * Re: Greensleves - Nespula vocal a cappella group 9 Grass 8   12.11.11 12:18
. * Greensleves - bagpipe scotish boy 9 Grass 8   12.11.11 12:22
. * Greensleeves - the tune on violin 9 Grass 8   12.11.11 12:23
. * Greensleeves - on Flute by Adrian Brett 9 Grass 8   12.11.11 12:25
. * Greensleeves variation with flute and harp 9 Grass 8   12.11.11 12:27
. * Дон Хуан обвинява Карлос Как стана да за Ксендзюк 9 Grass 8   14.11.11 18:06
. * Профил на Ваня в двете внимания 9 Grass 8   15.11.11 15:08
. * Стратегия за спиране а времето 9 Grass 8   18.11.11 13:58
. * Greensleeves Rock by Israel Bermudo 9 Grass 8   19.11.11 09:58
. * Greensleeves - Eddy Monrow 9 Grass 8   19.11.11 10:00
. * South Salem Orchestra: Fantasia on Greensleeves 9 Grass 8   19.11.11 10:01
. * Greensleeves - Ana Clara Melo, Larissa Melo, Marti 9 Grass 8   19.11.11 10:03
. * Greensleeves-Acker Bilk 9 Grass 8   19.11.11 10:07
. * Намерение и Неправене 9 Grass 8   23.11.11 12:40
. * Lord Pacal Votan 9 Grass 8   28.11.11 17:01
. * Цикличното време 9 Grass 8   28.11.11 17:01
. * The Mayan Hunab Ku :: Time Is Art 9 Grass 8   28.11.11 17:55
. * Re: The Mayan Hunab Ku :: Time Is Art Eholincho   28.11.11 19:29
. * Re: The Mayan Hunab Ku :: Time Is Art 9 Grass 8   28.11.11 20:37
. * Re: The Mayan Hunab Ku :: Time Is Art Eholincho   28.11.11 20:41
. * Re: The Mayan Hunab Ku :: Time Is Art пороят   28.11.11 20:52
. * Re: The Mayan Hunab Ku :: Time Is Art 9 Grass 8   28.11.11 21:25
. * Re: The Mayan Hunab Ku :: Time Is Art Eholincho   28.11.11 21:29
. * Re: The Mayan Hunab Ku :: Time Is Art 9 Grass 8   28.11.11 20:51
. * Re: The Mayan Hunab Ku :: Time Is Art Eholincho   28.11.11 21:04
. * Re: The Mayan Hunab Ku :: Time Is Art 9 Grass 8   28.11.11 21:13
. * Re: The Mayan Hunab Ku :: Time Is Art Eholincho   28.11.11 21:28
. * Re: The Mayan Hunab Ku :: Time Is Art 9 Grass 8   29.11.11 11:27
. * Re: The Mayan Hunab Ku :: Time Is Art Eholincho   29.11.11 11:46
. * Re: The Mayan Hunab Ku :: Time Is Art 9 Grass 8   29.11.11 11:58
. * Re: The Mayan Hunab Ku :: Time Is Art Eholincho   29.11.11 12:11
. * Re: The Mayan Hunab Ku :: Time Is Art 9 Grass 8   29.11.11 18:38
. * Re: The Mayan Hunab Ku :: Time Is Art Eholincho   29.11.11 19:32
. * Re: The Mayan Hunab Ku :: Time Is Art 9 Grass 8   29.11.11 19:52
. * Re: The Mayan Hunab Ku :: Time Is Art Eholincho   29.11.11 20:00
. * Greensleeves - Anne and Henry - The Tudors 9 Grass 8   03.12.11 16:18
. * The Quantum Reality 9 Grass 8   03.12.11 16:56
. * Контейнер на време-пространството 9 Grass 8   23.12.11 17:37
. * 20-те земни знака тонала сянка и техните защитници 9 Grass 8   23.12.11 19:09
. * Re: 20-те земни знака тонала сянка и техните защитници L.L.   23.12.11 20:58
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