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Тема Re: Дупл: Отг: Бъдещето е....... [re: Val]
Автор smocker77 (ру пациент)
Публикувано12.11.20 10:13  


направиха ни профил ВАЛ две в едно - във Фантастика обменихме мисли по въпроса, но ето, виж, аз не съм Цанов, а Полянова - а твоя профил е занулен, сигурно за да замажат мизерията си терористична.
покрай мене, тебе те направиха луда жена, а мене мъж психар.

From Introduction (www-page)
Автор Val Glade ()
Публикувано 04.04.00 12:18

Тук принтвам откъси от Интродукцията към втората ми книга, която е представена в WWW-page на BOL.bg /ще се възползвам още веднъж от случая да изразя своята признателност на работещите там, че толкова време поддържат страницата ми без да ми поискат стотинка за това/. Моля онези, които не знаят английски да ме извинят - по технически причини не мога да сложа българския текст. Принтвам тези откъси тук, за да кажа някои неща за сънищата, както и да обясня, че не съм гадател в общоприетия смисъл на думата - затова не ми се сърдете, ако не тълкувам сънищата ви тук. Желая на всички ви хубави сънища, но най-вече - много късмет и щастие наяве. Вал FROM INTRODUCTION ...It is a fact that since antiquity and to this day people have not given up meditating about their dreams; as cases and times differ, they resort to qualified specialists and aids or do this themselves, counting on their own common sense and intuition. Even only this undying curiosity is sufficiently eloquent evidence that a part of the dreaming mankind apparently cannot swallow the fact of pointlessly sleeping away one third of their lives. Obviously the sworn dreamers of all times will refuse to become reconciled and accept that their visions are just Morpheus' practical jokes, called upon only to make even more bitter living in the slow world of reality obeying the law of gravitation. To say nothing of the proposition that we are dealing with a matter which in the best of cases can serve as material for contemplation of psycho-analysts or is a purely physiological function like digestion or salivation. ... My observations have shown that the majority of humans, notwithstanding their respect for Ziegmund Freud, do not want to give their feelings the nick-name of libido but stubbornly stick to the old-fashioned and worn-out word love, avoiding therefore to utilize for interpreting their significant dreams the classic's homonymous work whose reading, however, is quite useful and can sometimes have the effect of a good healing shower... ...We do not mean here perks like Eine kleine Nachtmusik performed by your private orchestra, or a bath of rose water /or milk/ before going to bed. Without being oil tycoons, gypsy barons, film stars or hereditary aristocrats at worst, we can allow ourselves the luxury of shaking off our thoughts about what we are unable to do while awake. Letting them drop out calmly and easily gives a chance to our dreams to advise us, to offer us a fresh idea on how to deal with the nasty knot of contradictions torturing us during the day. And most of all to wake up fit, rested, with the serene sense of not having dreamt. Small wonder then that our wonderful "gearwork" which we have left function at leisure, without bothering it with our traditional, sometimes worn-out arguments, may surprise us with a simple idea of genius... ...Fortunately, every one of us is above all not so much a non-reproducible combination of physical parameters /a simple truth which can be proved by the example of a sheep Doly, making minds go wild recently/ as an unique world woven out of action and thought, co-existing in time and space with other worlds /beginning with those of our alikes and ending with the starlit sky/, also dynamically changing, with which we constantly enter in inter-action. Even from the point of view of the calculus of probability, every human life is a unique history without an analogue in the annals of time. And if mankind has a drop of reason, it will listen to the arguments that can be proved by the example of a nice sheep, without becoming engaged in nonsense like cloning people who had become individualities precisely thanks to the life they had lived... ... It is inherent to our human nature, when we have the blues, to resort to the tested method known for ages under the code name of "Scapegoat". In the lighter cases this classical recipe works almost without a hitch, and - what is more - in relation to everything: beginning with bad weather and ending with the rotten structure of the world and with the people, always excepting ourselves. But when the game gets rough, even the most thick-skinned intuitively feel that it would be - to put it mildly - unreasonable to bank on that right when things have gone hot... I count on my intuition and always observe this golden rule. Calm, self-possession and common sense are enough for anyone to feel why intuition is giving him/her warning signals. And to think and act with greater concentration, with higher attention, avoiding the unnecessary risks by all means. If I have dreamt of an accident /even though it was my camel bumping into another camel in the desert/, while I am traveling in my waking hours /no matter by what transportation means/ I will do my best to abide by the traffic regulations and will be on my guard even though I might have associated my dream with a different life situation. This simple and pure rule has saved me quite many unpleasant situations while awake, and that is why I cannot fail to recommend it to you. ... That is why the habit of regularly arranging the disk and scanning it for unhealthy tendencies and moods is not less expedient than the same operation on the home pet. To say nothing about the fact that we also need to regularly update our anti-virus programs, seiving through the seive of intuition and common sense the input information, so as to avoid a situation when some of the dear guests to our soul decides to toy with the mouse. We are all clear what happens when a layman sets his mind on getting done a rather complicated job on your damned whimsical computer that you alone know like the palm of your hand... On the other hand, sometimes yearnings to plunge into the future can be compared with the play of a curious child with fire. As a rule, this game is practically doomed, if we play it only when prediction corresponds to our notions of the happy future we want - for the moment, here and now! - for ourselves or - mainly! - for someone else. It is far safer in this sense to refrain from undertaking attempts to jump ahead like panthers into the good pink time..., In the final analysis, everything that gives us joy on this planet, is the fruit of the realization of someone's earthly dreams come true from antiquity to this day. That is why this book is my present to the dreams which have nurtured the imagination for ages on end with life-giving energy and magnificent aspirations - towards love, creation, flight. Praised be the dreams removing from our souls the depositions of the gray everyday life, making the bright, full-fledged colors of our childhood shine again in all their freshness and purity. Dreams are the thoroughfare not only to self-knowledge but also to that eternal return to one's self, to that state which we call happiness, completeness, inner harmony..." Thank you for visiting part of my WWW page (surch BOL.bg page - to Yahoo) Wishing you to have your beautiful dreams come true VALERIA POLYANOFF, alias VAL GLADE Translated from Bulgarian by SVETLA MANEVA

Тема WWWebster Ballsнови [re: Val Glade]
Автор Татко ()
Публикувано 11.04.00 08:39


Тема WWWebster Ballsнови [re: Татко]
Автор Val ()
Публикувано 11.04.00 16:38


Тема WWWebster Ballsнови [re: Татко]
Публикувано 08.08.00 13:57

mi Тук принтвам откъси от Интродукцията към втората ми книга, която е представена в WWW-page на BOL.bg /ще се възползвам още веднъж от случая да изразя своята признателност на работещите там, че толкова време поддържат страницата ми без да ми поискат стотинка за това/. Моля онези, които не знаят английски да ме извинят - по технически причини не мога да сложа българския текст. Принтвам тези откъси тук, за да кажа някои неща за сънищата, както и да обясня, че не съм гадател в общоприетия смисъл на думата - затова не ми се сърдете, ако не тълкувам сънищата ви тук. Желая на всички ви хубави сънища, но най-вече - много късмет и щастие наяве. Вал FROM INTRODUCTION ...It is a fact that since antiquity and to this day people have not given up meditating about their dreams; as cases and times differ, they resort to qualified specialists and aids or do this themselves, counting on their own common sense and intuition. Even only this undying curiosity is sufficiently eloquent evidence that a part of the dreaming mankind apparently cannot swallow the fact of pointlessly sleeping away one third of their lives. Obviously the sworn dreamers of all times will refuse to become reconciled and accept that their visions are just Morpheus' practical jokes, called upon only to make even more bitter living in the slow world of reality obeying the law of gravitation. To say nothing of the proposition that we are dealing with a matter which in the best of cases can serve as material for contemplation of psycho-analysts or is a purely physiological function like digestion or salivation. ... My observations have shown that the majority of humans, notwithstanding their respect for Ziegmund Freud, do not want to give their feelings the nick-name of libido but stubbornly stick to the old-fashioned and worn-out word love, avoiding therefore to utilize for interpreting their significant dreams the classic's homonymous work whose reading, however, is quite useful and can sometimes have the effect of a good healing shower... ...We do not mean here perks like Eine kleine Nachtmusik performed by your private orchestra, or a bath of rose water /or milk/ before going to bed. Without being oil tycoons, gypsy barons, film stars or hereditary aristocrats at worst, we can allow ourselves the luxury of shaking off our thoughts about what we are unable to do while awake. Letting them drop out calmly and easily gives a chance to our dreams to advise us, to offer us a fresh idea on how to deal with the nasty knot of contradictions torturing us during the day. And most of all to wake up fit, rested, with the serene sense of not having dreamt. Small wonder then that our wonderful "gearwork" which we have left function at leisure, without bothering it with our traditional, sometimes worn-out arguments, may surprise us with a simple idea of genius... ...Fortunately, every one of us is above all not so much a non-reproducible combination of physical parameters /a simple truth which can be proved by the example of a sheep Doly, making minds go wild recently/ as an unique world woven out of action and thought, co-existing in time and space with other worlds /beginning with those of our alikes and ending with the starlit sky/, also dynamically changing, with which we constantly enter in inter-action. Even from the point of view of the calculus of probability, every human life is a unique history without an analogue in the annals of time. And if mankind has a drop of reason, it will listen to the arguments that can be proved by the example of a nice sheep, without becoming engaged in nonsense like cloning people who had become individualities precisely thanks to the life they had lived... ... It is inherent to our human nature, when we have the blues, to resort to the tested method known for ages under the code name of "Scapegoat". In the lighter cases this classical recipe works almost without a hitch, and - what is more - in relation to everything: beginning with bad weather and ending with the rotten structure of the world and with the people, always excepting ourselves. But when the game gets rough, even the most thick-skinned intuitively feel that it would be - to put it mildly - unreasonable to bank on that right when things have gone hot... I count on my intuition and always observe this golden rule. Calm, self-possession and common sense are enough for anyone to feel why intuition is giving him/her warning signals. And to think and act with greater concentration, with higher attention, avoiding the unnecessary risks by all means. If I have dreamt of an accident /even though it was my camel bumping into another camel in the desert/, while I am traveling in my waking hours /no matter by what transportation means/ I will do my best to abide by the traffic regulations and will be on my guard even though I might have associated my dream with a different life situation. This simple and pure rule has saved me quite many unpleasant situations while awake, and that is why I cannot fail to recommend it to you. ... That is why the habit of regularly arranging the disk and scanning it for unhealthy tendencies and moods is not less expedient than the same operation on the home pet. To say nothing about the fact that we also need to regularly update our anti-virus programs, seiving through the seive of intuition and common sense the input information, so as to avoid a situation when some of the dear guests to our soul decides to toy with the mouse. We are all clear what happens when a layman sets his mind on getting done a rather complicated job on your damned whimsical computer that you alone know like the palm of your hand... On the other hand, sometimes yearnings to plunge into the future can be compared with the play of a curious child with fire. As a rule, this game is practically doomed, if we play it only when prediction corresponds to our notions of the happy future we want - for the moment, here and now! - for ourselves or - mainly! - for someone else. It is far safer in this sense to refrain from undertaking attempts to jump ahead like panthers into the good pink time..., In the final analysis, everything that gives us joy on this planet, is the fruit of the realization of someone's earthly dreams come true from antiquity to this day. That is why this book is my present to the dreams which have nurtured the imagination for ages on end with life-giving energy and magnificent aspirations - towards love, creation, flight. Praised be the dreams removing from our souls the depositions of the gray everyday life, making the bright, full-fledged colors of our childhood shine again in all their freshness and purity. Dreams are the thoroughfare not only to self-knowledge but also to that eternal return to one's self, to that state which we call happiness, completeness, inner harmony..." Thank you for visiting part of my WWW page (surch BOL.bg page - to Yahoo) Wishing you to have your beautiful dreams come true VALERIA POLYANOFF, alias VAL GLADE Translated from Bulgarian by SVETLA MANEVA ;((( p.S. AHAH-HAHAHAH slavi! P.S= sETTTTI SE KOA MI E LJUBIMATA MARKA MOTOR p.s. mi Тук принтвам откъси от Интродукцията към втората ми книга, която е представена в WWW-page на BOL.bg /ще се възползвам още веднъж от случая да изразя своята признателност на работещите там, че толкова време поддържат страницата ми без да ми поискат стотинка за това/. Моля онези, които не знаят английски да ме извинят - по технически причини не мога да сложа българския текст. Принтвам тези откъси тук, за да кажа някои неща за сънищата, както и да обясня, че не съм гадател в общоприетия смисъл на думата - затова не ми се сърдете, ако не тълкувам сънищата ви тук. Желая на всички ви хубави сънища, но най-вече - много късмет и щастие наяве. Вал FROM INTRODUCTION ...It is a fact that since antiquity and to this day people have not given up meditating about their dreams; as cases and times differ, they resort to qualified specialists and aids or do this themselves, counting on their own common sense and intuition. Even only this undying curiosity is sufficiently eloquent evidence that a part of the dreaming mankind apparently cannot swallow the fact of pointlessly sleeping away one third of their lives. Obviously the sworn dreamers of all times will refuse to become reconciled and accept that their visions are just Morpheus' practical jokes, called upon only to make even more bitter living in the slow world of reality obeying the law of gravitation. To say nothing of the proposition that we are dealing with a matter which in the best of cases can serve as material for contemplation of psycho-analysts or is a purely physiological function like digestion or salivation. ... My observations have shown that the majority of humans, notwithstanding their respect for Ziegmund Freud, do not want to give their feelings the nick-name of libido but stubbornly stick to the old-fashioned and worn-out word love, avoiding therefore to utilize for interpreting their significant dreams the classic's homonymous work whose reading, however, is quite useful and can sometimes have the effect of a good healing shower... ...We do not mean here perks like Eine kleine Nachtmusik performed by your private orchestra, or a bath of rose water /or milk/ before going to bed. Without being oil tycoons, gypsy barons, film stars or hereditary aristocrats at worst, we can allow ourselves the luxury of shaking off our thoughts about what we are unable to do while awake. Letting them drop out calmly and easily gives a chance to our dreams to advise us, to offer us a fresh idea on how to deal with the nasty knot of contradictions torturing us during the day. And most of all to wake up fit, rested, with the serene sense of not having dreamt. Small wonder then that our wonderful "gearwork" which we have left function at leisure, without bothering it with our traditional, sometimes worn-out arguments, may surprise us with a simple idea of genius... ...Fortunately, every one of us is above all not so much a non-reproducible combination of physical parameters /a simple truth which can be proved by the example of a sheep Doly, making minds go wild recently/ as an unique world woven out of action and thought, co-existing in time and space with other worlds /beginning with those of our alikes and ending with the starlit sky/, also dynamically changing, with which we constantly enter in inter-action. Even from the point of view of the calculus of probability, every human life is a unique history without an analogue in the annals of time. And if mankind has a drop of reason, it will listen to the arguments that can be proved by the example of a nice sheep, without becoming engaged in nonsense like cloning people who had become individualities precisely thanks to the life they had lived... ... It is inherent to our human nature, when we have the blues, to resort to the tested method known for ages under the code name of "Scapegoat". In the lighter cases this classical recipe works almost without a hitch, and - what is more - in relation to everything: beginning with bad weather and ending with the rotten structure of the world and with the people, always excepting ourselves. But when the game gets rough, even the most thick-skinned intuitively feel that it would be - to put it mildly - unreasonable to bank on that right when things have gone hot... I count on my intuition and always observe this golden rule. Calm, self-possession and common sense are enough for anyone to feel why intuition is giving him/her warning signals. And to think and act with greater concentration, with higher attention, avoiding the unnecessary risks by all means. If I have dreamt of an accident /even though it was my camel bumping into another camel in the desert/, while I am traveling in my waking hours /no matter by what transportation means/ I will do my best to abide by the traffic regulations and will be on my guard even though I might have associated my dream with a different life situation. This simple and pure rule has saved me quite many unpleasant situations while awake, and that is why I cannot fail to recommend it to you. ... That is why the habit of regularly arranging the disk and scanning it for unhealthy tendencies and moods is not less expedient than the same operation on the home pet. To say nothing about the fact that we also need to regularly update our anti-virus programs, seiving through the seive of intuition and common sense the input information, so as to avoid a situation when some of the dear guests to our soul decides to toy with the mouse. We are all clear what happens when a layman sets his mind on getting done a rather complicated job on your damned whimsical computer that you alone know like the palm of your hand... On the other hand, sometimes yearnings to plunge into the future can be compared with the play of a curious child with fire. As a rule, this game is practically doomed, if we play it only when prediction corresponds to our notions of the happy future we want - for the moment, here and now! - for ourselves or - mainly! - for someone else. It is far safer in this sense to refrain from undertaking attempts to jump ahead like panthers into the good pink time..., In the final analysis, everything that gives us joy on this planet, is the fruit of the realization of someone's earthly dreams come true from antiquity to this day. That is why this book is my present to the dreams which have nurtured the imagination for ages on end with life-giving energy and magnificent aspirations - towards love, creation, flight. Praised be the dreams removing from our souls the depositions of the gray everyday life, making the bright, full-fledged colors of our childhood shine again in all their freshness and purity. Dreams are the thoroughfare not only to self-knowledge but also to that eternal return to one's self, to that state which we call happiness, completeness, inner harmony..." Thank you for visiting part of my WWW page (surch BOL.bg page - to Yahoo) Wishing you to have your beautiful dreams come true VALERIA POLYANOFF, alias VAL GLADE Translated from Bulgarian by SVETLA MANEVA ;((( p.S. sVETNAF LI VI? ku-ku:)))))))) ;(((((((profi@abv.bg ;((((( :)))))))))))))))))))))) ********************** @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Ribata caca e za drebnite ribi!!!!! P.S. mi Тук принтвам откъси от Интродукцията към втората ми книга, която е представена в WWW-page на BOL.bg /ще се възползвам още веднъж от случая да изразя своята признателност на работещите там, че толкова време поддържат страницата ми без да ми поискат стотинка за това/. Моля онези, които не знаят английски да ме извинят - по технически причини не мога да сложа българския текст. Принтвам тези откъси тук, за да кажа някои неща за сънищата, както и да обясня, че не съм гадател в общоприетия смисъл на думата - затова не ми се сърдете, ако не тълкувам сънищата ви тук. Желая на всички ви хубави сънища, но най-вече - много късмет и щастие наяве. Вал FROM INTRODUCTION ...It is a fact that since antiquity and to this day people have not given up meditating about their dreams; as cases and times differ, they resort to qualified specialists and aids or do this themselves, counting on their own common sense and intuition. Even only this undying curiosity is sufficiently eloquent evidence that a part of the dreaming mankind apparently cannot swallow the fact of pointlessly sleeping away one third of their lives. Obviously the sworn dreamers of all times will refuse to become reconciled and accept that their visions are just Morpheus' practical jokes, called upon only to make even more bitter living in the slow world of reality obeying the law of gravitation. To say nothing of the proposition that we are dealing with a matter which in the best of cases can serve as material for contemplation of psycho-analysts or is a purely physiological function like digestion or salivation. ... My observations have shown that the majority of humans, notwithstanding their respect for Ziegmund Freud, do not want to give their feelings the nick-name of libido but stubbornly stick to the old-fashioned and worn-out word love, avoiding therefore to utilize for interpreting their significant dreams the classic's homonymous work whose reading, however, is quite useful and can sometimes have the effect of a good healing shower... ...We do not mean here perks like Eine kleine Nachtmusik performed by your private orchestra, or a bath of rose water /or milk/ before going to bed. Without being oil tycoons, gypsy barons, film stars or hereditary aristocrats at worst, we can allow ourselves the luxury of shaking off our thoughts about what we are unable to do while awake. Letting them drop out calmly and easily gives a chance to our dreams to advise us, to offer us a fresh idea on how to deal with the nasty knot of contradictions torturing us during the day. And most of all to wake up fit, rested, with the serene sense of not having dreamt. Small wonder then that our wonderful "gearwork" which we have left function at leisure, without bothering it with our traditional, sometimes worn-out arguments, may surprise us with a simple idea of genius... ...Fortunately, every one of us is above all not so much a non-reproducible combination of physical parameters /a simple truth which can be proved by the example of a sheep Doly, making minds go wild recently/ as an unique world woven out of action and thought, co-existing in time and space with other worlds /beginning with those of our alikes and ending with the starlit sky/, also dynamically changing, with which we constantly enter in inter-action. Even from the point of view of the calculus of probability, every human life is a unique history without an analogue in the annals of time. And if mankind has a drop of reason, it will listen to the arguments that can be proved by the example of a nice sheep, without becoming engaged in nonsense like cloning people who had become individualities precisely thanks to the life they had lived... ... It is inherent to our human nature, when we have the blues, to resort to the tested method known for ages under the code name of "Scapegoat". In the lighter cases this classical recipe works almost without a hitch, and - what is more - in relation to everything: beginning with bad weather and ending with the rotten structure of the world and with the people, always excepting ourselves. But when the game gets rough, even the most thick-skinned intuitively feel that it would be - to put it mildly - unreasonable to bank on that right when things have gone hot... I count on my intuition and always observe this golden rule. Calm, self-possession and common sense are enough for anyone to feel why intuition is giving him/her warning signals. And to think and act with greater concentration, with higher attention, avoiding the unnecessary risks by all means. If I have dreamt of an accident /even though it was my camel bumping into another camel in the desert/, while I am traveling in my waking hours /no matter by what transportation means/ I will do my best to abide by the traffic regulations and will be on my guard even though I might have associated my dream with a different life situation. This simple and pure rule has saved me quite many unpleasant situations while awake, and that is why I cannot fail to recommend it to you. ... That is why the habit of regularly arranging the disk and scanning it for unhealthy tendencies and moods is not less expedient than the same operation on the home pet. To say nothing about the fact that we also need to regularly update our anti-virus programs, seiving through the seive of intuition and common sense the input information, so as to avoid a situation when some of the dear guests to our soul decides to toy with the mouse. We are all clear what happens when a layman sets his mind on getting done a rather complicated job on your damned whimsical computer that you alone know like the palm of your hand... On the other hand, sometimes yearnings to plunge into the future can be compared with the play of a curious child with fire. As a rule, this game is practically doomed, if we play it only when prediction corresponds to our notions of the happy future we want - for the moment, here and now! - for ourselves or - mainly! - for someone else. It is far safer in this sense to refrain from undertaking attempts to jump ahead like panthers into the good pink time..., In the final analysis, everything that gives us joy on this planet, is the fruit of the realization of someone's earthly dreams come true from antiquity to this day. That is why this book is my present to the dreams which have nurtured the imagination for ages on end with life-giving energy and magnificent aspirations - towards love, creation, flight. Praised be the dreams removing from our souls the depositions of the gray everyday life, making the bright, full-fledged colors of our childhood shine again in all their freshness and purity. Dreams are the thoroughfare not only to self-knowledge but also to that eternal return to one's self, to that state which we call happiness, completeness, inner harmony..." Thank you for visiting part of my WWW page (surch BOL.bg page - to Yahoo) Wishing you to have your beautiful dreams come true VALERIA POLYANOFF, alias VAL GLADE Translated from Bulgarian by SVETLA MANEVA ;((( p.S.

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Редактирано от smocker77 на 12.11.20 10:16.

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. * Дупл: Отг: Дупл: Отг: Бъдещето е Интернет чрез каб jiv   16.10.99 14:56
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. * Дупл: Отг: Бъдещето е....... CableTV   16.07.99 05:02
. * Дупл: Отг: Бъдещето е....... Val   15.09.99 09:54
. * Re: Дупл: Отг: Бъдещето е....... justuser   13.06.13 21:15
. * Re: Дупл: Отг: Бъдещето е....... smocker77   12.11.20 10:13
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