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Тема Материал за Къдли [re: cuddly]
Автор whitewolf (free)
Публикувано03.03.06 12:17  

Това което пиша тук е част от глава "Relrgions, Old and New" от авториографията на Jim Whitewolf, The Life of a Kiowa Apache Indian, Dover Publications Inc. N.Y. 1969.
Пускам това, защото текста е лек за четене и защото също така представя една автентична позиция. Това не е етнографско описание просто разказ на един апач. Във всеки случай нещата са достатъчно ясно казани за запознати. За незапознати като теб не е ясно, колко са ясни. Обаче и самата тема е сложна, а все пак трябва да се почне отнякъде. Тоест не ти да почнеш да вярваш в "индианци" а да почнеш да четеш отнякъде, следа катои имаш интерес. Сега, то разбира се с един текст нещата не могат да станат, но поне информативно ще имаш някаква идея. Надявам се да имаш някаква подготовка в областта на етнографията, поне бегла, защото текста изглежда елементарен и той си е, обаче не съвсем. Във всеки случай поне засега не ги тълкувай тия неща през призвата на християнството, защото наистина нищо не знаеш по въпроса, тълкуването ти ще бъде абсурдно. Ако искаш да сравняваш християнките постулати и индианската традиция, е добре първо да научиш малко повече за тази традиция. Надявам се това да не ти звучи обидно, просто едно две първоначални разяснения не са излишни. Дано моите да са били точни и добре подбрани.

Long ago, a fellow was out seeking a vision. He stayed out three or four days. Then the Owl spoke to him: "What are you looking for? What do you want?" He said, "Te people have medicine and that is why I am here. I want to learn something." Owl said, "I can giv you something. Tie some sinews around each finger. Put a tipi and sit on the west side. Hang a cloth down in front of you from above. Have a pipe there. Sing thissong that i will teach you. Then I wil do anything oyu want." Owl taught him this song. Then Owl said, "go back to your camp. I will talk to you in your sllep."

The man returnedto camp. His grandfather asked, "Why do you go out htere like that? You have no medicine You don't have anything." The man said, "I know something. When anybody gets sick I will cure them."
The old man tolde the others that his grandson could doctor and that he could tell them anything they they wanted to know.
In the spring the buffalo were getting scarce. and the people were running out of food. They told the old man to call his grandson in to help them. The old man went to him and told him about it. He asked the boy to find out where they could get buffalo. The boy said the people shuld gather together and he would come and tell them what ot do. He told them to have a pipe there.
The people fixed up a place and got ready. The man came and smoked with them. Then he put down the pipe. He told the peope what they would have to do to get his help. He said they had to put up a tipi, with a cloth hanging down on the west side, and to bring a pipe. They were all to come and sit in the tipi with him. They had to tie sinew on his fingers, toes, and tie his hands and his legs together with sinew. He said that he had already taught his grandfather the song he had to sing.

The people did everything that he told them. There was a fire burning in the tipi. The man went behind the cloth and sat down. His grandfather had a buffalo-foot rattle. The boy told his grandfather to sing, and also to let the fire die down and remove the wood from it, so it would be dark.
The old man sang. On the second round of singing, tipi began to shake, as if a big wind were hitting the top of it. The noise got louder and louder. It sounded like a rattle he was shaking. It came down from the top of the tipi. Then the man said everybody should be very quiet and listen. When the noise reached the ground, inside the tipi it sounded like a crying baby. The boy said, "Cry all you want to." The voice stopped crying. Then the boy knew that the voice must be of the Klintidie. The voice spoke. It sounded like it was talkind through his nose, and no one except te boy could understand what it sadi. It said, "I am crying for my little brother. I am the one whowent west on the warpath and got killed. I cry because I am sorry for my little brother." The voice called out its own name and said, "That is my name. I was killed only a little while back, so I will return and send you one of the the others who will tell you what you want to know; one who knows more than I do." Then the tipi began to shake again and the voice left.

The boy asked his granfather to sing two songs again and to stop when the voice returned. On the second song the shaking began and the voice entered and came down to the ground. The old man stopped his songs. The voice asked the boy why he called. The boy said people were hungry and wanted to know where meat could be found. The voice said, "When I leave here I will go a long way. It will be cold, for four days. The buffalo will follow the cold wheather. On the fourth night the buffalo will pass by here. That night it wil not be cold, but snow will be falling. Be ready for them." Then the voice asked if that was all they wanted to know. The boy said "Yes." Then the boy asked the voice to smoke before departing. As they were sittnig there they could see the light in the pipe and it sounded like somebody was handling it. They heard a suckling noise of the pipe. Then they heard the shaking again and soon everything got quiet.

Then the boy told them to kindle the fire again and make it bright inside the tipi. Then the boy said to remove the colth in front of him. He was no longer tied up. All the sinew was piled on one side of him. He told his grandfather to fill the pipe and pass it. When they were all through smoking, the boy said he would tell them about what he had been told.
The boy spoke, "The first one you heard wh was crying was someone. who was killed when he was fighting. There are going to be four days ot cold weather. On the fourht day it will be warmer and snowing. Then the buffalo will come close by. Be ready. Sharpen your knives. Cut lots of wood."

On the fourth motning, the boy's grandfather got up early and saw a heard of buffalo. He calle the people to come and kill them.

Е, това е засега.
Не правете това у дома си, ако не искате да ви дойдат бизони в хола.
Оставете опасността на нас.

Wolf I am,
Under the stars,
and under the blue sky I run.
And my spirits run with me.

Цялата тема
* духовете-покровители cuddly   28.02.06 23:28
. * ОО, Къдли whitewolf   01.03.06 01:08
. * Re: ОО, Къдли cuddly   01.03.06 11:34
. * моля те, cuddly   01.03.06 15:37
. * Re: духовете-покровители Пyшилиcт   01.03.06 02:18
. * Re: духовете-покровители cuddly   01.03.06 18:43
. * Re: духовете-покровители Пyшилиcт   01.03.06 19:54
. * Re: духовете-покровители Black Wolf   01.03.06 10:33
. * Re: духовете-покровители cuddly   01.03.06 18:40
. * Re: духовете-покровители whitewolf   01.03.06 19:33
. * Re: духовете-покровители cuddly   01.03.06 21:46
. * Re: духовете-покровители Пyшилиcт   01.03.06 20:00
. * Re: духовете-покровители cuddly   01.03.06 21:51
. * Re: духовете-покровители Пyшилиcт   01.03.06 22:23
. * Re: духовете-покровители whitewolf   01.03.06 23:06
. * Re: духовете-покровители Пyшилиcт   01.03.06 23:28
. * Re: духовете-покровители cuddly   02.03.06 11:09
. * Re: духовете-покровители whitewolf   03.03.06 01:31
. * Re: духовете-покровители cuddly   03.03.06 10:09
. * Материал за Къдли whitewolf   03.03.06 12:17
. * И що требваше да се мориш? Black Wolf   03.03.06 15:08
. * Re: И що требваше да се мориш? whitewolf   03.03.06 23:14
. * Re: Материал за Къдли cuddly   03.03.06 21:52
. * Re: духовете-покровители aztlan   03.03.06 11:17
. * Re: духовете-покровители Black Wolf   03.03.06 15:17
. * Re: духовете-покровители Koпpивeнa мeтлa   30.03.06 23:05
. * Re: духовете-покровители Пyшилиcт   31.03.06 14:32
. * Re: духовете-покровители Black Wolf   31.03.06 16:08
. * Re: духовете-покровители kozaa   31.03.06 17:12
. * Re: духовете-покровители kozaa   01.03.06 15:57
. * Re: духовете-покровители cuddly   01.03.06 18:54
. * Предложение whitewolf   01.03.06 16:16
. * Re: Предложение kozaa   01.03.06 17:03
. * Re: Предложение cuddly   01.03.06 21:54
. * Re: духовете-покровители Black Wolf   02.03.06 00:38
. * Re: духовете-покровители Prof. Karl Schlesier   02.03.06 09:35
. * Re: духовете-покровители cuddly   02.03.06 10:58
. * Re: духовете-покровители Black Wolf   02.03.06 14:00
. * Re: духовете-покровители cuddly   02.03.06 15:13
. * Re: духовете-покровители Ckayт   05.03.06 17:20
. * Re: духовете-покровители Black Wolf   05.03.06 22:46
. * Re: духовете-покровители cuddly   26.03.06 18:06
. * Re: духовете-покровители whitewolf   26.03.06 20:44
. * Re: духовете-покровители Ckayт   04.04.06 11:12
. * Re: духовете-покровители Ckayт   04.04.06 11:11
. * Re: духовете-покровители cuddly   04.04.06 19:11
. * Re: духовете-покровители Ckayт   06.04.06 10:45
. * Re: духовете-покровители Black Wolf   06.04.06 14:18
. * Re: духовете-покровители cuddly   06.04.06 19:35
. * Re: духовете-покровители aztlan   07.04.06 10:27
. * ха ха ха ха ха ха cuddly   07.04.06 11:08
. * Re: духовете-покровители Пyшилиcт   06.04.06 16:11
. * Re: духовете-покровители cuddly   06.04.06 19:28
. * Re: духовете-покровители Пyшилиcт   07.04.06 00:36
. * Re: духовете-покровители cuddly   06.04.06 19:22
. * Re: духовете-покровители Ckayт   08.04.06 02:02
. * Re: духовете-покровители cuddly   08.04.06 09:53
. * Re: духовете-покровители kozaa   09.04.06 18:05
. * Re: духовете-покровители Пyшилиcт   09.04.06 23:47
. * Re: духовете-покровители kozaa   10.04.06 14:55
. * Re: духовете-покровители Пyшилиcт   10.04.06 17:18
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