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Тема Картината на Хистамин
Автор Elaps (член)
Публикувано26.05.05 01:46  

Това е картината на хистамин според Лотус Материя медика


Hist. Imidazolethylamine. Histamine hydrochloricum. Historical dose:
All potencies, 5x to 30c.
Histamine is a capillary vessel dilator, an arteriole vessel constrictor, a
hypertensive in carnivores and herbivores, it constricts the bronchi and
arouses the smooth tissues of the intestine and the uterus and the gastric
and pancreatic salivary secretions and is normally used in the form of
Histamine bi-chlorhydrate, which serves as the stock for homeopathic
The symptomatology was established in 1950 by J. Gringuaz of Buenos Aires, on
thirty-nine provers, using the following potencies: 30c, 200c, 1000c, then
12c, 6c and 3c.
Allergic and psoric constitutions. Tubercular types with dysthyroidism.
Histamine has general asthenia as after physical exertion. Dryness of the
mucous membranes. Feeling of constriction in different parts of the heart.
Quivering and cramping contracture of the muscles. Irritable, susceptible,
impatient with need to walk up and down. Headaches and vertigo with sensation
of heat and burning on the head and face. Loss of sense of taste and feeling
that the teeth are loose.
All symptoms of the skin and mucous membranes in allergic types. Burning
epigastric and abdominal pains. Burning precordial pain. Burning thoracic
pain, fitful coughing. Pruritus and burning in the nose, throat, ears and
vagina. Oliguria with burning and pain on urination. Burning pains in the
scrotum and left ovary. Burning, cramping, spasmodic pains in the joints and
muscles. Redness and burning sensation in circumscribed areas of the skin.
Red, itching papules.
Better from pressure. Better by fanning. Worse from movement. Worse from
nervous irritation. Worse from deep breathing. Worse from heat.
Sensitive to the slightest trifles. Impatient, restless with need to move
from place to place aimlessly. Quarrelsome. Melancholic, sad, prostration
which disappears by forced walking. Waiting makes him particularly nervous,
needs to walk up and down. Pain and gastric constriction when receiving news
or remembering a painful experience. Things 'lie on his stomach.' Cannot find
correct words, forgets proper nouns. Slowness and difficulty in
understanding. Psychogenic allergy. Melancholic type with anguish and
reduction of mental faculties.
Allergies. Angina pectoris. Arteritis. Asthenia. Asthma. Blepharitis.
Bronchitis. Cancer. Cervicitis. Colitis. Conjunctivitis. Cystitis.
Dysthyroidism. Emphysema. Gastric, duodenal ulcers. Headaches. Insomnia.
Pericarditis. Pruritus. Pyelonephritis. Typhoid fever. Vertigo.
Acrid dyspepsia. Gastric and duodenal ulcers. Spasmodic enterocolitis.
Painful contractions. Sensation of constriction at belt-level. Hemorrhagic
rectocolitis. Ulcerous membranous colitis. Typhoid fever and paratyphoid
Angina pectoris. Stinging pains in various parts of the thorax. Thoracic
pain, as if caused by contusion or crushing. Feeling of anguish in the chest,
which necessitates deep breathing.
Pain in one or other of the ears, spreading to all the sense organs. Pain in
the mastoid. Feeling of blocked ears with ringing and heaviness in the ears.
Alternating sensation that the ear is blocked, then clear.
Feeling of heat and pruritus at the edge of the eyelids. Contracture and
muscular twitching of the eyelids and around the eyes. Spasmodic closing of
the eyelids. Feeling of a foreign body in the eyes. Edge of the eyelids red,
edematous. Yellowish secretion from the eyelids or dryness of the mucous
membranes. Allergic conjunctivitis. Blepharitis. Stinging pain, as if a nail
were being driven into the eye. Better by the cold, aggravated by a draught.
Facial pains on one side of the face, spreading towards the upper and lower
maxilla and the teeth. Unilateral heat on the face.
Left-sided ovarian pain, spreading to the leg and left hypochondrium. Menses
too early or late. Diminution in quantity of menstrual flow. Menses extremely
foul-smelling. Leucorrhea with smell of 'burnt' blood. Cystitis. Ovaritis and
salpingitis. Ovaritis. Cervicitis. Cancer of the cervix.
Frontal pain, at the temples and nape of the neck, spreading towards the
front and back of the head. Heavy, compressive headaches, better by cold and
pressure and fresh air, aggravated by movement, by bending the head and by
the sun. Sensation of tension of tightness at the scalp with pruritus.
Sensation of heat and itching in localized places.
Precordial pain as if produced by a needle. Heart pain that alternate with or
accompanying a toothache. Pericarditis. Feeling of heart 'caught up,' and
need to hold it with the hand. Heart feels too large. Feeling as if drops of
icy water were flowing through the heart. Pain in the heart region with
constrictive feeling, drawing, dull pains. The heart-beat is irregular with
an extra systole with compensatory intervals.
Unbearable feeling of heat in the bladder, all the time, needs to urinate,
but can only pass a few drops at a time. Despairs at inability to urinate
with ideas of suicide and he runs from one place to another. Urinary
retention with urination only in drops, feeling of having to strain and
accompanying the hemorrhoid congestion. Spreads hours in the bathroom, trying
to urinate. Urine burns like fire. Needle-like pain in the bladder towards
the urethral canal. Cystitis. Pyelonephritis.
Arteritis of the lower limbs. Muscular and joint pains, burning, stinging,
drawing, dull, crushing pains. Feeling of exhaustion, does not want to make
the slightest movement. Feeling of formication, tickling, pruritus in the
muscles. Feeling of heat, as if he had been burned. Sensation of an electric
current across the arms. Involuntary spasms and muscular contractions.
Sensation as if band were tied around the stomach and around the limbs.
Allergic rheumatism.
Lack of air, feeling of oppression of constriction in the chest. Coughing
fits which almost choke him with tickling in the throat which prevents
speech. Persistent, dry, fitful cough, coming from the throat or the
supra-sternal cavity. Yellowish or white-yellow or greenish-yellow sputum,
tasting of cheese. Chronic bronchitis. Dilatation of the bronchi. Asthma.
Emphysema. Whooping-cough.
Hydrocele. Epididymitis and orchitis. Prostatic adenoma. Burning, stinging,
drawing pains. Pain travels from one side to the other. Pain moves in the
scrotum with occipital headache.
Mouth dry. Loss of sense of taste. Salivary secretion sometimes profuse,
sometimes dried-up. Heat and itching in the mouth. Loss of sense of taste.
Wine smells of 'perfume.' Dares not open mouth too wide, as a result of pains
arising from the passing of cold air. Accompanying dental and precordial
Pruritus in the nose with feeling that the skin on the nose is shrinking.
Feeling that nasal orifices are enlarged. Feeling of painful dryness in the
nostrils. Inspiration difficult and painful in cold air. Nose blocked on one
or both sides. Head cold with blocked nostril on one side and feeling of heat
and prickling. Spasmodic rhinitis.
Painful contractions, followed by diarrhea with black stools. Stools black
with a nauseating odor. Tenesmus and feeling of not having finished, when
expelling stools.
Urticaria. Certain areas of the skin have a sensation of heat and burning,
hyperasesthesia. Red, itching papules, the size of a pea, all over the body.
Amelioration by scratching, aggravated by washing or bathing. Baldness.
Alopecia. Loss of hair from the head and body. Hair becomes dry. Redness and
heat on the skin of the face, as after a first degree burn. Formication and
tickling with numbness on different areas of the skin. Lichen planus. Prurigo
Insomnia until 2 a.m. to 3 a.m. Insomnia with abundance of ideas. Dreams on
Nausea when eating or thinking about eating. Stomach heavy, distended, as
though it would burst. Stomach-ache, as if he had eaten indigestible food.
Tense, anguishing pain, caused by a weak feeling in the pit of the stomach.
Worse when recalling unpleasant memories or receiving news. Sensation of fire
in the stomach.
Dull or drawing pains in the teeth and cavities of extracted teeth. Alveolar,
dental pyorrhea. Feeling that the teeth are loose, dares not chew for fear of
losing them.
General chills, shivering, alternating with feeling of heat. Feeling of great
heat with sweating and weakness.
Painful dryness of the pharynx. Worse on swallowing and from heat, better
with the cold. Dryness of the throat. Feeling of a lump or a foreign body in
the throat. Feeling of pressure of constriction in the throat, as if tied by
a band.
Vertigo, as if on a swing with nausea and misty vision.
(1) Apis - Acute inflammations with rosy edema, prickling, burning pains, as
if produced by red-hot needles.
(2) Ars. - Anxiety, agitation. Burning pains. Cadaverous odor of the
(3) Sec. - Tendency to hemorrhage. Burning pains and chilliness all over the
body, putrid diarrhea, cramps, especially in the lower limbs, chilliness,
pallor and burning pains at the limbs, worse in the cold.

Цялата тема
* Картината на Хистамин Elaps   26.05.05 01:46
. * Re: Картината на Хистамин Fire walker   26.05.05 01:51
. * Re: Картината на Хистамин Elaps   27.05.05 23:45
. * Re: Картината на Хистамин Гъrъл   27.05.05 23:14
. * Re: Картината на Хистамин Elaps   29.05.05 18:58
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