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Клубове/ Хоби, Развлечения / Готварски рецепти Всички теми * Пълен преглед*
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Тема Защото са от [re: Karinka]
Автор bravoGogo (Професионалистъ)
Публикувано12.09.06 17:30  

Хилядолетния сокол!

Millenium Falcon и са приготвени лично от Хан Соло, Люк Скайъокър и Чубака Боже какъв смях му ударих с тия яйца!
Сега сериозно! По принцип китайците си падат по хилядолетни неща! Ето ви една рецепта от някакъв форум и можете да си ги направите....Човека който е публикувал рецептата казва че била от китайски chef!
Ето я:

This is a Chinese delicacy and the eggs are cured, well not for 1000 years, but for 100 days. Originally duck eggs were used and are still being used in China but one can substitute chickeneggs. Should you be on good terms with your Chinese take away, well forget about the receipt and buy a dozen or so eggs, otherwise start preparing

Lime: (*) get from your building supply store
Coarse salt: from your groceries or supermarket
Dry tealeaves: you drink only coffee? Well buy apacket tea or two
Ashes: easy if it is summer, from your last grill party
Charcoal: as above!
Eggs: how many do you want to make? For 12 eggs you need about 3 kgr
of the above mixture.

(*) Not the relative of the lemon but the stuff you use to whitewash walls..

Prepare in a bowl an equal amount of all ingredients and mix them well. In an earthenware pot cover the bottom with the mixture and set the eggs evenly around. Make sure they do not touch! Fill up the spaces with the mixture and put another layer off eggs on top. You can press the coating down a little bit but it is not recommended to age eggs that are cracked or completely broken. Cover the last layer of eggs completely and put a lid on your container. Store in a coolish place for three month. Do not put in a Refrigerator, remember THIS was the main reason why the Chinese preserved their eggs this way, they did not have refrigerators way back. (The Chinese Chef who gave me this recipe also told me, if the temperature is to cold the mixture will not ‘work’ and the eggs will not get cured.)
And how do you eat them!?Well, either you shell and slice them and serve them cold, uncooked of course, or you might want to serve them steamed with your next Chinese take away!
There is another receipt to prepare 1000 year old eggs, that has to do with horses urine but I suppose it is enough when they put the stuff in wrinkle softener, we leave it at that….

Айде и нека силата да бъде с вас

Aquila non capit muscas

Цялата тема
* Хилядолетни яйца Emerald   09.09.06 04:21
. * Re: Хилядолетни яйца Josefine   09.09.06 19:31
. * Re: Хилядолетни яйца Emerald   11.09.06 19:28
. * Re: Хилядолетни яйца Karinka   11.09.06 22:04
. * Re: Хилядолетни яйца Гинec   11.09.06 22:31
. * Re: Хилядолетни яйца Karinka   12.09.06 13:14
. * Защото са от bravoGogo   12.09.06 17:30
. * Re: Защото са от Гинec   12.09.06 18:57
. * И аз bravoGogo   12.09.06 19:17
. * хъм Karinka   12.09.06 23:20
. * Превод! bravoGogo   13.09.06 09:52
. * Re: Превод! Karinka   13.09.06 14:02
. * Абе Жени! bravoGogo   13.09.06 18:57
. * Re: Абе Жени! Гинec   13.09.06 19:25
. * А на тебе как ти се хванах само! bravoGogo   13.09.06 20:00
. * Re: А на тебе как ти се хванах само! Гинec   14.09.06 19:37
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