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Клубове / Фен клубове / Музикални / Geri Halliwell Пълен преглед*
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Тема stava! [re: Viper X]
Автор Saint ValentinesМодератор (GEIHALLIWELLFAN)
Публикувано24.01.05 23:04  

We know you've refused to comment on it before, Geri, but you know what we have to ask first, don't you? Just what's going on with you and Darius?

[Geri looks us straight in the eye and says firmly] "You can ask me questions about love, but i will not answer them"

Right. So are you dating anyone at all, then?

"Please, I will not answer any question about my love life!" [Yikes - flattened by the Halliwell left hook! Clearly Geri's in no mood for star's probings into her romantic life.]

OK, so whats new with you?

"well, i have a new CD out soon. and it's fantastic! it's much better than the other two. but it's no wonder really"

oh yeah? why's that then?

"well ive gone through a lot of changes and have had so many new experiences. I think i have especially improved in the lyric-writing area as i have much more to write about now"

but how does that make you sound better?

"just because i have grown and become older. i am not hiding any mor. it's not so easy to hide these days. and i dont need to. so i am showing much more of mysself. this is geri, you know. this is me. the CD contains a lot of soft songs and ballads, but also a lot of pop songs that really rock. they will make you want to dance!"

sounds groovy! you say you're not hiding any more, but how have you grown as a person?

" i have totally changed. i simplu couldnt love myself before. i was not happy. and i have reached a point in my life where ive found out thats it's so important to be happy in everyday life. you have to make sure that uour job makes you happy. and if you're not happy, stop, change, do something else. follow your heart and trust your instincts."

you've found inner peace and all that, then?

"I just love myself! I have learnts to love my negative sides as well as the good ones. you have to accept your own mistakes. no one is perfect, you know"

we'd like some of that. how did you do it?

i have learned to love myself exactly the way i am, but it has been a long and tough road. I was in deep depression, and it has been really hard to reach this level, because my past has been quiet heavy on me. i didnt feel that me, as a person, and love belonged together"

with all this self-discovery, we have a sneaking feeling that love just may be the main theme on your new album...

"loving me back to life is one song i wrote about the theme. a lot of people believe its a salute to a special guy. but it's not really. its a salute to my family, my friends and my fans. they have supported me through this difficult time and even when i was really depressed they stood up for me. they really helped me and gave me love, no matter what. they saw things about me that i wasnt able to see myself. Unconditional love thats what it was"

aww - stop, you'll have us all in tears! Aside from all this talk of love, how else did you manage to shake off your depression?

"well i think it is really important to try out different things in life. to not be afraid of something new and not be afraid of trusting yourself. not following the crowd. it is important to understand what is important for you. no one else, just you"

you've changed your image, too, and seem much more relaxed about your look - what happened?

"i've been out witg guys where i felt i have been a showpiece. there was a lot of dressing up and going out. but actually im a couch potato. I dont want to have to try all the time. i just want to be myself"

[feeling more confident now, we step into the firing line again] Well, you do seem very happy at the moment. Surely, then there's a special man in your life...?

"yes, i am really happy right now. but, as i said earlier it has a lot to do with the love i feel and have for myself"

robbie williams has been talking about sleeping with four of the spice girls. Now, Geri, we have to ask, was one of them you?

[Her features harden and she says rather angrily] " I will not answer that question"

[crickey, time to back-peda;!] Are you in touch with the other spice girls?

[an even frostier, angrier Geri snaps] " No comment"

how was the christening at the beckhams' at christmas?

[looking thoroughly fed up now] "I will not talk about my personal life!"

[worried Geri may walk out of we persist, we ask her a question we know she'll like] What inspires you musically?

[her face instantky warming] "oh, so many different things. I write my own lyrics now, and my friends inspires me a lot. If they are in some trouble, i write about it. or , maybe i'll sit down and watch a movie one night, and that gives me inspiration too. if the movie has some kind of meaning... did you see that one about the meteor that was about to destroy the world?"

erm, was that armageddon?

"no, i dont think that was the one. but anyway, that movie inspired me. it gave me something to think about."

and what would you do if you knew that you only had 24 hours left to live?

"i would spend those hours with people i really care about. i'd tell them how much they mean to me and how i enjoyed every second we spent together"

hopefully thats not going to happen! so what are your priorities right now?

"well i am going to be promoting my CD, and thats very important to me. i'll travel around england and then maybe the rest of europe. i'll try to visit as many countries as i can"

and we hear your big tour in the spring may even feature some old spice girls numbers. is that true?

"i want the shows to be a melting pot of old and new, although obviously i'll be promoting my new album. i'll be throwing in a few surprises tracks from the past. i'll have something for everybody who's interested in seeing a great show"

we'll be there! it sounds like everything is rosy for you, but we have just one last question - are you harbouring any burning desire to be a mum?

a: "im going to have children at some point. but i want to enjoy this time as a young, free individual without any kind of responsability"

and what geri wants, geri seemingly gets. and if that includes reducing star to a nervous, quivering bunch of buffons, then so be it...!

Цялата тема
* абе ко става с това момиче? Viper X   21.01.05 22:19
. * Re: абе ко става с това момиче? Saint Valentines   21.01.05 23:26
. * stava! Saint Valentines   24.01.05 23:04
. * Re: stava! Viper X   28.01.05 16:30
. * Re: stava! Saint Valentines   30.01.05 02:55
. * Re: stava! vogelfrei   18.02.05 13:15
. * Re: stava! De$ire   18.02.05 23:58
. * Re: stava! vogelfrei   19.02.05 00:00
. * Re: stava! De$ire   19.02.05 00:49
. * Re: stava! vogelfrei   19.02.05 20:27
. * Re: stava! De$ire   20.02.05 00:07
. * Re: stava! vogelfrei   20.02.05 13:56
. * Re: stava! De$ire   20.02.05 21:23
. * Re: stava! vogelfrei   21.02.05 23:22
. * Re: stava! De$ire   21.02.05 23:44
. * Re: абе ко става с това момиче? Oxyuranus microlepidotus   18.03.05 15:28
. * Re: абе ко става с това момиче? De$ire   22.03.05 00:07
. * Re: абе ко става с това момиче? Viper X   06.08.05 17:03
. * Re: абе ко става с това момиче? Loved   07.08.05 21:31
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