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Тема Re: Траките [re: Yaan]
Автор genefanМодератор (пристрастен)
Публикувано01.10.13 13:05  

Tочно сега ми пратиха емайл с мнението на Стивън Бърд, който беше писал, ч английските Е-V13 може да наследство от легионери тракийци. Според него траките са дошли първоначално от Анадола и са свързани с културата Троя-1. Според него, те са били основно E-V13 и J2b.

My view is that the proto-Thracian, proto-Greek and proto-Macedonian cultures all
had significant levels of E-V13 and J2b-M12. This would be
consistent with Cruciani's 2006 paper identifying a single population
expansion of both haplogroups simultaneously (meaning from the
same population,) which explains the remarkably similar TMRCA's for
both clades. The most well-known English language author on the
proto-Thracian culture is R. F. Hoddinott, who wrote a landmark
volume entitled "The Thracians" in the late 1980's. He was on a first
name basis with Alexander Fol, Georgiev and other Bulgarian
archaeologists and had traveled the region extensively. His theory
was that the Thracians crossed the land bridge across the Bosporus
(shortly before it was flooded in about 4500 B.C.) and then spread
south and west from Turkey-in-Europe. A branch of these proto-
Thracians, the Getae, went north and settled along the Danube
valley. Their descendants became the Dacians in the Roman
period. There is general agreement that the Thracians and the Getae
were from a common source culture.

Another group, the Yamnaya, came from the northeast around the
Pontic Steppe. They were not Thracian in origin, but had extensive
contact with the proto-Thracian culture.

By the way, Cruciani and Hoddinott both theorized that Anatolia was
the source of V13 and/or the proto-Thracian culture and Hoddinott
even went so far as to associate the Thracians with Troy I. The story
of Jason and the Argonauts mentions both Greeks and Thracians in
nearly equal measure; perhaps they were two related cultures from a
single origin in what is now Turkey. P.S., Jason was from Iolkos and
was Mycenaean, Orpheus was Thracian and Hercules was
Macedonian. They were fellow travelers in the Argo.

I don't believe personally that R1a has any close association with the
initial settlement of the Balkans, but rather is associated with the later
arrival of the Slavs in the post-Roman (A.D.) period in that region. Of
course, it is now the most dominant haplotype in the northeastern
part of the Balkans, but I believe that its arrival can be safely
attributed to the influx of Slavic peoples beginning in the 500's and

Цялата тема
* Траките potr   28.09.13 12:37
. * Re: Траките DarkBulgarianSubject   28.09.13 12:43
. * Re: Траките Yaan   28.09.13 13:18
. * Re: Траките potr   29.09.13 10:14
. * Re: Траките Yaan   29.09.13 12:02
. * Re: Траките potr   30.09.13 21:16
. * Re: Траките Yaan   30.09.13 22:05
. * Re: Траките genefan   01.10.13 13:05
. * Re: Траките genefan   01.10.13 13:09
. * Re: Траките DarkBulgarianSubject   01.10.13 16:24
. * Re: Траките DarkBulgarianSubject   01.10.13 15:55
. * Re: Траките potr   01.10.13 19:48
. * Re: Траките DarkBulgarianSubject   01.10.13 20:22
. * Re: Траките Aulus Vitellius Celsus   03.10.13 10:47
. * Re: Траките potr   03.10.13 18:23
. * Re: Траките Yaan   04.10.13 01:50
. * Re: Поляците potr   06.10.13 20:36
. * Re: Поляците Yaan   06.10.13 20:59
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