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Тема Как се е родило айкидо(инглиш) [re: биpaджия]
АвторБoздyraн (Нерегистриран) 
Публикувано22.08.03 16:37  

итто и бирата, дано разбирате английски

One spring day in 1925, a navy officer and teacher of kendo visited the Founder at his Ayabe dojo and asked to be his student. During their conversation, a disagreement over a trifle matter arose. Tempers flared and Ueshiba accepted the man's challenge to a match. As the officer attacked again with his bokken, Ueshiba, facing the man with only his bare hands, avoided his every thrust and slash. The fluid, evasive movements of the Founder proved to be too much for the naval officer, who finally gave up and sat down, totally exhausted. Later, the Founder recalled this event, saying:

It was nothing. Just a matter of clarity of mind and body. When the opponent atacked, I could see a flash of white light, the size of a pebble, flying before the sword. I could see clearly that when a white light gleamed, the sword would follow immediately. All I did was avoid the streams of white light.
After the match, the Founder went out into the nearby garden in which there was a persimmon tree. As he wiped the perspiration from his face, he was suddenly overcome with a feeling he had never experience before. He stood there, unable to walk nor sit, rooted to the ground in astonishment. The Founder recalled this experience:

I set my mind on budo when I was about 15 and visited teachers of swordsmanship and jujutsu in various provinces. I mastered the secrets of the old traditions, each within a few months. But there was non one to instruct me in the essence of budo; the only thing that could satisfy my mind. So I knocked on the gates of various religions but I couldn't get any concrete answers. Then in the spring of 1925, if I remember correctly, when I was taking a walk in the garden by myself, I felt that the universe suddenly quaked, and that a golden spirit sprang up from the ground, veiled my body, and changed my body into a golden one. At the same time my mind and body became light. I was able to understand the whispering of the birds, and was clearly aware of the mind of God, the Creator of this universe. At that moment I was enlightened: the source of budo is God's love--the spirit of loving protection for all beings. Endless tears of joy streamed down my cheeks. Since that time I have grown to feel that the whole earth is my house and the sun, the moon and the stars are all my own things. I had become free from all desire, not only for position, fame and property, but also to be strong. I understood, "Budo is not felling the opponent by our force; nor is it a tool to lead the world into destructions with arms. True budo is to accept the spirit of the universe, keep the peace of the world, correctly produce, protect and cultivate all beings in Nature." I understood, "The training of budo is to take God's love, which correctly produces, protects and cultivates all things in Nature, and assimilate and utilize it in our own mind and body.
This revelation revolutionized the Founder's life and gave birth to Aikido.

Цялата тема
* ako vi interesuva! itto   11.08.03 05:45
. * Re: ako vi interesuva! Slavia   11.08.03 17:10
. * Re: ako vi interesuva! itto   12.08.03 04:05
. * Re: ako vi interesuva! Slavia   12.08.03 13:34
. * Re: ako vi interesuva! itto   13.08.03 05:21
. * Re: ako vi interesuva! биpaджия   19.08.03 03:09
. * Re: ako vi interesuva! itto za biradjia   19.08.03 08:06
. * Re: ako vi interesuva! биpaджия   20.08.03 01:58
. * Re: ako vi interesuva! itto   20.08.03 07:01
. * Re: ako vi interesuva! биpaджия   22.08.03 02:40
. * Re: ako vi interesuva! itto zabiradjia   22.08.03 02:46
. * Re: ako vi interesuva! биpaджия   22.08.03 03:15
. * Re: ako vi interesuva! itto   22.08.03 04:15
. * Re: ako vi interesuva! биpaджия   22.08.03 06:19
. * Re: ako vi interesuva! биpaджия   22.08.03 06:25
. * Re: ako vi interesuva! Buzdugan   21.08.03 21:38
. * Re: ako vi interesuva! itto   22.08.03 02:41
. * Re: ako vi interesuva! Бyздyraн(aйkидo мaйcтop)   22.08.03 04:27
. * Re: ako vi interesuva! ittoza aikido master   22.08.03 04:41
. * Re: ako vi interesuva! Bozdugan   22.08.03 15:59
. * Re: ako vi interesuva! itto za bozdugan   23.08.03 08:16
. * Re: ako vi interesuva! биpaджия   22.08.03 06:21
. * Как се е родило айкидо(инглиш) Бoздyraн   22.08.03 16:37
. * Re: Как се е родило айкидо(инглиш) itto za bozdugan.   23.08.03 08:22
. * Re: Как се е родило айкидо(инглиш) Bozdugan   24.08.03 00:32
. * Re: Как се е родило айкидо(инглиш) itto za bozdugan   25.08.03 03:42
. * Re: Как се е родило айкидо(инглиш) Bozdugan   25.08.03 17:35
. * Re: Как се е родило айкидо(инглиш) биpaджия   25.08.03 15:05
. * Re: ako vi interesuva! биpaджия   22.08.03 02:43
. * Re: ako vi interesuva! itto.za da niama nedorazumenia   23.08.03 08:32
. * Re: ako vi interesuva! биpaджия   25.08.03 20:30
. * Re: ako vi interesuva! itto za biradjia   26.08.03 03:55
. * Re: ako vi interesuva! биpaджия   26.08.03 15:25
. * Re: ako vi interesuva! Demon-ClubHonda   30.09.03 21:12
. * Re: ako vi interesuva! Demon-ClubHonda   30.09.03 21:22
. * Re: ako vi interesuva! itto za demon   02.10.03 05:46
. * Re: ako vi interesuva! Demon-ClubHonda   03.10.03 11:03
. * Re: ako vi interesuva! itto za demon   06.10.03 04:06
. * Re: ako vi interesuva! Demon-ClubHonda   06.10.03 13:13
. * Itto Ryu Reminder   15.10.03 14:19
. * Re: Itto Ryu Ki   18.10.03 03:34
. * Re: Itto Ryu Demon-ClubHonda   21.10.03 11:28
. * Re: Itto Ryu Ki   21.10.03 17:45
. * Re: Itto Ryu itto   22.10.03 09:22
. * Re: Itto Ryu Ki   22.10.03 20:38
. * Re: Itto Ryu Demon-ClubHonda   26.10.03 11:40
. * Re: Itto Ryu itto za demon   27.10.03 03:20
. * Re: Itto Ryu Demon-ClubHonda   27.10.03 11:06
. * Re: Itto Ryu itto za demon   28.10.03 03:54
. * Re: Itto Ryu Demon-ClubHonda   28.10.03 13:55
. * Re: Itto Ryu Demon-ClubHonda   26.10.03 11:51
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