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Тема Nikoga ne e kusno!
Авторecolife (Нерегистриран) 
Публикувано10.02.04 21:32  

Otkoga si tuk?
Ne si li zabelqzal(a),che povecheto hora tuk tursqt finansovo nezavisimi i malko nad horizonta... A ako sme... tova oznachava, che shansovite za uspeh se uvelichavat...
Az opitvah naj-razlichni klasicheski neshta, no razminavaneto s uspeha kato che li e neshto normalno pri nashite usloviq...izkarvame kolkoto da pregivqvame...
Zatova reshih da riskuvam i se vkluchih v edna sistema, koqto mi dava shans da uspeq,a i da putuvam i da sreshtam novi hora, koeto za men e mnogo vagno.
Ako gelaesh moge da razgledash tozi web site:


Toj mi dava shans da stana "nezavisim travel agent" da imam personalna karta, chrez koqto da polzvam namaleniq po sveta i u nas, a i da pechelq ot komissionni pri razprostranenie po sveta.
Eto kakvi sa vpechatleniqta na hora,koito veche sa chlenove v tazi sistema:

Hi Everyone,
Here is a great product testimonial from a brand new associate Nadeem Ahmad from the UK, who used his product while he was in Stockholm, Sweden.

Well I am astounded. I just became a member of Cash Card Worldwide a few days ago - Two days before traveling to Stockholm I booked a standard room and have received a 74% discount! - A lovely modern room with a big double bed in Stockholm's newest and biggest and coolest hotel for only 26 GBP per night (including breakfast!) -The room is normally 96 GBP - so within a few days of becoming part of CCW I have saved 140 GBP.

Just checked out and I am emailing you from the lobby staring at my credit card receipt in disbelief. I am going to saving thousands of pounds with this product!

Thanks so much!

If you have a testimonial you would like to share, please send it to us so we can forward it to everyone.


Bob Reina

President-Cash Card Worldwide

Hi Everyone,
Here is an inspiring testimonial from Pastor Phillip Msiza of South Africa, who joined Cash Card Worldwide in February 2003.

According to Pastor Msiza, "Hard work and dedication have improved my personal life and that of my family. In November 2003, I managed to buy a car that I always wanted to drive. Now, I travel in style. I attribute this achievement to my family for the support they give, my friends and fellow CCW team members. Above all to God, everything we want is possible."

If you have a testimonial would like to share, please forward it to us.


Bob Reina

President- Cash Card Worldwide


CASH CARD WORLDWIDE conducted a special Leadership Training Conference in Coventry on Sunday January 25th. The meeting was hosted by the top leaders of Cash Card Worldwide in the U.K. and Europe, namely: Paul and Fiona Smith, Brian Campbell, Richard and Bente Avon, Ken Doggrell, Jude Wiseman, Hazel Zwager and Boris Sapounov.

Gerry Gallagher (Cash Card Worldwide's Worldwide Master Associate) was the featured presenter for the day of training and provided many useful and informative printed handouts. Paul Smith, Brian Campbell, Richard Avon and Ken Doggrell all conducted excellent and very worthwhile training and development presentations.

The day was a resounding success and many of those in attendance have already expressed their appreciation and excitement derived from the day. The leaders in attendance all received handouts and training material that allowed them to appreciate just how powerful, professional and unique an opportunity CCW really is!

The associates in attendance were personally invited to this special meeting by the hosts and the excitement and information gained on the day is already spreading through the downlines. Be sure to contact your sponsor or one of the upline leaders to get the full information on the meeting and what was discussed! The theme of the meeting was "TAKING THIS OPPORTUNITY SERIOUSLY", and I can assure you that everyone that left the Holiday Inn in Coventry on January 25th left with a serious and exhilarated outlook of Cash Card Worldwide and where it is headed in the months and years ahead.

Gerry Gallagher also awarded special congratulations and a bottle of Chanpagne to the stars of Cash Card Worldwide this past month. Those receiving the applause of the audience (and of course their bottle of champagne) were Paul and Fiona Smith, Brian Campbell, Jude Wiseman, Ken Doggrell David Cox, and Nigel Davies. Brian Campbell also made a presentation to three of his top performers who have done tremendously well over this past month. Congratulations to Bill and Janet Scott and Alan Deacon! A special thanks also goes to Robert Smith who operated the projection equipment to show the fabulous Cash Card Worldwide movie and the very informative PowerPoint. Thanks also to Richard Avon for his very professional presentation on the PowerPoint and just what a fabulous opportunity CCW really is!

Congratulations to all in attendance and all who received special presentations on the day.


Bob Reina and Gerry Gallagher


Hi Everyone,
Here is another great product testimonial from Steve Daniels of the UK.

I spoke to a friend last week about Cash Card and its subsequent benefits, my friend was interested but a little sceptical, he rang me a few nights ago and wanted to see what discount I could get a room for at the hotel he often uses. The hotel was the Sheraton at Charles De Gaulle Airport Paris. He usually pays 230 euros a night for a standard room. I spoke to the Sheraton central reservations line in the UK. After stating that I was a travel agent I was offered a classic room which is in fact a suite. The usual price for this room a night is 319 euros, however to my amazement I was offered the room for just 47euros a night, a saving of 272 euros. Needless to say when I reported back (in his words) he nearly fell off his chair. My friend is now joining Cash Card.

Please forward your product testimonials to us so we can share them with everyone.


Bob Reina

President-Cash Card Worldwide

Hi Everyone,
Here is a great product testimonail form Steve Daniels of the UK.

Last week I rang the central reservations line of the Holiday Inn to book a room for the night at the Holiday Inn Wembley (Hanger Lane roundabout) I spoke to the person and asked for the normal room rate to which I was told ?74. I then went on to say that I was an independent travel agent. The lady then informed me that this meant I was entitled to an industry discount. To my amazement the price of the room fell to ?37 inc breakfast, a 50% discount. For someone who has recently joined the company this is a great way to really see how the product works and by telling people about this I have already seen a massive increase in interest.

If you have a testimonial you would like to share, please forward it and I will share it with everyone.


Bob Reina

President-Cash Card Worldwide

by Paul Smith

You know one of the hardest tasks people need to make is actually to make a firm decision .We had been with another network marketing company for over 8 years and had built a substantial network that had distributors in over 15 countries around the world. We were on the car program driving a Jaguar V8 XJR and had a good residual income. Life was good, but the problem was - "As fast as we were bringing people in at the front end, they were falling out at the back end"! The reason for this was due to the "killer" in Network Marketing, if you can't get people earning money quickly they lose interest and stop working.

The compensation program we had at that company was good but had serious restrictions! Basically, you needed to have a substantial amount of people in your team before you could start getting a good return on your initial purchase of over $5,000! That's right, it cost me over $5,000 to get started in that former business!

Now you don't need to be a nuclear scientist to see the problem, we had overcome this by working really hard for our first 6 years (and I mean 60/70hrs per week) and driving over 40,000 miles per year but as we were fully aware there is no free lunch.

Leaving school in 1974 and realizing that having a Job would be really inconvenient , we started down the road of self employment I learned early on, that I needed to have multiple income streams, but nobody had shared this concept with me until I was 36.

"Reproductive residual income through multiple income streams" was what I was introduced to, in other words Network Marketing!

When I saw the circles put to paper back in 1994 and realized the potential of Network Marketing it created a sleeping disorder that can still cause sleepless nights. I still have those sleepless nights because of EXCITEMENT when I meet somebody that is serious as it just stretches my mind as to what they can do with a program like Cash Card Worldwide!

Gerry Gallagher, Worldwide Master Associate with Cash Card Worldwide is someone I work with on a daily basis and the friendship and close working relationship that has developed and flourished over the past 9 months is very rewarding!

Gerry recently asked me to share with all the Associates in CCW what has happened to me and my association with CCW over the last 9 months! Well I will gladly share that with anyone that is interested as this is a dream come true! Ironically, I came very close to missing the boat on this business. My Sponsor didn't understand that I wanted to speak to the organ grinder not the monkey. I arranged a three-way call with Gerry, and you know "Gerry hung up on us". I found out later my sponsor broke the golden rule of "keep quiet" on a 3-way call. He wouldn't shut up and as such the 3-way was not benefiting me or answering my questions and Gerry did the right thing, the told us to talk it over and get back to him and then hung up. I had seen the "Big Picture", heard the true enthusiasm in Gerry Gallagher's voice, respected that this was a legitimate business and that the outlook was BRILLIANT and had seen the Business for what it was! I was also very impressed with the totally brilliant CCW Movie. Needless to say, I called Gerry back and now have a close friend and business colleague for life in Gerry Gallagher.

This business has many, many advantages over the competition. It is totally mind blowing and what I have been searching for since 1994! I thank Gerry Gallagher every single day for what they have put together, the amount of effort they put into this business and having realistic foresight for success! Believe me this is a walk in the park compared with all the other Companies out there, simply because it is so well thought out and so easy to promote - "who doesn't want to travel and who doesn't want extra income"!

After only 4 months in CCW we had matched our best month in my former company, which created a major problem as I knew that we couldn't wear two hats! On the 24th July 2003 I resigned and walked away completely from that company (that right after over 8 years and leaving behind a HUGE downline) to the new world of CCW! I can tell you now that this was "the best day of my life" and I have not looked back, as a matter of fact, I am so focused on the future it is exhilarating!

We now have seven streams of income with CCW, have a huge and growing business and the future is very bright indeed and believe me we are just getting started! One stream of income (the 3x10 matrix) virtually supports all of our house payments and that one stream of income alone has allowed us to move last month to a cottage standing in over 1 acre of totally unspoiled countryside. That is not all, our architect is coming out this week to start putting plans together to completely overhaul this property. We are having a 3 bay garage built, a new kitchen and a garden room not to mention 2 new bedrooms, home cinema. All of this because of my FULL TIME devotion to my success in Cash Card Worldwide!

Then of course, there is my passion for cars (see the pictures and my Jaguar and Range Rover). The Double matching bonus (another of the 7 streams of income) is very powerful and equates at the moment to at least six times what my former company paid on my monthly car bonus. In October thanks to this great compensation plan we have been more than able to buy a second car. Fiona (my wife and fellow CCW associate) now has a "Range Rover" as seen in the photo. Again, thanks to our commissions from Cash Card Worldwide!

Our life has completely changed! People often say to me "network marketing doesn't work" well the truth is it works really well and Fiona and I are proof positive of this! The secret to this business is to do your apprenticeship and learn the trade and build 100% belief in 4 key areas: Company, Product, Industry, and Yourself!

Remember this is "network marketing not netwish marketing"!

Many, many thanks to Gerry Gallagher for a brilliant idea, fabulous support and a great company.

Paul & Fiona Smith

Hi Everyone,
Here is an inspiring testimonial from Gcobisa Mpoto of South Africa

I joined Cash Card Worldwide last year in October,since then my life has changed dramatically. I am living a debt free life and I am now traveling,saving money and making money. This year I bought my dream car, Mercedes Benz,C230 Compressor, top of the range sports car and I bought it CASH!

This is not a `get rich quick scheme, it`s hard work but it pays! Thanks to Bob for coming up with such a great opportunity and thanks to my downline for co-operating, thanks to my sponsor Linda and to my Mom and Dad for support and encouragement.

May God bless you!

Bob Reina

President- Cash Card Worldwide

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