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Тема Окончателен вариант на писмото за НОИ+връзки
Авторпpeдлoжeниe (Нерегистриран) 
Публикувано22.02.05 20:55  

Ето последния вариант на писмото. Обработих го малко. Видях, че има няколко повторения и няколко грешки в спелинга и ги отстраних. Добавих няколко нови неща особено с заключителната част с искания за промяна на закона и спиране на рекетът на НОИ докато не се изясни проблема.
Тук събрах и колекция от връзки за улеснение при пращане.
Добавям и връзка към българската редакция на ББС. Ако изпратим писмото и там поне ще сме сигурни че може да се вдигне шум и европейските чиновници ще сметнат за наложително да ни отговорят. Може да се пише и на български, който иска може да го направи.
Ето: http://www.bbc.co.uk/bulgarian/institutional/contactus.shtml

Ако някой сложи връзки към Дойче Веле и Радио Франс Ентернасионал ще е хубаво , за да им се прати писмото на съответния език.

И накрая имам една молба. Ако някой има възможност нека да сложи текста на писмото и тези връзки в www.gbg.bg, www.ide.li, www. all.bg ,за да има по-голям достъп.Тези форуми като че ли искат регистрация и за момента не разполагам с време да се регистрирам и пускам. Тъй че ако някой от вас е потребител: моля пуснете го и там.
В заключение: пишете и променяйте писмото както желаете. Аз искам да благодаря на всички , които изказаха предложения за писмото. Постарах се да ги включа. Благодаря ви , че ми помогнахте да формулирам леко хаотичните идеи в що-годе разумно и убедително писмо.
Европейски институции

Тези се занимват най-пряко с българските проблеми и явно ще вземат писмото присърце ( или поне повече от българските чиновници)
Directorat B - B2: Bulgaria Team
Head of Unit: Bridget Czarnota
Social policy, health protection, civil society, minorities, human rights: Martin Schieder
Fax no. 0032 2 295 36 44


Това е Гернот Ерлер. Той е немски депутат и се занимаваше с България доста усърдно преди години. Ако може някой да преведе писмото на немски и да му го прати ще е добре. Доколкото си спомням беше доста влиятелен, поне преди години постоянно се появяваше по медиите.
Gernot Erler - gernot.erler@ bundestag.de
Gernot Erler, MdB
Stellvertretender Vorsitzender der SPD-Bundestagsfraktion
Deutscher Bundestag
Platz der Republik
D-11011 Berlin
Tel. 030/ 22 77 57 35
Fax 030/ 22 77 67 35
E-Mail: gernot.erler@bundestag.de

Petra Schneider-Volz,
Tel. 030/22 77 57 35

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter/Referenten:
Dr. Peter Fäßler, Tel. 030/22 77 58 79
Dirk Sawitzky, Tel. 030/22 75 23 81
Martin Weiss, Tel. 030/22 75 23 80

Insaf Karabulut, Tel. 030/22 75 23 82

Български институции

kat475@nt52.parliament.bg - Това е комисия в НС
noi@nssi.bg - NOI
БГ парламент:

Текст на писмото.

Dear Mr. : ( Мs): Тук зависи на кого се праща. Ако не знаете пола на получателя се пише Ms.

We are writing you this letter to ask for your assistance in resolving a problem that affect the lives of thousands Bulgarian citizens currently residing abroad. Recently, we have learnt that the Bulgaria government would start an enforcement action against the debtors of the National Social Security Institute (NSSI). In December 2004, the Bulgarian Parliament enacted a law prescribing that Bulgarian citizens living abroad could apply for a waiver from the social security tax in the beginning of 2005. This provision, however, does not apply retroactively. As a result, the Government, and its Social Security Administration in particular, decided to compel thousands of Bulgarian citizens living abroad to pay mandatory social security tax for the period 2000-2005. The legislation enacted for this purpose did not take into account the fact that these people paid their social security obligations in countries they were residing in. Bulgarian citizens living abroad contribute to the social security systems of their country of residence. As far as we know, no European country, except Bulgaria, imposes social security taxes on its citizens when they decide to exercise their right of free movement and establish residence in another country. Moreover, Bulgarian citizens living abroad have not relied on the services provided by the public health care system, but on their own wherewithal to secure access to the services they needed.
The NSSI has always asserted that this tax has been imposed to those who may potentially need the services of the welfare system: the Bulgarian citizens residing in Bulgaria. Yet it fails to recognize that people living abroad cannot draw the benefits of the system simply because they are not physically present in the country. Even though the NSSI is aware of this, it introduced an array of enforcement measures starting on March 1, 2005 to collect these taxes in spite of their dubious legal validity.

At the same time, the NSSI has started an intimidation campaign aimed at creating fear among the 1,5 million debtors of the welfare system. Through a number of media outlets, various high-ranking officials declared their intention to resort to confiscation and garnishments in order to collect revenues. For example, Vesselin Nikolov , the NSSI’s regional chief for the region of Razgrad, declared adamantly that no amnesty would be offered to the NSSI’s debtors. He reaffirmed NSSI’s intention to collect its revenues with all available means in spite of the dubious legal basis for the imposition of the social security tax on Bulgarians living abroad. In addition, the NSSI’s officials arbitrarily demanded that some of NSSI’s debtors - especially those living abroad -appear before NSSI’s officials in person to pay their obligations. These actions not only contravene Bulgarian law but also the simple common sense. They impose undue hardship on thousands of Bulgarian citizens and disrupt their normal lives. NSSI’s actions also evince its intention to conduct a campaign that targets Bulgarians living abroad for reasons we cannot comprehend.

We believe that the NSSI’s actions are both unlawful and unjust. The legislation concerning the imposition of the social security tax fails to recognize that Bulgarian immigrants who reside abroad cannot be legally forced to pay for a service they did not receive. Otherwise, this would be a tantamount to extraterritorial application of Bulgarian law and extraterritorial taxation of Bulgarian citizens many of whom are legal residents of countries belonging to the European Union. This extraterritorial application-considered an undesirable aberration in international law-cannot be condoned, especially in a country that strives for a membership in the European Union. Moreover, the enforcement measures proposed by the NSSI constitute a flagrant violation of Article 1 of the First Protocol of the European Convention on Human Rights. In trying to enforce the imposition of social security tax with little or no availability of procedural guarantees for debtors’ rights, the NSSI’s blatantly violates the right of peaceful enjoyment of one’s property rights: a right that is a basis for every democratic society. In addition, thousands of Bulgarians living abroad have not been informed about the legal ramifications emanating from the social security legislation and the NSSI subsequent enforcement action. This will result in massive confiscation of property without any right of fair hearing. What is alarming it that the rights of thousands Bulgarian citizens are endangered by an institution that disregards their right of free movement; an institution that attempts to confiscate their property because of a service they did not use and have no intentions of using; an institution that overlooks the contributions these people make to the social security systems in their countries of residence.

Sadly, we have to point out that the NSSI’s resort to scare tactics and intimidation is a dangerous precedent that exemplifies mentality from a different -and darker- time in which the rule of law and respect for human rights were disregarded by the communist state. We hoped that that these times were over. Yet we witness an institutional reaction that reverses our perception. We also hope that you have the ability to discuss this subject with the Bulgarian Government. Because of the scope of the problem - affecting almost one million Bulgarians living abroad - the NSSI’s actions breach not only the Bulgarian Constitution, but also European body of human rights law. We believe that you are in a position to inform the Bulgarian Government about the vast array of harmful ramifications that might result should the NSSI’s measure be adopted. More importantly, we hope that you will propose measures that will persuade both the Bulgarian Government and the Bulgarian Parliament to rectify this intolerable situation. A change in the legislation that links the amount of the mandatory tax with the actual time of residence in Bulgaria is in order. Moreover, the NSSI’ enforcement action exemplifies an arbitrary exercise of authority and shall be immediately suspended. In asking for your assistance, we are still confident that this problem will be resolved with civility and respect for our rights.
Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.

Respectfully yours,

Цялата тема
* Окончателен вариант на писмото за НОИ+връзки пpeдлoжeниe   22.02.05 20:55
. * Re: Окончателен вариант на писмото за НОИ+връзки пpeдлoжeниe   22.02.05 22:03
. * Re: Окончателен вариант на писмото за НОИ+връзки divinora   22.02.05 22:25
. * Re: Окончателен вариант на писмото за НОИ+връзки dma   23.02.05 09:06
. * Re: Окончателен вариант на писмото за НОИ+връзки Rinata   23.02.05 10:40
. * Re: Окончателен вариант на писмото за НОИ+връзки dma   23.02.05 10:47
. * Re: Окончателен вариант на писмото за НОИ+връзки пpeдлoжeниe   23.02.05 18:55
. * Re: Окончателен вариант на писмото за НОИ+връзки Keep   23.02.05 10:42
. * Re: Окончателен вариант на писмото за НОИ+връзки dma   23.02.05 10:56
. * Re: Окончателен вариант на писмото за НОИ+връзки пpeдлoжeниe   23.02.05 18:52
. * Re: Окончателен вариант на писмото за НОИ+връзки лeka пoпpaвka   22.02.05 22:13
. * Re: Окончателен вариант на писмото за НОИ+връзки neuvedomen   23.02.05 01:27
. * Re: Окончателен вариант на писмото за НОИ+връзки aз   23.02.05 01:51
. * Re: Окончателен вариант на писмото за НОИ+връзки dma   23.02.05 08:49
. * Re: Окончателен вариант на писмото за НОИ+връзки Gost   23.02.05 14:22
. * Re: Окончателен вариант на писмото за НОИ+връзки Бyлrapиcтиka   23.02.05 14:35
. * Булгаристиката, ti kato si tolkova Пaлчe   23.02.05 23:18
. * Re: Окончателен вариант на писмото за НОИ+връзки Flicka   23.02.05 23:22
. * Re: Окончателен вариант на писмото за НОИ+връзки Пaлчe   23.02.05 23:22
. * Re: Окончателен вариант на писмото за НОИ+връзки fr.   24.02.05 00:27
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