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Публикувано07.02.02 20:58  

Memorial fund continues the memory of Simeon Popov -on both sides of the Atlantic

By Kevin Morrow
Syracuse University is accepting contributions to the Simeon Popov Memorial Fund, honoring the late SU graduate student and benefiting young musicians in both his adopted home, Syracuse, and his homeland, Bulgaria.

The 27-year-old Popov was killed by a masked gunman Jan. 20. Popov came to Syracuse University in August 2000 to pursue a master's degree in music, specializing in trombone, at the Rose, Jules R. and Stanford S. Setnor School of Music. He was scheduled to graduate this May. The murder suspect remains at large.

Donations may be made out to "Simeon Popov Fund" and sent c/o Hendricks Chapel, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY 13244.

A portion of the fund will benefit the Music Academy Pancho Vladigerov in Sofia, Bulgaria, through the purchase of basic equipment, such as instrument stands. Popov, a native of Sofia, studied at the Music Academy for several years before enrolling at SU.

"When (Popov's mentor and music professor) Bill Harris and his wife, Karen, visited the conservatory in Sofia recently, they were struck by the condition of the facilities," says Setnor School Director Joseph Downing. "What we have here, in our beautiful Crouse College, they do not have in Sofia. The conservatory is located in a converted factory, and they are lacking many basic needs-for one, quality music stands for every musician.

"I can think of no better tribute to Simeon than for us to help, even in a small way, the Music Academy prepare new young musicians-those brimming with the same enthusiasm, vibrancy and potential that he showed every day, " he said.

The fund will also:

· provide a new instrument as an award to a promising young trombonist at a future competition at the Music Academy; and

· sponsor an annual prize to a graduating Setnor School student, to be given at the school's spring awards ceremony in April.

"Simeon's first trombone was purchased years ago right here in Central New York, from Giardinelli in Liverpool," Downing says. "Bill Harris had the idea to work with Giardinelli to provide a fine instrument for an aspiring trombonist, to make sure that the legacy of hopes and dreams that inspired Simeon continues with another young Bulgarian.

"And the Setnor School of Music awards prizes to its finest members every spring," Downing says. "Beginning this year, The Simeon Popov Award will be given to the outstanding orchestral musician."

SU music students will perform a special memorial concert at 8 p.m. Feb. 28 in Setnor Auditorium. Donations will be accepted at the door and will benefit the Simeon Popov Memorial Fund.

The concert falls exactly 40 days after Popov's death, corresponding with the end of the period of official mourning in the Bulgarian tradition. Religious and commemorative services are usually held on the 40th day after death to allow family and friends to bring some closure to the tragedy of the passing of a loved one.

Even if you stop the clock, it gives the right time twice a day.

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