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Информация за клуба
Тема Re: здравейте!!! [re: Пeko]
АвторПeko (Нерегистриран) 
Публикувано10.06.10 22:42  

И още:
За Майа Етноботаникс, ето какво ми отговориха:

За КРАТОМА (с две думи - нямаш нужда вече, само ще смениш зависимостта и ми препоръча ИБОГА):

If I listen to your story, I would suggest taking IBOGA. Iboga deleted and resets your
addiction, and occupies your receptors that steer your addiction.
Kratom will only make you addicted to another substance.
I will forward you a lengthy email about iboga, and a recent letter I sent someone. it
describes the use of mini doses. the text also applies your case.

as for kratom, the 3:1 resin suits your situation best, or the resin., mixed with 50/50
bali powdered leaf.

yes, you can pay with paypal. choose bank / cash when making the order, and get back to
thanks and good luck!



2-рият им мейл отнасящ се за ИБОГА-та

Dear Iboga customer,

You are advised to thoroughly investigate Iboga by visiting the various
information categories on the Reset website (www.reset.nu)
You will also find music, books and many forums and informative websites
oriented around Iboga and it`s uses.

Additionally, below you will find useful information and guidelines, not
found elsewhere.

At your service, with kind regards,

Maurice de Graaf


Important information for Tabernanthe iboga rootbark.

We do not engage in reccomendations for treatment, and I strongly advise
finding a qualified sitter or nurse or professional person to help you
through the experience with the plant. Taking Iboga can be dangerous, and
should never be taken alone! Even if you don't have an experienced guide, be
always with somedy close to you. And make sure to do your research about the
effects and dangers!

Here is some info based on our suppliers advise (our supplier is an Iboga
healer), on personal experience, customer reports, and articles from the

Once you have taken Iboga, (wether you had a little, or the full amount,
wether you had effects or not), make sure to stay CLEAN for at least 5 to 6
weeks after the experience.
This means NO drugs. NO Ayahuasca, NO alcohol, NO coffee. Iboga stays in the
body for a very long time, and some medicines and specifically Ayahuasca,
mushrooms, or prescription drugs or harddrugs can cause serious health
problems. The use of antidepressants, or herbs such as Griffonia (5HTP), or
Ayahuasca (MAO inhibitors) can cause Serotonin Syndrom.
Do your research thoroughly before using Iboga !


First of all, you need 24 hours fasting on mineral water and juices only.
After the fasting the body will absorb the Iboga quickly and when you may
vomit after few hours it will not contain the Iboga. The Iboga starts the
cleansing of the body.
Take at least 10 hours to build up to the desired level. Reserve at least
24-36 hours if you intend to go for the full experience.
Start your session at night, as the brain functions in a different manner at

Intentions and Affirmations

Whatever you may be trying to change in your life with Iboga, such as
addictions, negative patterns or habits, it works best and only, if you
really allow your body to make a connection with the plant, by taking your
first doses dry. This means taking a spoonful in the mouth and NOT washing
it down with water.
This means slowly CHEWING the rootbark, without swallowing it untill the
taste has completely filled your
senses. NEVER wash it down with water or capsulate it. The tasting, and
experiencing the bitterness is an integral part of the healing.
The reason for this is, that Iboga works on your senses. You can reset any
negative pattern, and imprint positive affirmations, but ONLY while the
strong taste completely enters your senses.
It is important to have affirmations, because without any, the plant may
take you on a rollercoaster of often frightening visions. It is also
important to be aware of ones negative (thought) patterns, because
unwillingly, one can make these patterns even worse, when there are no
positive affirmations to put against it. It is important that you not loose
focus on your intentions, while eating it and during the experience. Prepare
yourself beforehand by writing down short and powerful affirmations.
Your body should be filled with the taste and the intention to heal. Iboga
will allow you to open a door on freedom but you have to keep it open by
your own will, it means that it gives you a chance.. don't let it go!

Testing your sensitivity

It is very important to test how your body and mind reacts to the plant.
When first trying it, you need to test your body with a small amount of
approximately 1 gram or less. See how this works on you. It is very possible
to overdose on the plant, where you may not be able to move or function
normally. In some rare cases overdoses have resulted in coma and/or death.
This testing period allows yourself to prepare for the experience and
intrude yourself to the spirit of the plant and become acquainted with it,
and affirm what you are going to achieve with your future healing work.


Generally 1 to 20 grams of this Iboga rootbark are used, not much more.
People react differently depending their personal sensitivity, so it is very
hard to estimate a safe and average dosage. So, you must take your first
steps slowly, A first try-out with 2 to 4 grams is safe, and you should
never take more the first time. On a next occasion you may try twice as
much, and slowly work towards a dosage that brings the most result, but
where you can still handle the effects. This is extremely important when you
are not familiar with the plant, and especially when you are doing it
without an experienced guide who knows how to support people on iboga. Take
a week or more, with a few days intervals, to find out how much you can
Build up the dosage over a long period of time. Chew it dry. Take your time
and chew 1 gram at a time, with intervals of 1-2 hours. This allows your
body to tell you when you had enough. Taking 5 or 10 grams at once, by
swallowing the whole lot with water can be very dangerous. Allways keep the
1-2 hour intervals for each gram you use.
You will need as much as you can physically eat and endure, not more. If
your body says "no" and you cant eat more, than you have taken enough. Most
likely you will not be able to eat more then 5 grams this way.


When Iboga is used for anti addiction purposes, be aware that an Iboga
experience or experiment makes your receptors become oversensitive, for upto
6 weeks after the consumption (whether you had a noticable experience or
This means that with such sensitive receptors, continued use of the drug may
result in overdosage and serious health problems.

Try to get some bwiti music, because it changes your brainwave and
facilitate the experience you can have some samples at www.iboga.ca or buy a
CD there:
Other samples here:

Other links:

Цялата тема
* Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка Пeko   09.06.10 12:02
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка xexo   09.06.10 12:28
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка nrevotoxss   23.05.12 13:37
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка ARlZE   09.06.10 12:29
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка koceto22   09.06.10 13:06
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка xexo   09.06.10 14:32
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка ARlZE   09.06.10 14:49
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка xexo   09.06.10 17:45
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка ARlZE   10.06.10 09:20
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка lili_belqta   10.06.10 10:39
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка Peko   09.06.10 13:39
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка xexo   09.06.10 14:33
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка ARlZE   09.06.10 16:45
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка xexo   09.06.10 17:47
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка Пeko   09.06.10 19:53
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка xexo   09.06.10 20:16
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка Etnesba   09.06.10 22:59
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка Etnesba   09.06.10 23:27
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка xexo   09.06.10 23:51
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка Peko   10.06.10 02:46
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка Пeko   10.06.10 02:47
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка Peko   10.06.10 02:51
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка Etnesba   10.06.10 11:34
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка Etnesba   10.06.10 11:46
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка dizzy   10.06.10 13:55
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка Etnesba   10.06.10 14:23
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка xexo   10.06.10 14:38
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка Etnesba   10.06.10 14:52
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка xexo   10.06.10 14:43
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка B-real.   24.03.14 11:57
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка JStyle   10.04.14 15:19
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка B-real.   10.04.14 23:18
. * здравейте!!! жyжи   10.06.10 17:43
. * Re: здравейте!!! principe_   10.06.10 19:34
. * Re: здравейте!!! koceto22   10.06.10 20:12
. * Re: здравейте!!! Пeko   10.06.10 22:38
. * Re: здравейте!!! Пeko   10.06.10 22:42
. * Re: здравейте!!! Пeko   10.06.10 23:01
. * Re: здравейте!!! someboddy   13.09.10 13:42
. * Re: здравей! Clio   13.09.10 14:17
. * Re: здравей! Пeko   13.09.10 19:04
. * Re: здравей! Clio   13.09.10 19:40
. * Re: здравейте!!! xexo   11.06.10 09:38
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка aз   13.06.10 15:46
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка aз   13.06.10 15:50
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка ARlZE   13.06.10 17:17
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка Пeko   15.06.10 17:49
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка aз   17.06.10 01:57
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка Mechokyt   15.06.10 22:28
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка aз   17.06.10 01:30
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка Mechokyt   17.06.10 21:48
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка aз   17.06.10 23:01
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка ARlZE   18.06.10 08:23
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка lili_belqta   18.06.10 14:16
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка uxaaa   18.06.10 20:21
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка aз   17.06.10 01:53
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка Пeko   24.06.10 14:54
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка Etnesba   24.06.10 18:08
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка lso   01.09.10 12:20
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка lso   01.09.10 12:26
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка mad_doggy   14.08.10 02:19
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка CИCИ   31.08.10 13:11
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка ARlZE   01.09.10 08:21
. * Re: До Пеко Cleo   02.09.10 07:32
. * Re: До Пеко endish   02.09.10 19:55
. * Re: До Endish mindseeker   02.09.10 20:41
. * Re: До Endish endish   02.09.10 20:58
. * Re: До Пеко Kpиcтинa   10.09.10 13:37
. * Staying alive Пeko   12.09.10 13:02
. * Re: До Пеко Clio   12.09.10 14:33
. * Re: Staying alive someboddy   12.09.10 15:17
. * Re: Staying alive endish   12.09.10 16:52
. * Re: Staying alive ИHФAHTA   13.09.10 15:42
. * Re: Staying alive Пeko   13.09.10 19:14
. * Re: Staying alive Kpиcтинa   15.09.10 20:41
. * Re: Staying alive ИHФAHTA   15.09.10 21:04
. * Re: Staying alive ИHФAHTA   15.09.10 21:06
. * Re: Staying alive Пeko   16.09.10 13:43
. * Re: Staying alive ARlZE   18.09.10 09:20
. * Re: Staying alive xexo   18.09.10 11:28
. * Re: Staying alive sss   18.09.10 11:37
. * Re: Staying alive ARlZE   18.09.10 16:15
. * Re: Staying alive Peko   19.09.10 23:03
. * Re: Staying alive psychedelica   20.09.10 08:27
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка 3ъл_Дyx   10.09.10 11:56
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка Пeko   20.09.10 13:04
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка diamorph   20.09.10 13:14
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка Пeko   20.09.10 15:11
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка diamorph   20.09.10 15:20
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка Etnesba   20.09.10 16:08
. * ХЕРЦози и ХЕРЦогини ALh1M1ka   20.09.10 16:13
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка endish   20.09.10 17:49
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка ИHФAHTA   20.09.10 20:17
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка Clio   20.09.10 16:15
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка Пeko   22.09.10 21:13
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка ИHФAHTA   20.09.10 20:15
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка Etnesba   21.09.10 12:59
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка endish   21.09.10 13:47
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка Etnesba   21.09.10 13:49
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка sss   21.09.10 18:04
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка ИHФAHTA   22.09.10 06:00
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка Etnesba   22.09.10 19:28
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка ИHФAHTA   22.09.10 19:35
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка Etnesba   22.09.10 19:42
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка ИHФAHTA   22.09.10 19:49
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка Etnesba   22.09.10 20:05
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка ИHФAHTA   22.09.10 20:09
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка akpo   22.09.10 20:15
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка Etnesba   22.09.10 20:19
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка akpo   22.09.10 20:37
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка Etnesba   22.09.10 23:13
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка akpo   23.09.10 06:53
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка Etnesba   23.09.10 13:28
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка psychedelica   23.09.10 08:18
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка Etnesba   23.09.10 10:51
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка principe_   23.09.10 20:17
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка Etnesba   23.09.10 22:37
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка Ninja Scroll   03.02.11 14:11
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка Clio   03.02.11 15:37
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка ARlZE   03.02.11 16:51
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка .Malkia.   16.05.12 15:57
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка Petko   19.05.12 19:55
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка ИHФAHTA   22.09.10 20:24
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка Kpиcтинa   22.09.10 20:06
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка Etnesba   22.09.10 20:20
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка endish   22.09.10 21:13
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка Etnesba   22.09.10 21:35
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка Kpиcтинa   23.09.10 15:55
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка Etnesba   23.09.10 17:15
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка Toшko   02.12.12 19:06
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка kвaнтoв oбekт   02.12.12 22:45
. * Re: Спрях метадона от 30 мг. студена пуйка J-Style   03.12.12 00:07
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